Brocade legend

Chapter 140

Chapter 140
The Jinyiwei Beizhen Fusi specializes in cases appointed by the emperor, and has its own prison, the imperial prison, where it can arrest, torture, and execute on its own without going through the general judicial office.

Jinyiwei Town Fusi was established in the 15th year of Hongwu, specializing in "imperial orders", and was later abolished.

It was resettled in Yongle, and in the 14th year of Chenghua, a seal letter was added, and the Zhen Fu Division was divided into two.

The edict prison run by the Fusi of Beizhen is not under the jurisdiction of the commander of Jinyiwei: "play the request directly, without going through the guard or the guard for questions.

It can be seen from this that Beizhen Fusi is a semi-independent institution.Strictly speaking, Fusi of Beizhen was directly subordinate to the emperor, while Fusi of Nanzhen was completely subordinate to Jinyiwei.

Beizhen Fusi is located in Jinggongfang, the capital city, with blue bricks and red tiles, a small door, vermilion door panel, two animal rings on the door panel, and two animal head reliefs on the walls on both sides of the door, with hideous faces.

If it weren't for the plaque hanging on the Fusi Yamen of Jinyiwei North Town, there is really nothing unusual about it.

However, this place called Beiyamen by the common people is a boundary for officials to detour.

There are two guards under the Fusi of Beizhen. In addition to Qianhu, Baihu, Zongqi and Xiaoqi, there are more than [-] Tiqi who carry out arrest tasks, scattered all over the Ming Dynasty, and there are about [-] people who have been in Beijing for a long time. It varies from five thousand.

Today, Jin Yiwei Beizhen Fusi ushered in a new chief officer, Beizhen Fushi Lu Bing.

Under Beizhen Fusi, there are two thousand households, eight deputy thousand households, dozens of hundreds of households, hundreds of trial hundred households, hundreds of general banners, small banner captains and so on.

Today in the two guards, adults who are in Beijing and have no missions, all the adults who can come, and the adults of Qianhu from the two guards have arrived early. Officials above the flag and general flag.

No matter who these Jinyiwei's backgrounds are or who their backers are, before sunrise today, they have been warned by the people behind them to keep their own place in the near future.

Therefore, none of them dared to be negligent, and they all went to Fusi Yamen in Beizhen to wait for Lu Bing.

Among the hundreds of officials who were waiting, there was one person who was most pleased, that is Lu Bing's uncle, Yang Lianqiu's brother, Yang Lin from the hundred households of Beizhen Fusi.

But Yang Lin didn't have a strange expression on his face, he just calmly mixed in the group of hundreds of households.

However, everyone knew that he was a relative of the soon-to-be Chief Officer, so today they are a little closer than before.

What didn't arrive first was that the crowd waited from morning to almost noon, but there was still no sign of Lu Bing and others, and the little flag officer who was watching at the door stretched his neck.

From being respectful at the beginning, to staggering to and fro, and looking for a place to sit, the guards in Jinyi gradually began to complain.

Although Jinyiwei was severely suppressed by Dongchang, it was also an important yamen, especially Beizhen Fusi, which was a semi-independent yamen and was in charge of imperial prisons. In name, it was under the management of Jinyiwei's commander, but in fact it directly belonged to the emperor.

People at the gate of this yamen, which one is not arrogant, looked at the face of the adults behind them today, came here to wait for Lu Bing, they feel that they have given Lu Bing a lot of face, you know, Lu Bing is only 22 years old, still a young man the offspring.

But I didn't expect that Lu Bing was so late and still didn't come.

One of the deputy Qianhu finally couldn't hold back, and said to Yang Lin: "Yang Baihu, why isn't your brother-in-law here?"

Yang Lin stood tall and straight, and said: "My lord, the lower officials don't know."

As soon as Qianhu opened his mouth, it seemed as if he had found a channel for everyone to vent, and everyone questioned Yang Lin one after another.

"It's the first day I took office today, and you're ignoring me like this, you have to tell your brother-in-law well!"

"That's right! Even if the emperor relies heavily on him, he can't rely on it so much!"

"Haha, I heard that you had a big banquet last night, maybe you were too drunk!"

"Yang Baihu, is it because your brother-in-law and your sister have been separated for too long? Can't get up today?" Even a deputy Qianhu said so frivolously


But Yang Lin smiled and said nothing, just wrote down the name of the deputy Qianhu——Zhou Bin.

After a while, the two adults of Qianhu couldn't sit still anymore, and one of them said to Yang Lin: "Yang Baihu, why don't you go to Mr. Lu's house and ask?"

Yang Lin bowed his hands respectfully to accept the order, went out and mounted his horse, and headed for Lu's residence.

After Yang Lin left, all the guards in Jinyi became more unscrupulous, commenting loudly and complaining.

Among them, Zhou Bin laughed loudly and chatted with his colleagues about Lu Bing and others, causing the guards in brocade clothes to laugh from time to time.

The two adults from Qianhu just looked at each other without saying anything.

Half an hour later, Yang Lin came back and said with a smile: "My lords, Mr. Lu said that he won't be here until noon today. I'll let you have dinner first and wait in the afternoon."

As soon as this sentence is said, it really stirs up a thousand waves with one stone!

All the guards in brocade clothes seemed to explode, talking and cursing constantly.

After Yang Lin finished speaking, he stood aside, still smiling without saying a word.

"Damn it! I won't come this afternoon! You're playing me!" Zhou Bin's curse was the loudest, and his words also aroused the echo of many people.

The two adults from Qianhu exchanged glances with each other, got up and went to eat together.

Guards in brocade clothes, some cursed and left, while others quietly withdrew because of their low status and no right to speak.

Yang Lin waited for a while, seeing that the crowd was almost gone, the smile that had been hanging on his face was instantly extinguished, and he stepped into the shadows expressionlessly.

At this moment, Lu Bing was also expressionless, standing by the bed in a small room in a small courtyard in a small alley.

On the bed was Liu Biao with his eyes closed, and standing behind him were Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, Zhang Ju, and Xue Yang.

After Lu Bing sent Yang Lin back to pass on the message, he asked Sun Quan to stay and take care of Liu Biao, and then he took the others and went to Beizhen Fusi with a gloomy face.

"Forging iron requires hard work." Lu Bing thought to himself: "We must first bring Beizhen Fusi under control, and then avenge Liu Biao!"

Thinking of this, Lu Bing stopped in a restaurant not far from Beizhen Fusi.

"Go! Go drink first! Tell them to wait, let's eat and drink before we go!" Lu Bing greeted Shitou, Yang Sen, Zhang Ju, and Xue Yang.

If you're not feeling well today, let's vent your anger on those unhappy people first!Beizhen Fusi must use his arms as soon as possible!

But... what happened last night...

Now Liu Biao really can't give Lu Bing an answer.

Last night, Liu Biao was attacked by four killers and was seriously injured, but he still struggled and returned to the small yard he had set up privately.

Dizzy, he returned to the yard, crashed into the room, and was about to move to the place where the medicine box was placed.

However, a sudden chill hit, and Liu Biao suddenly felt his hair stand on end!

There are people in the room!

Liu Biao grabbed the handle of the knife tightly and shouted, "Who!"

(End of this chapter)

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