Brocade legend

Chapter 144

Chapter 144
Emperor Jiajing said: Confucius had very high virtues, and "filial piety" was the first of all virtues.Later generations of emperors and kings all regarded benevolence as the foundation of self-cultivation, and "filial piety" as the way of self-cultivation.

"Body and skin, accepting parents, not daring to hurt them, is the beginning of filial piety. Standing up and doing the way, becoming famous in later generations, in order to show parents, the end of filial piety. Husband's filial piety begins with serving relatives, being loyal to the king, and finally establishing oneself." It means: the body, limbs, hair and skin are all endowed by parents, and dare not damage or disable them. This is the beginning of filial piety.The ultimate goal of filial piety is to follow benevolence, righteousness and morality in the world, to achieve something, to make a name for yourself in future generations, and to honor your parents.The so-called filial piety starts with serving parents, then serving the monarch, and finally making contributions and becoming famous.

In order to enable his son Emperor Jiajing to make greater progress in learning, Xingxian Wang Zhu Youzhu also set up a special library, and invited Zhang Bangqi, deputy envoy of Huguang Tixue, to serve as a lecturer.

Zhang Bangqi is a well-educated man of Confucianism, and his purpose of supervising studies is to "learn without Confucianism, Yan, but without practice, Min."

Under Zhang Bangqi's careful teaching, Zhu Houcong made rapid progress, and became familiar with Confucian classics and all etiquette very quickly.

Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houcong took these teachings to heart, which had a profound impact on his later life.

Due to the good education of his father Zhu Youzhu, when Emperor Wuzong passed away without heir in the 16th year of Zhengde, Empress Dowager Zhang and cabinet chief assistant Yang Tinghe and other ministers believed that Zhu Houcong, the son of King Xing, was "smart, benevolent and filial, long-established in virtue, and established in order of ethics." , became the No.11 emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

After Zhu Houcong succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Jiajing, despite the opposition of all the officials, he insisted on making his biological father Zhu Youzhu the emperor, and even became an enemy of all the officials. Filial piety education is inseparable.

And Emperor Jiajing's love for Taoism also came from King Xingxian.

When King Xingxian was still in the Beijing palace, there were frequent Taoist activities in the palace.His father, Emperor Xianzong, was very fond of Taoism, and his elder brother, Emperor Xiaozong, also had a special liking for Taoism. Under the instigation of the eunuch Li Guang, he engaged in many Taoist burning and sacrificial offerings.The actions of his father and brother also had a great impact on King Xingxian. After he took over Anluzhou, he had a close relationship with the pure Taoist priests of the local Xuanmiao Temple.They have traveled all over Anlu's Lantai, Yangchuntai, Chongyi Mountain and other scenic spots.

However, King Xingxian was not only obsessed with cultivating Taoism. The first thing that King Xingxian Zhu Youzhu did when he came to Anlu was to visit the Confucius Temple, visit the Minglun Hall, listen to the lectures of the officials, bestow treasures on all living beings, and perform ceremonies. The hall, decorated with the gate of the temple, is highly respected in Confucianism and Taoism.

King Xingxian studied the holy books of Confucius repeatedly, and practiced Confucianism and etiquette very strictly.He writes characters, composes poems, and plays the qin every day, even in Zhongxiang for more than 20 years. "That's why he is very strict about his conduct, he doesn't want to drink wine, he doesn't have sex, he doesn't profit from goods, he doesn't play with rare things, he doesn't talk about magic, he doesn't prostitute, he doesn't worship immortals and Buddhas, he must be cautious in his words and smiles, and his clothes must be correct." Xing Xing Xian Wang Zhu Youzhu strictly restrained himself with Confucian ethics, so that he had a good demeanor of a king.

In the 15th year of Hongwu, Liang Dong, the magistrate of Changshou County, built a school palace on the site of Song Yu's residence. Because the building was a grass and wood structure, it was still dilapidated despite repeated repairs.

In the eighth year of Hongzhi, not long after King Xingxian took over Anlu, he visited the Academy many times and was very concerned about the construction of the Academy.

Later, King Xing's Mansion spent a lot of money to replace all the thatched roofs of the Xuegong with tiles, and added beautiful glazed tiles to important positions, such as the Xingxing Gate.

