Brocade legend

Chapter 147 Chen Hong's Thoughts

Chapter 147 Chen Hong's Thoughts

Chen Hong thought for a moment, and finally sighed: "Zhang Mo, I must go!"

Zhang Mo is in a hurry!Just as he was about to speak, Chen Hong spread his hands and said: "Don't be in a hurry, after listening to what I said, our plan yesterday was to push Lu Bing to the front of the stage in accordance with the emperor's will, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman. We deduced yesterday that Lu Bing has a very high chance of winning, but his opponent is not an ordinary person. His opponent may be the entire Ming Dynasty! Even if Lu Bing wins, he will be notorious. When the time comes, we will make a move. It's so easy. Even without us taking action, the emperor will hide him under pressure."

Zhang Mo wondered why Chen Hong repeated yesterday's plan, did Governor Chen have other plans?Thinking of this, Zhang Mo didn't make a sound, and let Chen Hong continue.

Seeing that Zhang Mo didn't make a sound, Chen Hong continued: "But, we must have a process of pushing Lu Bing out, right? Now that Lu Bing has just returned to Beijing, he still doesn't know what to do! What if he finds the wrong target? "

Zhang Moyao said: "Impossible, with Lu Bing's mind, he will definitely figure it out."

"Yes, but how long will it take?" Chen Hong retorted: "Will things change if things drag on?"

"The governor means to wake him up personally?" Zhang Mo said sarcastically, "I'm afraid this is just an excuse for the governor, right?"

"Presumptuous!" Chen Hong was furious.

"I dare not!" Zhang Mo bowed and said, "But, my subordinate, please think again and again, the governor! Even if the governor really went to wake Lu Bing up, he would reveal his intentions. Lu Bing is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very smart, and he will definitely guard against us at that time, and after he succeeds, the possibility of us making a move will become smaller." Speaking of this, Zhang Mo's face changed greatly: "Even...maybe we are counted, by the time At that time, we are no longer just spectators, but caught in it! If we are not careful, we will capsize and die, and even become public enemies!"

"I have my own plan! I won't let the situation go to this point! I will compete with Lu Bing! Let's see who can control who!" Chen Hong was furious after hearing Zhang Mozhi's words: "Don't you think This seat is so useless, I can't even grasp the heat!"

"Master!" Zhang Mo tried to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Chen Hong's sharp shout.

"Shut up! Don't say any more, I've made up my mind!"

Zhang Mo looked at Chen Hong's round face, which was full of determination, knowing that he was powerless, sighed, and stood up straight in a daze.

Seeing Zhang Mo's appearance, and the fact that Zhou Bin's matter touched his heart, Chen Hong didn't blame Zhang Mo anymore, and even said softly, "You are for the good of our family. Nothing else matters, I have made up my mind, so don't stop me."

"But, Governor..." After hearing Chen Hong's words, Zhang Mo couldn't bear it, and wanted to say something else.

"Okay!" Chen Hong sipped softly, looked at Zhang Mo, sighed, and said, "You also know the relationship between Zhou Bin and our family. Our family has only one thought in our hearts. We can't just stop like this, let alone feel sorry for her. , you don’t need to say any more. Moreover, Zhou Bin is now a very important piece of chess for us in Beiya, and we can’t lose it so easily... If you don’t want to, just stay in Dongchang and go to this seat!”

"Subordinates should stay with the governor! Then there will be someone who can do his best." Zhang Mo also sighed after hearing Chen Hong's words, and didn't say any more, just turned his body sideways to get out of the way.

Chen Hong laughed sharply and said: "Okay, okay, just for your performance today, I will doubly fulfill what I promised you!"

"Thank you Governor!" Zhang Mo cupped his hands with a wry smile, thought for a while, and said, "Master Governor, let's bring a few more good hands, let's go together!"

"Hahahaha, this Beizhen Fusi of Jinyiwei is a ghost gate to others, but it is just a back garden to us! He has been in and out many times, but which time is he not walking on the ground? Don't worry too much!" Chen Hong walked out of the East Factory with a big smile .

Zhang Mo followed behind, smiling wryly in his heart: "How can today's Beizhen Fusi be compared to before? Whose territory is it now? There used to be dogs living in the cave, but now it's full of tigers!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Mo thought of the confrontation with Lu Bing, and his heart trembled. He hurriedly greeted several leaders and fans, and followed Chen Hong quickly, walked out of the East Factory, and headed towards Beiya.

"In the tiger's cave, there is a person who lives in a subdued tiger...such a Beizhen Fusi is the real Beiya of Ming Dynasty, the real dragon's pool and tiger's den!"

Not to mention how Zhang Mo, who was riding on the horse, was muttering in his heart. On Beiya's side, Lu Bing was already smiling, and asked someone to move a chair and sober tea for Zhou Bin.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Bin stopped being arrogant, and started talking and laughing with his colleagues around him.

On the other side, Lu Bing pulled Liang Xudong to pretend to exchange feelings and chatted.Lu Bing quickly learned about Zhou Bin's background from Liang Xudong.

Liang Xudong and Xu Liang had already obtained orders from their immediate superiors, and through observation, they felt that Lu Bing was indeed, as the rumors said, a trustworthy superior, so they no longer had any worries or concealments.Since Lu Bing asked about it, Liang Xudong spit out all the information about Zhou Bin from the previous investigation.

"Zhou Bin has nothing to do with Chen Hong, but he has a good sister. But the relationship between his sister and Chen Hong is very unusual." Liang Xudong said in a low voice, "Zhou Bin's sister is called Zhou Shihonglian."

"Honglian! It's her..." Lu Bing's heart moved, he had already guessed the answer, but he didn't interrupt, and continued to listen to Liang Xudong's words.

"This red lotus of the Zhou family..." Liang Xudong belongs to Wang Zuo, so he naturally knows that Lu Bing and his lord Wang Zuo are both ex-officials of Xing Wangfu. The old man of Prince Xing's Mansion, and now the maidservant next to Empress Dowager Jiang, is still..."

"Chen Hong's food." Before Liang Xudong could say it, Lu Bing had already read the answer in his mind.

"...Chen Hong's dating..." Of course Liang Xudong didn't know what Lu Bing was thinking, but continued in a low voice: "It is said that Chen Hong and Zhou Honglian had already been dating each other when they were in Xingwang's mansion."

Liang Xudong glanced at Lu Bing and thought: "Master Lu is also an ex-minister of the Xing Mansion. Is this news a rumor or true? Master Lu should know about it?"

Seeing Liang Xudong looking at him like this, Lu Bing naturally understood what Liang Xudong meant, and smiled wryly in his heart: "I'm sorry..."

To eat, the original meaning is to eat together.It refers to a "couple" between a court lady and a court lady, or between a eunuch and a palace lady, and eat together.Now it often refers to the "husband and wife" relationship between court ladies or between court ladies and eunuchs.Dianshi is a kind of emotional comfort produced by maids and eunuchs who have been imprisoned in the palace for a long time, unable to live a normal family life, resentful and bored.

(End of this chapter)

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