Brocade legend

Chapter 127

Chapter 127
Yang Lin and Yang Sen also sat down, and then, Lu Bing briefly talked about what happened in the past few months.Of course, in order not to worry the mother and wife, many dangerous things were skipped in the middle.

However, both Yue Song and Yang Shanyue were old Jinyiwei who had worked for decades, so they couldn't help but look at each other, sighing, because they didn't know the danger behind this understatement.

Lu Bing finally said: "When I returned to Beijing this time, I was summoned by the emperor's secret decree. My son will go to face the saint tomorrow morning. At that time... Brother Sen's reward should come down. Unsurprisingly, at least one trial Hu can't run away."

Everyone was happy, and Yang Shanyue's anger disappeared completely. Now, one family and two hundred households can be considered a little powerful on the streets of the capital. In the future, when the two sons get married and have children, there is no need to worry Annoyed by hereditary positions.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Wang Lu Xiuying in unison. Lu Bing didn't wait for everyone to ask questions, and pulled Xiuying over, saying, "Kowtow to the two grandpas."

Xiuying was about to kneel down again, but she was hugged by Mrs. Lu who was beside her, she touched her forehead and said, "You don't need to kowtow...huh?"

Mrs. Lu gave a strange gasp when she saw a shallow scar on Xiuying's forehead.

Lu Bing told the story about Xiuying, and everyone couldn't help but sigh.Xiuying just lowered her head and said nothing.

Mrs. Lu and Yang Lianqiu couldn't help crying, and Yang Shanyue couldn't help but slapped the table and shouted "Hello" when he heard that Wang Zhaoyi blocked the Mongolian camp and fought bloody battles alone!

Lu Song looked at Xiuying carefully, and saw that the little girl's eyes were red when she heard what Lu Bing said, but she didn't cry, so she couldn't help nodding secretly, saying that she was a strong child.

After Lu Bing finished speaking, he sighed: "The wound on her forehead was broken when she kowtowed to her father. The wound is too deep and the scar cannot be removed."

The old lady embraced Xiuying, caressed the wound, and said: "This child is Shicheng. Just now Wenfu asked her to kowtow, and she knelt on the stone slab..." As she spoke, she couldn't hold back her tears It flowed down again.

"The ashes of her father are on her back, right?" Lu Song asked.

Lu Bing nodded, and Lu Song made arrangements: "Put a confession in her room later, and make a memorial tablet for her father. Don't break the three incense sticks every day!"

Lu Bing nodded and said yes. Xiuying, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Thank you...Grandpa."

Lu Song laughed loudly: "Hahaha...cough cough...haha, this old man has a granddaughter too!"

The old lady nodded desperately with tears in her eyes, and hugged Xiuying even tighter.

Yang Shanyue on the side also smiled and said: "Then I also have a granddaughter, not bad!"

Everyone tried their best to turn sadness into joy, and after chatting for a few more words, Yang Shanyue took his two sons and got up to leave, and Yue Song didn't hold back the dinner together.Because he knew that after this old man brought his two sons home, he would be drunk tonight!His own body can't handle alcohol, and he doesn't want his son to get drunk on the first day back.

At this time, he was also a little physically exhausted, and finally asked Lu An to arrange a place for Xiuying next to his and the old lady's room, and let Xiuying go to rest first.He also specifically asked him to set up a confession and a tablet before going back to the room with the old lady.Lianqiu and Xueyan followed to serve, while Lu Bing came to the other courtyard.

In the other courtyard, Xue Yang, Liu Biao, and Zhang Ju were waiting for Lu Bing to come over.

When Lu Bing arrived at the other courtyard, he met the three of them and said, "Now that we are returning to the capital, we dare not relax. From the moment we step into the capital, the capital is no less than a dragon's lake and a tiger's den to us. We must be careful. "

The three said yes, and Lu Bing continued: "Tomorrow morning, I will go back to meet the Holy Majesty, and your rewards will come down at that time. No matter where you were or what you did before, you are all members of Jinyiwei now. As long as you work hard , I will definitely not treat my brothers badly."

Xue Yang was originally a member of Jinyiwei, so he felt it should be so.And Zhang Ju cupped his hands and said: "My lord, don't worry, the villain will live up to your high expectations." Liu Biao just bowed his head and remained silent.

Lu Bing saw it, but remained calm, and continued: "Zhang Ju has no residence in Beijing, so he can live with me, Liu Biao..."