The Xingwang Mansion's major renovation of the Xuegong this time not only made the buildings in the Xuegong beautiful and beautiful, but also durable. After more than [-] years, the buildings in the Xuegong have never been damaged.

Until the 13th year of Zhengde, although the building of the school palace was not damaged, it was already old. King Xingxian took the initiative to send money and carried out a major repair of the school palace.

Xing Wang likes literary affairs, loves literature, loves poetry and calligraphy, and refuses to participate in many other pastimes of his contemporaries, but indulges in the pastimes of art and literature. "As the saying goes, "There is no loss of actors and actresses getting close to each other, and there is no joy of singing and drinking at night." "It has played a huge role in influencing and promoting Anlu's cultural development.

During leisure time, reciting poems and composing Fu, watching the scenery and playing chess became an elegant pastime brought to Anlu by King Xingxian.In his lifetime, he wrote "Hanjiang Fu", "Yangchuntai Fu", "Hanchuntang Manuscript Collection", "Ji En Poetry Collection" and other poems and fu left to the world.

On June 14, the 44th year of Zhengde, Xing Wang Zhu Youzhu died of summer heat at the age of [-]. The posthumous title given to him by the imperial court was Xian, and he was called "Xingxian King" later.

According to "Records of Emperor Wu Zong": Xingxian Wang Zhu Youzhu "has a handsome appearance, a loud voice, and no illness in his daily life. He was injured in the summer heat and died at the age of forty or four. The night before the death, a big star fell in the northwest, and the wilting of Gai Zhe was not accidental."

His nephew Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Zhengde, was very sad when he heard the news, and "stopped court for three days", bestowed posthumous titles, Kuang Zhiwen, sent Zheng Gang, Marquis of Wu'an, to Anlu to pay homage, and ordered Wang Xuan, the pedestrian secretary, to go to Anlu to hold the funeral.The Empress Dowager Cishou and the birth mother of Xing Wang Zhu Youzhu, Shao Shi, entrusted Zhang Zuo and Huang Ying to offer sacrifices respectively.In November, officials from the six ministries, five prefectures, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate were selected to offer sacrifices.In the 15th year of Zhengde, he was buried in Dongsonglin Mountain of Xingwangfu under the regulation of the prince.

After the death of Xing Wang Zhu Youzhan, Yang Bao, the guard eunuch, made a comprehensive summary of Xing Wang's life in the memorial presented to Emperor Jiajing: "Please welcome, follow the righteous way, prohibit heresy, be frugal, avoid obscenities, respect the gods, and be honest. Filial piety, to go to extravagance, but to contribute, Pu Enze, righteous heart, honoring old ministers, prudent punishment, relieving people's poverty, advocating sages, respecting ministers, relieving droughts, saving floods, ignoring benefits, widening benevolence, thanking prayers Don’t give money, help the border troubles, solidify the city, favor the eunuchs in the countryside, worry about the financial system, benefit the officials, show compassion to the people, be courteous, show mercy to the old officials, educate talents, and promote excellence from afar.”

During his lifetime, King Xingxian was well-known and virtuous, and the followers and subordinates who followed him all his life were different from other princes and subordinates.

At that time, there was a division of Yiwei in Xingwang's mansion, including Yiwei Zheng, Yiwei's deputy, and Dianzhang, who were in charge of the guards of the palace.It is generally a military academy, belonging to the Jinyiwei series, with as many as [-] people and as few as several hundred.

The pawn most valued by King Xing is Lu Bing's father, Lu Song. After entering Beijing with Emperor Jiajing, he was promoted to be the Deputy Qianhu of the Jinyiwei, and then tired of being an official to serve as the governor. Be worth it again.

And Zhu Chen, Luo An, Wang Zuo, Chen Yin and others had all worked in the Yiwei Department and had been taught by Lao Xingwang. They were kind-hearted and congenial, and the feelings of these people were self-evident.

After Emperor Jiajing ascended the throne, Zhu Chen took over the position of commander Jiang Bin who was killed, but because of his age, his physical condition declined day by day. Soon, Emperor Jiajing ordered Luo An to take over the post of commander, and let Zhu Chen go home to retire .

Today, Lu Song's son, Lu Bing, came to Beizhen Fusi to serve as the town's governor. Luo An and Wang Zuo were very happy, and naturally asked their confidants to cooperate fully.

(End of this chapter)

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