Brocade legend

Chapter 145 Jinyiwei Commander

Chapter 145 Jinyiwei Commander
Since Jin Yiwei came into existence, almost none of the successive commanders have come to a good end.

During the Hongwu period, Mao Xiang, the first commander of Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty, followed Taizu for many years and gained trust. He was in charge of spy work during the time of Yijiu Division.The second Commander of Jinyiwei: Jiang Xian, after the death of Mao Xiang, succeeded the commander of Jinyiwei. After the "Lanyu case", he was executed by Taizu for some reason.

During the Yongle period, Jin Yiwei commander Ji Gang, after Ming Chengzu ascended the throne, used Jin Yiwei to kill Jianwen's old ministers. Because of his wrong intentions, he was reported by the eunuch and killed by Ming Chengzu.

After Ha Zhi took over, the Commander of Jinyiwei was the first to step down due to old age.Then Liu Mian, who took over during the Xuande period, also followed Sai Hazhi's luck, because he was old and aged normally.

Then in the orthodox year, Xu Gong, the commander of Jinyiwei, replaced Xu Gong with his confidant Ma Shun because Wang Zhen was in power. Although his fate was dismal, at least he saved his life.Ma Shun, who took over, was beaten to death in the court as a remnant of the royal party after the "civil engineering change".

In the 14th year of Zhengtong, after Ma Shun was beaten to death, Lu Zhong took over, but after directing the "Golden Sword Case", he was forced to pretend to be crazy and act stupid, so he escaped.

After Lu Zhong pretended to be crazy and foolish, Zhu Xiang got the support of his courtiers to succeed him as the commander of Jinyiwei.But after the "change of seizing the door", he was brought into trouble as Yu Qian's son-in-law.

After the "Change of Seizing the Gate", Lu Gao was recommended by the eunuch Cao Jixiang to succeed him as the commander. As a result, Cao Qin, Cao Jixiang's nephew who was about to rebel, discovered his identity as a traitor and was killed.
During this period, there was also a commander of Jinyiwei, Ha Ming, who made great contributions to protecting Ming Yingzong after the "Civil Change" and got a good death because he was ordered to go to foreign vassals.

After the "civil engineering change", also because of his meritorious service in protecting Yingzong, Yuan Bin was appointed as the commander of the capital, and after Ha Ming left office, he also served as the commander of Jinyiwei.But later, because Menda was favored by Ming Yingzong, he was pushed away by Menda.After Ming Yingzong died of illness, Menda was also accused of disturbing the foreign court and demoted.

The succeeding commander of Jinyiwei, Wantong, was the younger brother of Concubine Wan Gui. After being recommended by Concubine Wan Gui, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty died of illness, and the Wan family lost their backing.

Afterwards, Mou Bin was promoted to be the commander of Jinyiwei, and because he proposed benevolent governance of the prison and protected the courtiers who were framed and imprisoned by the factory owner Liu Jin, he was hated by the factory owner Liu Jin and was imprisoned to death.

Then in the early years of Zhengde, Shi Wenyi and Zhang Cai were promoted because of bribing Liu Jin, and they both became the commanders of Jinyiwei, helping Liu Jin suppress and eradicate dissidents, but soon, Liu Jin was punished one by one after his downfall.

After that, Qian Ning, the "imperial concubine" who recognized Zhengde as his godfather, entered Jinyiwei and was squeezed out by Jiang Bin.But Jiang Bin's fate was even worse. The courtiers impeached him and was chopped alive.

After careful calculation, there are only two or three people who have died in a serious manner.But in this dynasty, there are two commanders who can take over safely, namely Zhu Chen and Luo An.

While Zhu Chen and Luo An were grateful to Emperor Jiajing for his generosity to the old man, they were also very happy to see the rise of their old friend's son, Lu Bing.

Due to poor health, Lu Song did not take the position of commander in the end, which was a pity for old friends such as Zhu Chen, Luo An, Wang Zuo, and Chen Yin.

