Brocade legend

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
After hearing this, Lu Bing smiled lightly. This kid is really not an idiot. He speaks in an orderly manner. He first tells his own background, reassures his people, and then takes the moral high ground... From this point of view, this kid It is impossible to stay.

Zhou Bin never expected that his words, although he created favorable conditions, also stabilized his heart.

However, it also induced Lu Bing's murderous intention...

Lu Bing narrowed his glasses, he didn't want to leave this kid as a helper for Chen Hong, Hong Lian had to apologize.

Liang Xudong glanced at Lu Bing with some embarrassment. Lu Bing's words just now were indeed... unfair.

Lu Bing just smiled at Liang Xudong with narrowed eyes, and Liang Xudong's heart skipped a beat.

Liang Xudong slowed down his tone, and said to Zhou Bin: "Then you can't draw your sword in Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town! Do you want to merge? What does it look like? If you have any dissatisfaction, you can appeal to the Shangguan!"

Zhou Bin sneered and said, "You think I don't know? Luo An, Wang Zuo are all with you, what else can I find a superior? If you think about it today, let me go out first, and wait for me to find Governor Chen Judgment!"

Zhou Bin said, winking at a general flag.The general flag immediately understood and ran towards the gate, but the gate had been closed by a stone from the outside, and it couldn't be pushed open no matter what.

The general flag pushed it a few times, but he couldn't help it. Looking at Zhou Bin, Zhou Bin said angrily: "Idiot! You won't cut it open!"

Then the general flag came to his senses, and was about to slash with his knife, when Lu Bing said coldly: "Shoot him to death!"

Then a strong force pushed him forward and nailed him to the door.

The general flag looked down and saw an arrow shaft covered in blood, piercing his heart and nailed to the door.

"You really dare to kill people!" Seeing that the head of the head tilted, Zhou Bin knew that he was dead, and he was angry and angry, and shouted at Lu Bing: "I will fight with you!"

Liang Xudong and Xu Liang were shocked. There were only four deputy thousand households and a few hundred households on their side, and Lu Bing's people were less than half of Zhou Bin's. There were more Jinyi guards, but they were not helping each other Step aside, if this fire comes together, you will suffer!

These are all confidantes, and it's not worth it to have an accident because of this kind of thing, and they will be so distressed if they die.

Liang Xudong and Xu Liang hesitated...

But Zhou Bin couldn't bear it any longer. He roared and urged his subordinates to come forward. Although his subordinates hesitated a little, since they had made up their minds to follow Zhou Bin, they didn't back down.

Just when the battle was about to break out, a thick voice suddenly came from outside the door: "You are the Lu family's subordinate! Get out of the way and let me wait in!"

Lu Bing was overjoyed when he heard this somewhat familiar voice.

Lu Bing's order to Shishi was to enter and not to go out, so Shishi did not stop people outside.As soon as the voice outside fell, the door opened, and the corpse hanging on the door was pushed aside, leaving a bright red blood stain on the ground.

Three officials in scarlet bullfight uniforms strode in.

The one walking in front of the middle was an old man with gray hair and beard. Xu Liang looked at it and said happily, "Master Luo! You are here!"

That's right, the old man walking in the front is Luo An, the former commander of Jin Yiwei who just left his post.

"Lord Wang, you're here too!" Liang Xudong was equally excited, looking at an official with a three-strand beard walking on the right side of Luo An, he clasped his hands.

On Luo An's right is an old man who looks to be about the same age as Luo An, but looks much more energetic than Luo An, with a square face and official authority.

And the last official, who looked no more than 50 years old, had a thick, dark short beard, and looked powerful. When he saw Lu Bing, he laughed and said, "Boy Lu! Do you still remember me!" It was the sound of the door calling just outside the door.Lu Bing laughed and said, "Uncle Chen! Long time no see!"

The third senior official is Chen Yin, the governor of Nanzhen Fusi of Jinyiwei.

All of a sudden, the three most powerful officials of the Jinyiwei arrived, and the officials of the Jinyiwei who had just hid aside also stepped forward to salute.

Xu Liang walked quickly to Luo An's side, and said happily, "Master Commander, why are you here?"

Luo An smiled and waved his hands, and said, "I'm not the commander anymore, Mr. Wang is, haha!"

Luo An continued to Xu Liang and said: "In the future, you must follow Lord Lu well, he is our Jinyiwei's hope! I am old, and I have no chance to create the glory of Jinyiwei with him again, but you have caught up, cherish it, don't miss it !