"My lord, I have a place to live in Beijing." Liu Biao interrupted Lu Bing
Lu Bing took a deep look at Liu Biao, and said, "That's very good, then you, Xue Yang, go back and rest, and gather at Qianhusuo tomorrow."

Lu Bing watched Liu Biao and Xue Yang go out, and said to Zhang Ju, "Come with me."

Lu Bing led Zhang Ju to an empty room next to the stone room, asked his servants to clean it up, and settled Zhang Ju to live there.

Then Lu Bing came to the room of Lu Song and Mrs. Lu, Lian Qiu and Xue Yan were also there, serving Lu Song to drink the medicine.

Seeing Lu Bing coming in, Lu Song waved his hand, told Lian Qiu to put the medicine aside, and smiled wryly at Lu Bing, "This medicine is really bitter!"

"But the prescription prescribed by Imperial Physician Li?" Lu Bing asked, "How effective is it?"

"It's the prescription prescribed by Doctor Li, and it's still effective after my father drank it." Lianqiu hurriedly said
"It's just lingering." Lu Song still smiled wryly: "For a dying person, no matter how good the prescription is, it can only prolong life, not eradicate the roots. It's better to just die. It will save you more torture, and it will also suffer for you."

"Father thinks too much, you and your children still have another thought." Lu Bing persuaded
"...." Hearing this, Lu Song first glanced at Lu Bing with a strange look, and then said, "It's your wish that I live, do you know my wish?"

When Lian Qiu heard this, she blushed instantly.

Lu Bing also heard what Lu Song meant, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Although Xiuying is a good child, she is a girl after all, not her own. This..." Lu Song wanted to say more, but Mrs. Lu saw the embarrassment of Lu Bing and Lianqiu, and hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, let's talk about this later. Wenfu just came back, so you let them go back to their room to rest." The old lady turned to Lu Bing and Lianqiu and said, "Your father needs to sleep for a while after taking the medicine, and you also Go back to your room!"

After hearing this, Lu Bing and Lian Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and fled out of the room.Just as Xueyan was about to follow, she was pulled back by the old lady. Xueyan was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood the old lady's intentions, and blushed.

Lu Bing and Lian Qiu returned to the room, looked at each other in dismay, looked at each other, "puchi" and both laughed out loud.

Lu Bing hugged Lian Qiu in his arms, Lian Qiu touched Lu Bing's face, and said distressedly: "Husband, you are indeed thinner and darker."

"It's okay, it will be fine in a few days." Lu Bing comforted.

"That concubine will make up for her husband in the past two days." Lian Qiu said cherishingly.

"Okay, let me satisfy my cravings!" Lu Bing smiled and said, "It's hard to have a decent meal outside."

"Is your husband hungry, can I go and cook you something to eat?" Lian Qiu suddenly thought, I wonder if my husband had eaten at noon?
"No hurry, no hurry." Lu Bing held Lian Qiu, and asked with a smile: "Do you take the medicine that Dr. Li prescribed for you? Does it work?"

When Lian Qiu heard this, her face turned red, and she murmured: "I'm eating on time, but I don't know if it's effective..."

"Then let's try!" Lu Bing laughed loudly, stood up with Lianqiu in his arms, and strode to the bedside...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today, "Legend of Jinyi" is on the shelves. In order to compensate everyone, at least three chapters will be updated today!

Thank you readers for your support, such as the two book friends 11...jun, if you see it, add it to the group, and you can chat, haha, thank you for accompanying me from the beginning until now, but unfortunately I have not seen your name .

And those 2793 people, before I put it on the shelves, my friends saved it!Thank you for your favorites, recommended tickets, and rewards.

Of course, I would also like to thank the brothers in Creation 8. It is you who gave me the most important guidance as a newcomer, and saved me a lot of detours. Thank you for your patience...and complaints....

I also want to thank the editors of Chuangshi, thank you for giving me this recommendation and support that no one wants on other sites!Gave me a lot of enthusiasm for codewords!
It's everyone who gave me my current grades and allowed me to be on the shelves. Thank you very much!I must work hard in the future and finish writing well, at least I will give you a wonderful story.

"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group - 124199558.Details can be found in the group.

 Today, "Legend of Jinyi" is on the shelves. In order to compensate everyone, at least three chapters will be updated today! "Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group - 124199558.Details can be found in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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