Brocade legend

Chapter 141

Chapter 141
Lu Bing, who was sitting in the restaurant, was furious at this moment. He was sure that the murderer must be someone from Dongchang!

He really wished he could enter Dongchang right now, grab Chen Hong and beat him violently.

However, the current him is no longer the one he was a few months ago, and he will no longer be so impulsive after passing through Beidi.

He didn't have any evidence in his hand, even if he went to Chen Hong, not only would he not be able to get an explanation, but it might destroy his current advantage.

Today, he will make a good effort to gain control of Beizhen Fusi as soon as possible!Only then can he integrate into the current situation in the capital faster and better protect the people around him!Only then can this Daming, no one dare to provoke him easily!
It turned out that Lu Bing waited for a long time this morning, but he didn't see Liu Biao coming to gather, so he felt bad in his heart.He hurriedly asked his subordinate Jin Yiwei to find out where Liu Biao lived, and hurried over with Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, Zhang Ju, Xue Yang and others.

Liu Biao bought a small courtyard in a small alley and lived there by himself. When Lu Bing arrived, he saw Liu Biao lying on the bed covered in wounds but still well bandaged, unconscious.

Lu Bing asked someone to call in a doctor. After taking Liu Biao's pulse, the doctor told Lu Bing that Liu Biao's pulse was peaceful and his life was not in danger.Just don't move recently, so as not to break open the wound.

Just as Lu Bing sent the doctor away, Yang Lin arrived.

Yang Lin went to Lu's residence first, and ran over when he knew that Lu Bing was looking for Liu Biao.

Yang Lin talked about the situation in Jinyiwei North Town Fusi in the morning, Lu Bing sneered and said: "Go back and tell them that my lord will not pass this morning, let them wait in the afternoon!"

Yang Lin smiled knowingly, and went to reply, thinking: "It's your fault, you are in a bad mood when you meet my brother-in-law...".


Lu Bing ordered a table of good wine and food, first let Xiaoer go to Liu Biao's yard, and gave Sun Quan a meal.

Then they ate and drank together with Shitou, Yang Sen, Zhang Ju, and Xue Yang, preparing to gather enough energy to subdue Jinyiwei Beizhen Fusi.

At this time, Liu Biao was lying on the bed, his body was full of the smell of wound medicine, and his eyes were closed.

There was a knock on the door in the yard, and Sun Quan went out to open the door. Just after leaving the house, Liu Biao opened his eyes slowly.

Liu Biao stared blankly at the ceiling.

In fact, he was awake a long time ago, but he didn't want to face Lu Bing and others, so he continued to pretend to be unconscious.He couldn't tell others what happened after he got into a fight with the killer last night, so he had to hide it deeply in his heart.

"I day it will be uncovered. At that moment, even death is good..." Liu Biao sighed in his heart: "I hope it will come sooner!"

A burst of food smell hit, Sun Quan opened the food box and walked in through the door. Seeing that Liu Biao was still in a coma with his eyes closed, he sighed, opened the food box, and ate by himself.

After noon, Yang Lin returned to the lobby of Fusi in Beizhen. Seeing that no one came, he found a corner by himself and leaned against the wall.

After a while, the two adults from Qianhu came back first, Yang Lin hurriedly stepped forward to salute, the two Qianhu nodded, sat down by themselves, and talked in a low voice.

Yang Lin smiled to himself, still the same.

Time passed slowly, and soon the end of time also passed.

During the period, some Jinyiwei officials came again, most of them were general banners, trying to test a hundred households, etc., less than half of the hundred households came.Only three of the deputy Qianhu came, and when they came, they got together with the two adults of Qianhu, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

When entering Shenshi, less than [-]% of the group of people in the morning came, and they were in small groups, whispering.Yang Lin leaned against the wall and stood in his corner, watching quietly with a smile on his face.

"Come here!" A Xiaoqi rushed in, and the two adults of Qianhu got up first, and strode towards the door, followed by five deputy Qianhu.