But Lu Song gave birth to a good son!Lu Bing's deeds were seen by these old Jinyi guards, and they were very excited.

The East Factory suppressed the Jinyiwei for many years, and when Luo An was the commander of the Jinyiwei, he was not less angry with Chen Hong.

Back then, Chen Hong, who was the eunuch of Bingbi at that time, was able to defeat Lu Fang, the chief eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, so that Lu Fang was sent to Xiaoling, the capital of Zhongdu.During this time, these old guys from Xing Mansion helped Chen Hong a lot.

But these years after Chen Hong gained power, he became more and more arrogant and defiant.Especially after taking charge of the East Factory, because the East Factory can control Jinyiwei in some aspects, this makes Chen Hong even more arrogant, ruthless, less and less nostalgic, and acts more and more excessively.

Luo An has been in charge of Jinyiwei for these years, and he has seen enough of Chen Hong's face.But Luo An is a kind-hearted person, he doesn't want to compete with others, although he feels depressed, but he doesn't want to cause more disputes and trouble the emperor, so he just endured it.

This also caused Jinyiwei to lower Dongchang from top to bottom. A small fan in Dongchang dared not to pay attention to the thousands of households in Jinyiwei and shouted five times.

Luo An, the commander of Jin Yiwei, didn't say anything, but he didn't know how depressed he was.

As a result, this year, Lu Bing violently murdered people in Dongchang. Not only was he fine, but he also made Chen Hong useless.

Then Lu Bing went to the north again, retreated the Mongolian soldiers, and took back a large amount of supplies, making great contributions. is said that the emperor is very supportive of his actions, and there is even a secret report that Chen Hong lost many of his subordinates in the Northland to Lu Bing, and even Li Lisan, a capable general, threw his life away, and his confidant Zhang Mo was spared by Lu Bing He died and fled back to Beijing in a hurry.In addition, Liu Biao of the East Factory directly joined Lu Bing's family and became a member of Jinyiwei.

Now that Lu Bing has returned to the capital, he has been appointed as the envoy of Fusi Yamen in Jinyiwei North Township, and his capable men are still stirring up blood and blood in the north, adding money to the emperor's internal treasury.

All of these things made the Jinyiwei feel as if they were together.And Luo An, Wang Zuo, Chen Yin and other Xingdi's old ministers, watching Lu Bing grow up and the old brocade guards, clapped their hands and applauded countless times!

When Lu Bing came back today, Wang Zuo happily gave way to Lu Bing, and Luo An also happily gave way to Wang Zuo. He retired safely, and everyone is happy!

Therefore, when Luo An and Wang Zuo handed over, they decided to fully support Lu Bing, and greeted their confidantes in advance, treating Lu Bing as they would treat themselves.

It is also because of this that the two thousand households from Beizhen Fusi waited so patiently for Lu Bing and respected Lu Bing so much.

Of course, Lu Bing is not a person who doesn't know how to praise, and he respects the confidantes of the two uncles as guests.

Lu Bing, Liang Xudong, and Xu Liang were polite, then they entered the yamen and boarded the hall surrounded by everyone.

Lu Bing took the first seat in the hall, and everyone lined up in order and took their seats one after another.For those who have no seats, the general banner stands in the gate courtyard.

"See Lord Zhenfu!"

Everyone shouted in unison and bowed in salute.

Lu Bing smiled slightly, and said: "My comrades, you are very polite. Although Lu Bing received the emperor's favor and took this position temporarily for the emperor's envoy, most of you here are senior Lu Bing. Please take care of me in the future. As long as everyone cooperates with Lu Bing If you can do the emperor's errands well, we are brothers in the same robe, so you don't need to be too polite."

After listening to Lu Bing's words, all the guards in Jinyi smiled knowingly and felt a little at ease.

Seeing this situation, Liang Xudong and Xu Liang secretly exchanged glances.

(End of this chapter)

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