Brocade legend

Chapter 128 Chess Game

Chapter 128 Chess Game
The next day, Lu Bing got up early in the morning and came to the palace to wait for the summons.

Yesterday, the husband and wife slept until the sun fell and dusk. That night, the Lu Mansion held a big feast. Shitou, Nanny, and Huang Duxian's family, etc., all came to the banquet. They ate and drank to their heart's content.

Today, Lianqiu tidied up Lu Bing early in the morning and had breakfast together. After the two said goodbye, Lu Bing rode to Qianqing Palace and waited for Emperor Jiajing to summon him.

Lu Bing is sitting in the flower garden of Qianqing Palace, in a gazebo with octagons and octagons, with ingenious stone bells hanging from each corner, shaking gently in the wind.

The beams in the gazebo are painted with gold and color, all of which are rare and exotic animals, which are wonderful and jubilant.

Under the gazebo is a stone table, carved with nineteen lines vertically and horizontally, and a go board with a cross of 360 points. There is an imperceptible stone cover at each of the four corners of the stone table, which can be opened with a touch.

After opening, there are a pair of black and white chess pieces on each side, the black is agate, the white is white marble, one black piece is 180, and the white piece is 180.

After Lu Bing sat down, he turned over the stone cover and picked up a sunspot in his hand. Feng Bao was already offering a new cup of tea with a smile.

Feng Bao gently put down the tea bowl on Lu Bing's left hand, and said with a smile: "Master Lu, you have lost a lot of weight, we miss you so much."

Lu Bing also smiled and said: "Your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, don't be as glib as your master!"

"Then how can it be!" Feng Bao's delicate face showed shyness, he pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Our master is also very honest, he is here to serve the emperor and he can't walk, otherwise he would have gone to the gate of the garden to meet you a long time ago gone."

"Okay, okay!" Lu Bing laughed loudly: "Hearing you say that, I feel much more kind in my heart!"

Lu Bing said that he dropped black stones on the "Tianyuan" in the middle of the chessboard, and said, "Come on, wait and wait, and accompany me to the next game."

After speaking, Lu Bing picked up the tea bowl with his left hand, twisted the lid of the tea bowl with his right hand, scraped off the tea foam, and took a sip.

"Well, good tea. Is this old tea cake?" Lu Bing asked Feng Bao. Seeing that Feng Bao was still standing, he frowned and murmured, "Sit down and accompany me for a while." Bureau, talking, chatting, the emperor needs to meditate for a while, right? We can't just stare like this!"

Feng Bao said "Don't dare not dare", but still smiled and sat down with half of his buttocks.

Seeing Feng Bao sat down, Lu Bing nodded in satisfaction, took another sip, and asked, "Is this Pu'er? Doesn't the emperor love green tea the most?"

"That's right! It's not because of the Japanese pirates. This year, there is less green tea for imperial offerings, and even less Shifeng Longjing. I have to save some money for the emperor, so I made this for you." Feng Bao knew Lu Bing's temper. Easy-going, he smiled and said straight, but finally added: "Don't take offense!"

Lu Bing waved his hand nonchalantly, saying it's all right, and said: "This pu'er is also very good. In fact, for us, it is even rarer than green tea. There are so many tough and aggressive mountain tribes in a place as far away as Yunnan. Well, it’s not easy for the caravan to go back and forth, such a good tea cake, I’m afraid it’s not easy for the general caravan to receive it, and only the emperor has some to drink.”

Feng Bao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes! This is also the tea offered by the imperial court, 20-year-old Pu'er Chen tea cakes, which came as a tribute from Yunnan. There is only this bag of biscuits, and the emperor doesn't like to drink it, so he just keeps it, if you like it, we will cook this for you in the future."

Lu Bing nodded, took another sip, put down the tea bowl, and said, "Anything is fine, I don't choose, this one is fine, it's still sweet, did you put sugar?"

"Your Excellency is really amazing!" Feng Bao exaggeratedly picked a big brother and said, "We are afraid that adults will not get used to the taste, so we imitate others and put some sugar when cooking."

Lu Bing saw that Feng Bao's flattery was too exaggerated, so he smiled and stopped talking about it, and just pointed at the chessboard and urged: You make a move!I have been down for a long time. "

Feng Bao didn't dare to remind this master that he had asked for a long time just now, and he was only busy answering seriously, so he didn't make a decision.

Feng Bao shrank his head, pinched a white piece, and landed on the edge of the corner.

Seeing that Feng Bao had a regular start, Lu Bing praised: "Yo, you really know how to play, I thought I could bully you."

Feng Bao humbly smiled and said: "We just know how to do this, so it's not as good as my lord!" Feng Bao pointed to the sunspot that landed on Lu Bing's Tianyuan and said: "My lord is so domineering and imposing at the beginning, he must be a master!"

