Brocade legend

Chapter 146 Attack

Chapter 146 Attack
Liang Xudong and Xu Liang exchanged glances, smiled knowingly, nodded slightly, and were very satisfied with Lu Bing's performance.

But at this moment, Lu Bing's words took a sharp turn.

Lu Bing smiled slightly, and said: "Lu Bing has something to do this morning, and I'm really sorry for the hard work you have waited for a long time." Lu Bing glanced around and said: "However, I have a look today, why is there so few people in this majestic North Town Fusi?" ?”

Liang Xudong hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Some personnel have gone out to perform tasks, so they didn't arrive today."

"Oh?" Lu Bing said with a smile: "That's just right, I'm taking office on the first day today, and I still don't know much about Beizhen Fusi's errand, so let's start with the errand transfer first!"

Lu Bing turned to Xu Liang and said, "Xu Qianhu, I heard that you are the one who assists the town emissary in daily work. If this is the case, you must be responsible for the assignment, review, and filing of tasks? Then you can check with the official. There is no one today. Anyone who is on duty or who is not on duty will be called together, and at night I will be the host, so we can get to know each other and have a drink."

Xu Liang hesitated for a moment, and exchanged a glance with Liang Xudong, Liang Xudong nodded slightly, Xu Liang paused, cupped his hands and said, "Obey!"

Xu Liang called several Jinyi officials who were in charge of internal affairs to investigate, and also ordered some small flags and school captains to search for people.

Lu Bing noticed that some general flags looked wrong and sneaked out, and he didn't pay attention to it.

Lu Bing introduced Xia Shitou, Yang Sen, Zhang Ju and Xue Yang to everyone.

All the people present here are members of Jinyiwei, each with their own channels, and they have known for a long time that Lu Bing has a group of strange people who have made great contributions in the Northland.We met now, and we all got to know each other politely, chatting and laughing in the lobby for a while, and the relationship seemed to be much closer.

Because Shitou is still only the general banner, he still serves as Lu Bing's bodyguard.The stone looks very simple and honest, with a pleasant smile, but the big wooden stick in his hand makes people dare not underestimate it.

Yang Sen was placed under Xu Liang, and Xu Liang said he would train Yang Sen well.And because Xue Yang couldn't speak, he had been in the Jinyiwei system for many years, and he was good at his hands. He was favored by Liang Xudong, and he resolutely wanted to leave and served in the Imperial Prison.

Just when Lu Bing was about to arrange Zhang Ju's position, there was a burst of shouting.

"His grandma's, I'm drinking to my heart's content, what are you doing with me?" A vague voice came, followed by a strong smell of alcohol.

I saw a Jin Yiwei wearing a golden flying fish uniform, cursing, and being held in by two general flags.Looking at the clothes, it was a deputy Qianhu, and there were a few Baihu behind, and the test Baihu was also flushed from drinking, some obediently, some swaggered, and followed the deputy Qianhu into the lobby.

Lu Bing smiled and asked Liang Xudong, "Who is this?"

Liang Xudong secretly observed Lu Bing's face, and whispered: "This is Zhou Bin, the deputy thousand household who is in charge of the defense of Beizhen Fusi. The defense is nominally under the jurisdiction of the town Fushi. People dare to come to Beiya to make trouble, so Zhou Qianhu actually formed a branch of its own..." Liang Xudong saw that the smile on Lu Bing's face became wider and wider, and said in a low voice: "I heard that Zhou Qianhu came to Beiya and left. It's Governor Chen's path."

That's right, this is Zhou Bin, and Yang Lin, who was mixed among hundreds of households, laughed silently.

Lu Bing watched Zhou Bin slump in, smiling all over his face. This really caused Lu Bing two little troubles.

Today is Lu Bing's first day in office. Many eyes are on Lu Bing. Under Chen Hong's instruction, the East Factory spies are doing their best.At this time, the spies from Dongchang had already reported to Chen Hong that Zhou Bin did not go to meet Lu Bing.

When Chen Hong heard this, he was furious: "This bastard, I have repeatedly warned him not to provoke Lu Bing recently! But he still doesn't listen to the governor! We only moved Liu Biao yesterday, and with Lu Bing's temperament, he is worried I can't find an excuse to vent my anger! He's lucky! He just ran into him!"

Zhang Mo comforted him and said, "Master, you can't blame Zhou Qianhu. He also listened to you in the morning and went to greet him. Who knew that Lu Bing didn't come, let alone that he came in the afternoon."

Chen Hong cast a cold glance at Zhang Mo, and said with a sneer, "With Mr. Zhang's intelligence, when you went to kill Liu Biao yesterday, you really didn't expect it?"

Zhang Mo was furious, but seeing Chen Hong's cold expression, he took a deep breath and said with a smile, "It's because I thought about it that I asked the governor to tell Zhou Qianhu."

Hearing Zhang Mo's words blocking him, Chen Hong felt even more irritable, and scolded sharply: "I asked you to kill Liu Biao yesterday, but you left him alive instead. Well, what you said makes sense, my lord Just listen to you one more time, let him live for now! But you have to remember, don’t always play tricks, now we are in the same boat, and if the boat capsizes, neither of us will get better!”

Zhang Mo said respectfully: "The governor is serious. Since Zhang Mo has taken refuge in the governor, he will do his best to plan for the governor. As long as the governor promises that the villain's affairs will not change, the villain and the villain's subordinates will respect the governor. The head of the horse is looking forward, and I will go through life and death for the governor!"

Chen Hong sneered and said: "Don't worry, you are still useful to me, so I won't break my promise... So, you must always ensure that you are useful and that no one can replace you!"

"The villain understands!" Zhang Mo didn't want to continue this topic with Chen Hong, and said, "How does the Governor plan to deal with Zhou Qianhu?"

"No way, I'm going to Beizhen Fusi..." Chen Hong thought for a while.

Zhang Mo hurriedly stopped him, saying: "No! Governor, we made a plan yesterday to get ourselves out and let Lu Bing rush to the front, and we will catch the net when we are both defeated. How can we throw ourselves into the net at this time? What's more, yesterday Lu Bing must have guessed that our actions were our actions. Although Liu Biao is not dead, he is not far from death. With Lu Bing's personality, he will definitely find an opportunity to vent his anger! If we go like this, it will definitely cause disadvantages !"

Chen Hong hesitated for a moment, sighed and said: "I understand the current situation, but I can't see Zhou Bin's misfortune. For the current plan, I can only go there in person, so that I can leave safely with Zhou Bin. Lu Bing may leave any one of them behind. What happened in Dongchengwei at the beginning of the year, can't you see Lu Bing's temperament? Sometimes, he is even more ruthless!"

Zhang Mo is in a hurry!Stopped Chen Hong and said: "Master, you have to think carefully! Going to Beiya at this time is full of disadvantages and has no advantages at all! If you miss the first move, I'm afraid you will be defeated! At that time, how can there be no eggs in the nest? I'm afraid Zhou Qianhu will have a hard time getting away!"

Zhang Mo put his wealth, life, and even dignity on this game, how could he make Chen Hong act rashly?

Seeing that Zhang Mo was so determined, Chen Hong hesitated, frowned, and thought carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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