After hearing Luo An's words, Xu Liang felt relieved a lot, and nodded vigorously.

Wang Zuo also said to Liang Xudong: "From now on, I will not be in Beizhen Fusi anymore. You must assist Master Lu well. Master Lu is a person who does great things. If you follow him, you will not lose the name of our Jinyiwei!"

After Liang Xudong and Xu Liang heard what their old boss said, the last bit of hesitation in their hearts was wiped away.

At this time, Lu Bing had already greeted Chen Yin, the governor of Jinyiwei South Town Fusi Town, bowed his hands and said, "Uncle Chen! Long time no see!"

Chen Yin laughed loudly and said, "Wen Fu, you are very famous now! Uncle is very proud!"

Chen Yin and Lu Bing's father, Lu Song, have known each other for many years, and they always called Lu Song the eldest brother. Compared with the relationship between Luo An, Wang Zuo and Yue Song, he is even closer.

This is also because Chen Yin is relatively young and has frequent contacts with the Lu family, so he really watched Lu Bing grow up.Moreover, Chen Yin and Lu Bing's father-in-law, Yang Shanyue, have similar personalities and have a good relationship. They often discuss martial arts and drink together. Even the marriage between Lu Bing and Yang Lianqiu was presided over by Chen Yin. The relationship is very close.

Lu Bing and Chen Yin hadn't chatted for a while, Luo An and Wang Zuo also walked over, Luo An smiled and said, "Why, Wen Fu only recognizes Uncle Chen, but doesn't he recognize our Uncle Luo and Uncle Wang?"

Lu Bing hurriedly clasped his fists and said dare not!Then he bowed his hands and said: "See the two commanders!"

Luo An said with a smile: "You don't look like a child of a martial arts family. You have been polite since you were a child. From now on, I won't be a commander, and you don't have to be so polite anymore. From now on, just call me Uncle Luo!"

Wang Zuo's personality is rather serious, but he also smiled at this time and said: "Although I will be your superior in the future, I will still call you Uncle in private."

Lu Bing hurriedly explained.

Wang Zuo and Luo An introduced Liang Xudong and Xu Liang to Lu Bing again, and Lu Bing, Liang Xudong, and Xu Liang greeted each other, and they were friends.

Just as the few people were exchanging greetings, Shitou's voice suddenly came: "My elder brother said, you are allowed to enter and not to leave! You can't go out!"

Lu Bing, Luo An and others looked back and saw that Zhou Bin, surrounded by his confidantes, had quietly retreated to the door, planning to leave first.

It turned out that when Zhou Bin saw the three Shangguans of Jinyiwei coming here, they immediately reversed the disadvantages in Lu Bingren's hands. .

But when they reached the door, a big man like an iron tower blocked his way with a tree trunk as a weapon.

When Lu Bing saw it, he smiled coldly and said, "What? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

Seeing that procrastination like this is not an option, Zhou Bin gritted his teeth and shouted, "Brothers, let's fight out! With my sister and Governor Chen here, there is no such thing as a bright future!"

When the confidantes heard it, it can only be like this now!
Everyone waved their knives, and they were about to kill the generals!
Seeing this situation, Shi Shi knew that they wanted to rush in, so he was not polite, shouted, grabbed the tree trunk with both hands and slammed forward.Many guards in brocade clothes, before they had time to cut it down, suddenly felt a strong force coming, and fell back with howls.

 My new book "The Young Hero of Wulu" has been released!
  In modern society, is there still real kung fu?Can Chinese martial arts work?
  What does real martial arts look like?What does a martial arts master look like?
  What exactly is kung fu?
  Overseas martial arts gyms of Chinese martial arts were kicked out by a group of mysterious people who mastered different fighting skills.A group of passionate young martial artists from different schools, in order to justify the name of Chinese martial arts, brazenly challenged martial arts masters from all schools of the world, and told the world with their blood and lives what the true spirit of martial arts is!
  Taekwondo vs Tamkui, Bajiquan vs Muay Thai, Wing Chun vs Boxing... What is Tiger Leopard?Is the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover really invulnerable?If you want to know these answers, please come to Wulu!Take a look at the real rivers and lakes, the real martial arts, the real kung fu duel!

  This is a novella of mine, it's finished, if you are interested, you can try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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