Brocade legend

Chapter 132 A Strange Meeting

Chapter 132 A Strange Meeting
Emperor Jiajing encouraged Chen Hong to cooperate with Lu Bing well, and told Lu Bing honestly who was behind the horse market.

Chen Hong obediently agreed, and Emperor Jiajing asked Chen Hong to retreat too.

Chen Hong walked backwards out of Emperor Jiajing's bedroom, and when he turned around, the submissive expression on his face disappeared, and he strode back to Dongchang with his hands behind his back with a gloomy expression.

He seemed to hear what Emperor Jiajing meant, but he didn't want to understand the holy meaning. He wanted to go back and discuss it with Zhang Mo.

The black hand behind the horse market?Not yourself?

As soon as Lu Bing left the palace gate, he saw Feng Bao standing quietly outside.

Seeing Lu Bing come out, Feng Bao pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Lord Lu, are you leaving?"

Lu Bing said with a smile: "Yes, I didn't bring you a gift today, and I will make it up for you next time."

"Master Lu is too polite!" Feng Bao waved his hands with a smile, and said, "You are our benefactor, and it's too late for me to repay you. It's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Lu Bingqi asked.

"I just wanted to vent my anger on's a pity..." Feng Bao whispered in Lu Bing's ear.

"Hahahaha!" Lu Bing laughed and said, "You, you, you can't allow it next time! Such an action, but fighting spirit, has no practical effect, and it is also a bit dangerous for you. If Chen Hong finds out, you must find him. You are in trouble." Lu Bing instructed
"Thank you Master Lu for your teaching! The villain has written it down!" Feng Bao felt that he had just been reckless when he heard it.

"It's still under the age, and it's a bit childish." Feng Bao kept Lu Bing's words in his heart, and warned himself like this.

Feng Bao was in the palace, constantly learning and absorbing these strategies and methods, and constantly honing his mind, only waiting to ascend to a high position in one day.

Lu Bing stepped out of Beiyuan, recalling what Feng Bao told him just now, he couldn't help feeling funny, and couldn't help but whisper: "It's a pity, it's really a pity, haha!"

It turned out that just now Feng Bao scolded himself as a "useless thing" in order to retaliate against Chen Hong.In the tea brewed for Feng Bao, some medicinal materials for laxative and laxative were put in. Because Pu Er is heavy in color and contains white sugar, it is almost unnoticeable.It's a pity that Chen Hong had no use to drink that bowl of catechu because of his preoccupation, so he escaped the catastrophe.Otherwise, at this moment, Chen Hong, who was kneeling inside, would probably have had a stomachache unbearable, and lost his composure in front of the imperial court.

Although Lu Bing is stable, he still finds it interesting. At the same time, he also thinks that if his character is not good, he is really in danger everywhere!

While thinking, Lu Bing walked out of Qianqing Palace, but saw a small yellow door poking his head outside the garden. Seeing himself coming out, he trotted over, bowed and said, "Lord Lu, my father-in-law is here to invite you."

"Your father-in-law? Who is it?" Lu Bing asked.

"My father-in-law is Eunuch Bi!" Xiao Huangmen said with a flattering smile

"Oh, Mr. Bi Yun? What do you want me to do?" Lu Bing heard that it was Bi Yun, and said with a smile.

"This, the little one doesn't know, the father-in-law just said to let the little one wait here, please go over and explain." Xiao Huangmen nodded and bowed: "Sir, should you go with the little one?"

Lu Bing nodded, thinking that Bi Yun was looking for him, maybe it was about the last time he was in Xuanfu, and it would be good to meet him, explain it well, and untie the knots of last time, and he would feel at ease.

Lu Bing was thinking, while motioning to Xiao Huangmen to lead the way.

Xiao Huangmen led Lu Bing to a house, Xiao Huangmen led the way to the door, bowed to Lu Bing and left.

Lu Bing stepped in and saw a small hall, facing the door was a big screen with a picture of a tiger descending the mountain on it, full of momentum.

Below the screen is a table and two chairs.Bi Yun was standing in front of the case, facing the picture of the tiger descending the mountain.

After Lu Bing entered the door, he coughed lightly. Bi Yun seemed to be awakened, shivered slightly, and turned to face Lu Bing.

The expression on Bi Yun's face was very strange. There was neither joy nor resentment, but it was not expressionless either. His eyes were calm but full of content.

"You... have something to do with me?" Lu Bing was curious and asked tentatively.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bi Yun said, his voice was hesitant and soft.

"Hey, why don't I explain to you what happened in the Xuan Mansion first?" Lu Bing said
"No need." Bi Yun quickly interrupted Lu Bing, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, I came to you today to ask you about your plans after returning to Beijing."

"Oh, this. I just met the emperor. The emperor asked me to go to Beizhen Fusi to continue to investigate the Mashi case." Lu Bing replied, this is not a secret, and everyone will know it soon. I didn't hide it.

"The emperor... attitude towards Chen Hong?" Bi Yun asked again.

Lu Bing was a little embarrassed, and said, "Er...the emperor said, don't investigate Chen Hong now... Bi Yun, I originally wanted to push Chen Hong down and let you be the supervisor of the East Factory, but I didn't expect... …”

"It doesn't matter." Bi Yun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if it's inappropriate or not, just let it be!"

Lu Bing felt that Bi Yun was a bit strange today. Bi Yun had a weak temper since he was a child. Although he was a eunuch, he was even less manly than a eunuch, so he was often bullied.It was also because of this temperament that he was excluded by Chen Hong in Dongchang.Before going to the horse market, he was just a little positive, but he was woken up by the cruel reality, and he didn't know if there were any sequelae, or he had accepted his fate?Today's Bi Yun doesn't look weak, but weak...

"You asked me to come, what exactly is it?" Lu Bing asked suspiciously.

"Actually, I have nothing to do. I just haven't seen you for a long time. Let's see each other..." Bi Yun hesitated, and said, "If you have something to do, go and do it first!"

Lu Bing was even more puzzled, glanced at Bi Yun, and said, "Then I'll go first?"

"Well, you go!" Bi Yun smiled softly, but there was a strange flash in his eyes.

Lu Bing took a deep look at Bi Yun, said nothing more, turned and left, and left the palace directly.

"Why don't you talk to him a little more?" Behind the screen, an old man turned around, his face was white and beardless, wrinkled, panting, and said, "He just came back from meeting the saint, so we can talk a little more and understand the situation better."

"Godfather..." Bi Yun trembled, and said in a low voice: "He just returned to Beijing, I'm afraid he hasn't figured out the situation yet."

This old man is none other than Sun Hong, the chief eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, who is also Bi Yun's godfather.

"Forget it, the information just now is enough." Sun Hong is old and not in good health, he sat down on the grand teacher's chair out of breath, and said, "Hmph, it's Chen Hong's fate, it's at this time, otherwise, this time The emperor will definitely not spare him lightly!"

Sun Hong raised his head and saw that Bi Yun was distracted, and snorted coldly. Bi Yun was startled and pricked up his ears, and then Sun Hong continued: "You must maintain a good relationship with Lu Bing, and you will need it in the future! This is the matter in front of you. , I’m afraid it’s all on him.”

(End of this chapter)

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