Brocade legend

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
When Emperor Jiajing talked about the rewards of Lu Bing's subordinates, he suddenly remembered something, and said: "Zhu Laoliu is doing a good job now! He got back a lot of money and killed those corrupt officials. Everyone is honest... When do you plan to recruit him back?"

Lu Bing cupped his hands and said, "There are some finishing touches left in the north, and I should be back soon."

Emperor Jiajing nodded, and said, "Since we've got enough of those who can be caught and killed over there, let him come back! I won't punish him this time, but give him a promotion!"

Lu Bing said with a smile: "The minister first thanked Zhu Liu!"

Emperor Jiajing and Zhu Liu had some conflicts when they were teenagers. Although after Jiajing ascended the throne, he did not take revenge on Zhu Liu for the sake of Lu Bing's face, but he also deliberately refused to give Zhu Liusheng a chance to make a fortune. Hong, Lu Bing, Bi Yun, Huang Jin and others are all considered high positions and powerful, only Zhu Liu is still in a small position of the general banner.

Emperor Jiajing asked Lu Bing to recall Zhu Liu because Emperor Jiajing had already completed control of the Xuanfu camp. Xuanfu was very close to the capital, and it was of great use to have it in his hands!
And Zhu Liu has already done what he should do in the Northland. Now Emperor Jiajing's internal treasury is very plump, the momentum that should be created has been created, and the evidence and witnesses that can be grasped are also in hand. It's too much for Zhu Liu to stir up wind and rain in the north.

Lu Bing naturally understood this truth.

Emperor Jiajing saw that Lu Bing was so consonant, nodded with satisfaction, and continued to preach: "Promote Zhu Liu from Jinyiwei General Banner to [-] households, Jinyiwei General Banner Yang Sen to [-] households, Jinyiwei [-] households Xue Yang to deputy [-] households, Jinyiwei [-] households Dong Hai For the deputy thousand households."

Lu Bing knelt down to thank him, thinking it was over, but Emperor Jiajing continued to smile and said: "In addition, Zhang Ju, the general manager of the Xuanfu army, was transferred to the Jinyiwei, and he was promoted to the first level as the deputy Qianhu, and Liu Biao, the general servant of the East Factory, was transferred to the Jinyiwei. Ren Zongqi. Jiang Shitou was specially recruited to join the army, and he was appointed as Jinyiwei Zongqi."

Hearing Emperor Jiajing mention Liu Biao, Chen Hong's eyes turned cold, and his heart boiled with anger. This Lu Bing not only killed his favorite assistant Li Lisan, but also poached Liu Biao away.A Liu Biao and Chen Hong didn't take it seriously, but this kind of behavior was slapping Chen Hong in the face!Chen Honghen's teeth were itchy.

Chen Hong knew that Emperor Jiajing planned to let him go this time, since he survived this time, he must find his way back!And Liu Biao must die!
Lu Bing was overjoyed. He was still worrying about how to transfer Zhang Ju and Liu Biao. Although this kind of transfer is not impossible, it is very troublesome. Now the emperor's golden words will undoubtedly save Lu Bing a lot of trouble and improve efficiency. Because Lu Bing will use them immediately.

Thinking about it, the emperor must have read his secret record and kept their credit in his heart to compensate him for his hard work, but he couldn't win Chen Hong.

Lu Bing was indeed moved to be so valued and cared about.

However, Lu Bing immediately remembered that Emperor Jiajing did not mention Huang Duxian, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, there is another Huang Duxian..."

Emperor Jiajing interrupted Lu Bing, saying: "I remember him, but strictly speaking, he not only has no official status, but also has no status as a good citizen. He is just a gangster and a wanted criminal by the court. If you make great contributions, then I will not pursue what he did before, and the merits and demerits will be offset, and it is a bit inappropriate to be included in the Jinyiwei."

After hearing this, Lu Bing was speechless.After all, the emperor is the emperor, and there is a reason for giving you what you don't give you.

But Lu Bing thought about his promise, turned his mind, and tentatively said cautiously: "But the emperor, this time in Huang Duxian's family, not only he has made great contributions, but his daughter and son-in-law have also made great contributions. Although Huang Duxian is guilty, but His daughter was born after he retired from the world, and his son-in-law is even a commoner. This time, the whole family was born and died for the court, and there is no reward at all, isn't it too good?"

Emperor Jiajing saw that Lu Bing's attitude was so cautious and humble, and he had achieved his goal. In fact, for him, Huang Duxian was not just a thief, but a traitor. If he wanted to be included in Jinyiwei, it was only a matter of one sentence, Bai Lian Isn't Li Fuda who taught me an example?It's just that the emperor's mind prevents him from allowing his subjects to fulfill their wishes so easily.

Just before Lu Bing opened his mouth, he called Zhang Ju and Liu Biao into Jinyiwei, expressing a kind of attention and consideration.But it can't make the courtiers feel that they are too talkative and weak to be bullied.So Emperor Jiajing ignored Huang Duxian's family on purpose, which was the emperor's trick.

He just wanted to see Lu Bing's attitude, and Lu Bing's cautious and subtle attitude was in line with his intentions, and his goal was achieved. At this time, he should show generosity and trust.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Emperor Jiajing said generously.

"I feel that Huang Duxian's son-in-law, Sun Quan, can be included as a representative of their family in Jinyiwei, which can be regarded as a kind of gift from His Majesty to their family." Lu Bing bowed his head and said.

After hearing this, Emperor Jiajing smiled and said, "Okay, then do as you say!"

"Then, can you give him a small flag? After all, their family has made a lot of contributions this time. If it weren't for them, the minister might have died in that village in northern Shaanxi right after he left Beijing, and nothing happened after that. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for him to start as a captain?" Lu Bing smiled and cupped his hands.

"Xiao Qi?..." Emperor Jiajing pretended to be thinking, and seeing Lu Bing's anxious face, he laughed and said, "How can Xiao Qi do it?"

Lu Bing's heart sank, and Emperor Jiajing continued: "How come it must be a general banner? Otherwise, it will make my brothers lose face?"

Lu Bing was overjoyed and knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand with a smile, let Lu Bing flatten his body, turned to Huang Jin and said, "Just write down what I said, and read it to Huang Duxian when the decree was announced, and said, 'He's fighting against the Mongols. He also saved my brother's life several times. This credit cannot be erased, and my brother's face cannot be denied. But he killed court officials many years ago and committed misdeeds, so he can't just let it go. So his credit is counted. On his son-in-law, reward his son-in-law with a general banner, and do a good job in the future, I have my own grace.'"

Huang Jin's pen was flying like a fly, and he recorded it quickly. Lu Bing knew that this was the emperor's embarrassment for him, so he smiled without saying a word.

Chen Hong, who was still kneeling on the ground, had his face on the ground with a ferocious face, and his heart was full of hatred.

In this way, Lu Bing's trip can be regarded as a rewarding experience. Lu Bing and Emperor Jiajing chatted a little more, and Emperor Jiajing asked Lu Bing to transfer the group of people who were familiar with the former Qianhu to Beizhen Fusi according to the situation and arrange them freely.Once the arrangements are made, just hand over a brochure, so as to help him investigate the case well.Lu Bing handed over his hands to thank En, and then left first.Later, there will naturally be a decree, and Lu Bing has officially been promoted.

But Chen Hong, who was kneeling on the ground, was left intentionally or unintentionally...

(End of this chapter)

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