Brocade legend

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
Seeing Lu Bing approaching, Huang Jin greeted with a smile: "Wenfu, you are here. The emperor asked you early in the morning, saying that you should have arrived yesterday. He was just saying that you arrived in Beijing yesterday, and you are here today." Come to say hello, I deserve you to wait."

Lu Bing didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Yesterday, there was a lot of dust and dust, and I was afraid of disturbing the holy car. Didn't this place be cleaned up early in the morning?"

Huang Jinxiao's eyes were narrowed into slits. When Lu Bing came back, he felt that his back was much stiffer.With such a wrong eye, he saw Chen Hong and Eunuch Chen following behind Lu Bing, his expression changed, and he sneered, "Hey, Eunuch Chen is here again."

Chen Hong rolled his eyes coldly and said, "What's the matter, can't I come?"

"If you can come, of course you can come. No door in this university is open to Governor Chen." Huang Jin said sarcastically: "However, today is a bit special. The emperor has specified that he wants to see Mr. Lu, so Eunuch Chen should go first. come back?"

"What?" Chen Hong said with anger on his face, "Does the emperor know we are here? You villain didn't notify me, did you?"

"Anyway, before we came out, the emperor only said that he wanted to see Mr. Lu, but he didn't mention a single word about you, Governor Chen!" Huang Jin said with a sly smile.

Chen Hong was furious and said loudly: "We want to see the emperor! Do you dare to stop?"

Huang Jin turned to one side, let the door open, still smiled and said: "We dare not stop, but do you dare to break in?"

Chen Hong was taken aback for a moment, and he was anticlimactic. He stopped talking, just turned around and walked back to the gazebo angrily, sat down on the stone bench, faced the door of the palace, and stared at the door. At this time, Feng Bao had just cleaned up. Chess game, picked up Lu Bing's residual tea, and was about to walk away, Chen Hong suddenly said: "Go! Get me a cup of tea! Useless things!"

When Feng Bao heard this, he knew that he was venting his anger on himself. He looked up at his master Huang Jin. Huang Jin nodded slightly, signaling him not to be tough. Feng Bao obediently lowered his head and went to make tea for Chen Hong.

Seeing Chen Hong's behavior, Lu Bing smiled lightly, ignored it, and walked into the hall, Huang Jin hurriedly followed in.

Sitting in the gazebo, Chen Hong saw the backs of Lu Bing and Huang Jin disappearing into the hall, the anger on his face suddenly disappeared, and he was as calm as water, but there was gloom in his eyes.

How could Chen Hong be so happy, angry and lustful after weathering the wind and rain for a long time?For him, emotions are just a tool, and he can use whatever he needs.

Chen Hong was not stupid. He yelled outside the hall to see the emperor. Emperor Jiajing must have heard it inside the hall, but there was no order. This showed that the emperor really didn't want to see him. How dare to really break through and give others a handle?

He just wanted to test the reactions of Lu Bing, Huang Jin, and the emperor.

Looking at it today, Lu Bing is full of confidence, and must have solid evidence in his hands.Before Lu Bing returned to Beijing, Chen Hong and Zhang Mo had analyzed this conclusion, and today it is even more solid.In this way, it is no longer possible to draw it slowly, but it must be attacked with all its strength.

Looking at Huang Jin's posture, in the past, although he didn't respect him, he didn't dare to offend him. Most of the time, he avoided it, but today he confronted him tit for tat.Huang Jin's position is exactly the emperor's weathervane, it seems that he is indeed in danger.

And the emperor didn't want to see him, which made Chen Hong complain even more.

"I didn't expect to come to this step." Chen Hong sighed softly in his heart.

At this time, Feng Bao had already brought tea, which was exactly the Pu Er that Lu Bing drank just now. Chen Hong took it and brought it to his mouth, but he couldn't arouse his interest.Not in the mood to drink tea, Chen Hong put the tea bowl on the stone table and waved Feng Bao down, so that he could be alone.

Seeing that Chen Hong didn't drink, Feng Bao put the tea bowl on the stone table, his pupils tightened, but he bowed back without showing any signs of expression.

Chen Hong didn't know that his unintentional action saved him a little trouble.


In the main hall, Lu Bing had passed the ceremonies of kneeling and exempting from rituals, and had just sat on the embroidered handkerchief stool bestowed by Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing ordered Huang Jin to open the gauze curtain in front of him, revealing his true face. Lu Bing looked over and saw that Emperor Jiajing's face was flushed, but he was even thinner. He couldn't help worrying: "The emperor has lost a lot of weight!"

Emperor Jiajing waved his whisk in his hands, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm in Bigu, today is the eighth day, and tomorrow will be the Nine-Nine Great Consummation!"

Lu Bing was helpless towards Jiajing's practice of Daoism. Seeing that Emperor Jiajing's face was flushed, he knew that although he hadn't eaten, he must be taking the Dabudan, so he stopped talking.

Emperor Jiajing looked at Lu Bing with a smile and said: "You have also lost a lot of weight, and you have turned darker. You used to be white and red, but now you are red and black, haha!"

Lu Bing smiled wryly: "There is a lot of wind and sand in the north, and the minister has really been polished. The people there are also dark and thin. It's really miserable."

Emperor Jiajing didn't care and said: "It will be fine, as long as you and my monarch and ministers work together to rule the world, the people's life will definitely get better and better."

Jiajing suddenly remembered, and said, "Wang Qiong is dead, do you know?"

Lu Bing was startled, and the haggard face of Mrs. Wang Qiong flashed across his mind, and he felt sore.

Seeing Lu Bing's reaction like this, Emperor Jiajing knew that he didn't know, sighed, and didn't mention it again.

Lu Bing sorted out his thoughts and said, "Your Majesty, can you read the secret letter handed over by the minister?"

Emperor Jiajing nodded, and said displeasedly: "I have seen it, but it is better not to read it, it will affect my Taoism."

"Your Majesty, it's really shocking for me to go to the Northland this time. If we don't rectify it, there will be big troubles." Lu Bing said anxiously.

Emperor Jiajing sighed, and said: "I understand, but it involves such a wide range, it is very difficult to start!"

Seeing Emperor Jiajing like this, Lu Bing was very anxious. Emperor Jiajing saw it and said: "Well, what you wrote in the secret letter is only a few words after all. Tell me about your journey along the way."

Seeing what Emperor Jiajing said, Lu Bing had no choice but to patiently sort out his thoughts, and told Emperor Jiajing from the beginning over and over again.

From going out of Beijing to find Huang Duxian first, to going to the Xuanfu camp to be attacked, then to controlling the generals of the Xuanfu camp, and then to Dapoma City, and learning about the plot of the little prince Alak Khan.Then go to Datong, take down all the filthy officials in Datong, meet Tucun on the way to Yulin, and stick to Hongshi Gorge with Tang Long, then go to Mongolia to negotiate, win a lot of competitions, and then fight with Ah Ark Khan held a stalemate for several days, confronted several times, and finally forced Ark Khan to retreat, and so on.

Emperor Jiajing was elated when he heard the confrontation between Lu Bing and the enemy, as if he was there in person, but when he heard about the involvement of Dongchang, Daming officials and Mashi, and the leader of Datong taking the lead and not doing anything, allowing the Mongols to kill and plunder the people, he hated it. Gritting teeth.

After listening to Lu Bing's narration, Emperor Jiajing slapped his thigh and said, "Hearing what you said, I really can't be more merciful."

Lu Bing was overjoyed, but Emperor Jiajing spoke again, saying but...

(End of this chapter)

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