A group of hundreds of households, the general banners also hurriedly stood up, and rushed to the gate to greet them before they had time to form a team, while Yang Lin followed leisurely.

When Yang Lin came out of the gate, he saw Lu Bing, Shitou and others coming at the pace of dragons and tigers.

The two adults of Qianhu hurriedly stepped forward to salute, Lu Bing laughed and held the arms of the two of them, helping the two Qianhu up.

Lu Bing said with a smile: "The two adults have been waiting for a long time, you have worked hard!"

The two thousand households are busy saying that it doesn't matter.

One of them was an older Qianhu official who looked about 40 years old, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Liang Xudong, the next official, is in charge of the imperial prison in Fusi, Beizhen." Liang Xudong introduced another man who looked about 30 years old beside him. The Qianhu official said: "This is Xu Liang Qianhu, who assists the Governor in his work on weekdays."

Lu Bing and Liang Xudong and Xu Liang, two thousand household officials, met the ceremony and said, "Master Wang Zuo? My father asked me to say hello for him!"

Liang Xudong said calmly: "Master Wang has been promoted. Because of the emergency, I went to hand over to Master Luo early in the morning. Let me wait here and listen to your orders!"

Lu Bing laughed and said: "Master Liang, you are welcome. Although I am ashamed of being the town governor, I am just a junior in front of you, and I still need the help of the two adults!"

Liang Xudong still smiled calmly, cupped his hands and said, "I have also been supported by Master Yue Song back then, so naturally I dare not forget my kindness, and I will definitely support Master Lu with all my strength... This is also what Master Luo meant."

After hearing this, Lu Bing looked at Xu Liang's thousand households. Xu Liang's face was yellow and beardless, and he looked very capable. Seeing Lu Bing looking at him, he also cupped his hands and said, "Lord Wang also means the same thing!"

Lu Bing listened and smiled with satisfaction.

It seems that this Liang Xudong is the Commander of the Jinyiwei, oh... now he should be the former commander, Mr. Luo An.And this Xu Liang should be Lord Wang Zuo who will soon take over as the commander of Jin Yiwei.

Luo An and Wang Zuo, as well as Zhu Chen, the first Jinyiwei commander in the Jiajing year, and Chen Yin, the current governor of Nanzhen Fusi, are all former officials of Xingwangfu, and they have worked together with Lu Bing's father Lu Song for many years.

Because Lu Song has been in poor health, he has not held a real position in Jinyiwei for a long time.However, they are both old ministers of Xing Mansion, have been in the Xing Palace for many years, and most of them belong to the family of Jin Yiwei. Lu Song, Zhu Chen, Luo An, Wang Zuo, Chen Yin and others have always maintained a very good relationship, and they are all friends for many years.

During the Zhengde reign, Qian Ning, the commander of Jinyiwei, recognized Emperor Zhengde as his godfather, entered the Jinyiwei as "Emperor's concubine Qian Ning", and induced Ming Wuzong to build a leopard house.

Afterwards, Jiang Bin rose to prominence, and "went in and out of the leopard room, and lay up together" with Emperor Wuzong Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty.After being favored, he pushed out Qian Ning and served as the commander of Jinyiwei for five years.After Ming Wuzong's death, he was impeached by the courtiers on the grounds that he induced Ming Wuzong to do many absurd things and severely damaged the image of the emperor.

After Jiajing ascended the throne, he learned the lessons of the former Emperor Zhengde, and in order to hold Jinyiwei tightly in his hands, he awarded a group of Jinyiwei who moved his family to Anlu with King Xingxian back then to the Jinyiwei. job.

 The next few chapters will introduce some historical materials because of the needs of the subsequent plot, and because they involve the shaping and origin of the characters' personalities. Friends who don't like it can skip reading.However, these historical materials are still very interesting. If you don’t mind, just spend a few cents to read them and use them for bragging in the future, haha

(End of this chapter)

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