Lu Bing scolded with a smile: "You kid is mocking me? Who doesn't know the truth of "golden horns and silver border grass belly"? Are you calling me an idiot?"

It turns out that in the introductory formulas of Go, "grass belly with golden horns and silver edges" is the entry in the introductory. It is said that the efficiency of the chess pieces is different according to the position of the chess pieces. The corners require the least chess pieces, the sides take the second place, and the middle positions are the most, so there is a saying of "golden horns and silver edges with grass belly".

Sure enough, the fight between Lu Bing and Feng Bao ended quickly with Lu Bing's defeat.

Feng Baoqi repeatedly wanted to let Lu Bing, but unexpectedly, there was nowhere to let him go. It turned out that Lu Bing, apart from knowing the "grass belly with golden horns and silver borders", actually knew the game of Go: he has mastered nine of ten tricks... I don't know anything about...

In this way, the whole morning passed leisurely in the "fight" between Lu Bing and Feng Bao.

And this is actually a kind of relaxation that Lu Bing deliberately sought, because Lu Bing knew that the moment the emperor summoned him, it meant that his first "war" after returning to Beijing was about to begin .

This kind of limited leisure really can't last long. Just when Lu Bing and Feng Bao were fighting, a voice that disgusted Lu Bing sounded: "Hey, isn't this Lu Qianhu? When did you return to Beijing? Don't say a word, this seat is easy to welcome!"

Lu Bing frowned slightly, looking for his reputation, he saw Chen Hong walking towards with a look of incomparable joy on his round face.

"Why? Come to see the emperor so early?" Chen Hong walked into the pavilion with a smile, Feng Bao hurriedly got up and saluted, but Chen Hong didn't even look at it, just walked over and sat in Feng Bao's seat, facing Lu Bing relatively.

"Master Chen is also very early!" Lu Bing said with a smile, and his tone was more springy: "It's hard to come so early to greet the master."

"The duty of a minister is to serve the emperor well. It's his job. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Chen Hongpi smiled and said, "It's just that Lu Qianhu is really busy! After walking around in the north, it's okay to come back." Stop!"

Feng Bao bowed his head and stood aside with his hands down, listening to the two adults playing secretly, he sighed in his heart that he was still too shallow.Thinking about it this way, I listened carefully, pondered secretly, and learned these intrigues.

After hearing Chen Hong's words, Lu Bing sneered and said, "Governor Chen has not been idle in strategizing in Beijing! It's a pity that after coming to Beijing, he got fat, and even his hands and feet have slowed down a lot!

"You!" Chen Hong was anxious, and was about to yell and curse, when he heard the door of Emperor Jiajing's bedroom "squeak" and opened...

Just when the atmosphere between the two was about to drop to freezing point, Emperor Jiajing finally finished his speech, and Eunuch Huang Jin walked out, apparently to invite people to see him.

Lu Bing and Chen Hong glared at each other, and each snorted coldly. Both of them understood that the first battle between the two in Beijing was about to begin, who would lose the upper hand, and who would seize the opportunity, at this moment .

Lu Bing dropped the chess piece in his hand and strode towards Huang Jin. Chen Hong was not reconciled and followed quickly.

Feng Bao looked at Lu Bing's back with some worry. Once he entered, based on the great achievements Mr. Lu made in the Northland, he and his subordinates who are now famous all over the world will definitely make another step in the officialdom, but this step In the end, it is a peak, or facing a cliff, but it is unknown.

Feng Bao sighed, put away the worries in his heart, and turned around to clean up the mess on the table.

Life is like chess, success or failure is only a matter of one step, slow one step, slow step by step, wrong step, wrong step, as the saying goes, a slight loss is a thousand miles away, a careless move, the whole game is lost...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today, "Legend of Jinyi" is on the shelves. In order to compensate everyone, at least three chapters will be updated today!

Thank you readers for your support, such as the two book friends 11...jun, if you see it, add it to the group, and you can chat, haha, thank you for accompanying me from the beginning until now, but unfortunately I have not seen your name .

And those 2793 people, before I put it on the shelves, my friends saved it!Thank you for your favorites, recommended tickets, and rewards.

Of course, I would also like to thank the brothers in Creation 8. It is you who gave me the most important guidance as a newcomer, and saved me a lot of detours. Thank you for your patience...and complaints....

I also want to thank the editors of Chuangshi, thank you for giving me this recommendation and support that no one wants on other sites!Gave me a lot of enthusiasm for codewords!
It's everyone who gave me my current grades and allowed me to be on the shelves. Thank you very much!I must work hard in the future and finish writing well, at least I will give you a wonderful story.

"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group - 124199558.Details can be found in the group.

 Today, "Legend of Jinyi" is on the shelves. In order to compensate everyone, at least three chapters will be updated today! "Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group - 124199558.Details can be found in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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