Brocade legend

Chapter 151 The God of Jiangmen

Chapter 151 The God of Jiangmen

It turned out that when Zhou Bin saw the three Shangguans of Jinyiwei coming here, they immediately reversed the disadvantages in Lu Bingren's hands. .

But when they reached the door, a big man like an iron tower blocked his way with a tree trunk as a weapon.

When Lu Bing saw it, he smiled coldly and said, "What? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

Seeing that procrastination like this is not an option, Zhou Bin gritted his teeth and shouted, "Brothers, let's fight out! With my sister and Governor Chen here, there is no such thing as a bright future!"

When the confidantes heard it, it can only be like this now!
Everyone waved their knives, and they were about to kill the generals!
Seeing this situation, Shi Shi knew that they wanted to rush in, so he was not polite, shouted, grabbed the tree trunk with both hands and slammed forward.Many guards in brocade clothes, before they had time to cut it down, suddenly felt a strong force coming, and fell back with howls.

Even Zhou Bin, who was surrounded by the crowd, couldn't stabilize his figure and backed away again and again.

Dozens of people with kung fu in their hands were actually pushed back and forth by the stone. The supernatural power of the stone is unrivaled!

The Jin Yiwei who saw this scene were all amazed, and they couldn't help sighing that Lu Bing had such a hero.

Seeing it from the side, Yang Sen happily jumped three feet high and cheered loudly!
Surprised, Chen Yin laughed loudly, and said to Lu Bing, "I heard that you have a warrior who can break trees with bare hands and use the trunk as a weapon. When I first heard about it, I thought it was the same as Lu Zhishen pulling willows in the storybook." , but the rumors are exaggerated. Now it seems that it is even worse than that!"

After hearing this, Luo An and Wang Zuo also nodded in praise.Lu Bing smiled without saying a word, full of pride in his heart.

Over there, Zhou Bin heard Yang Sen's exaggerated laugh and gave Yang Sen a vicious look. Yang Lin stepped forward and stood in front of Yang Sen with a smile on his lips, but his eyes met Zhou Bin's cold eyes.

Seeing Yang Lin being so provocative, Zhou Bin was even angrier.But he knew in his heart that if he stayed here, he might not be able to get it today.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bin directed his anger at the stone.

"Get out of the way!" Zhou Bin ruthlessly pushed away the person in front of him: "Look at me!"

The people standing in front of Zhou Bin hurriedly dispersed. Zhou Bin held a knife in his hand, and hurried towards the stone, slashing at the head.

Stone passed through the Beidi entourage, had dozens of battles, big and small, and forged into one body with the kung fu practiced since childhood. Seeing this knife coming, he calmly raised the tree trunk in his hand to block it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Bin looked ferocious this time, but his hands were so clever that the blade evened out and sliced ​​off Shitou's finger.At the same time, he lifted his foot lightly and moved towards the stone's chest.

Shitou was caught off guard, and took two steps back. While dodging the kick, he held the stick with one hand, avoided the cut, and then hit the stick straight into Zhou Bin's chest.

Zhou Bin was shocked when he saw a wooden stick as thick as the mouth of a bowl poke at his chest. He turned his knife back to block his chest, and caught the stick head of the stone with the blade.

However, the strength of the stone cannot be stopped by Zhou Bin alone, let alone Zhou Bin is still in a panic.

The head of the stone's stick hit the blade, and then pressed the blade against Zhou Bin, who was thrown backwards.

Zhou Bin's followers rushed to catch Zhou Bin, but they knocked those who caught him like rolling gourds.

Zhou Bin spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort, with a face like a ghost, and shouted: "Cut him!"

It turned out that Shi Shi had just taken two steps back and just got out of the way of the door, but Shi Shi, who was naturally dull, didn't remember to take two steps forward and blocked the door, thus leaving a gap.

When Zhou Bin fell to the ground, he didn't want to let go of this opportunity, and let the dozens of Jinyiwei confidantes attack him while shouting.

Seeing Zhou Bin fell to the ground, the dozens of Jin Yiwei were also red-eyed. In their view, the stone is not as scary as Chen Hong.

At this time, Shi Shi also found the gap left, and hurriedly stepped forward to block it, but the group of Jinyi guards had already rushed forward with their swords, swarming forward.

Yang Sen watched from the side, and without thinking, his fingers slipped into the deerskin bag on his waist.

Yang Sen was about to send a throwing knife to help the stone, but the wrist of the hand that put it into the deerskin bag was tightly grasped by a warm but strong hand.

"Brother, what are you doing!" Yang Sen was anxious, and asked Yang Lin who was holding him.

Yang Lin shook his head at Yang Sen, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to kill them?"

Yang Sen was taken aback, and then said, "I can shoot their limbs!"

Yang Lin still shook his head and said, "Don't cause trouble!"

"Shitou and I are brothers! How can we not help in a fight!" Yang Sen was in a hurry, trying to break free from his brother's palm.

"Shut up!" The smile that had been hanging on the corner of Yang Lin's mouth suddenly disappeared. Yang Lin gave Yang Sen a stern look. Years of prestige made Yang Sen subconsciously stop struggling, and he also ignored his brother's painful fingers.

"You are my brother, I have nothing to do with his life or death!" Yang Lin shouted in a low voice, seeing that Yang Sen was no longer struggling, he said in a soft tone: "Now is not the time to make a move, you didn't make a move even if you didn't look at Wen Fu ? Let’s not get ahead! What’s more, in this kind of chaotic battle, the flying knives can’t be accurate, and I dare not make a move. Do you still want to kill people?”

Hearing his brother questioning the accuracy of the flying knife, Yang Sen felt uncomfortable. The flying knife was his only pride. He felt that he had made a lot of progress in this trip to the Northland. He really wanted to show his brother... But seeing Lu Bing standing with the adults with his hands behind his back, smiling, talking in a low voice from time to time, it seemed that he was really not worried about the stone.

Gritting his teeth, Yang Sen slowly took his hand out of the deerskin bag.

Seeing that his younger brother took out his hand, Yang Lin let go of his hand and continued to observe various signs in the arena.

Yang Lin's self-confidence and dominance in front of his younger brother made him unaware of the silver light flashing between his younger brother's fingers.

At this time, Shitou was fighting with the group of Jinyi guards, Zhou Bin gritted his teeth and was supported by the two Jinyi guards, watching the battle from the sidelines.

The stone foundation is solid, the bridge is hard and the horse is strong, and it is powerful and heavy. Between offense and defense, there is no rush.He himself has been trained on the battlefield, and his moves are full of murderous intent. With the huge weapon in his hand, if he touches it, he will be injured, and if he hits it, he will die.

The Jinyi guards who besieged him were afraid, but because Zhou Bin was around, they didn't dare to retreat. They jumped up and down like a group of ducks being driven by bamboo poles. A group of people besieged the stone, but they seemed to be running around the stone.

This battle was like a battle between a group of monkeys and a bear. The monkey's attack power obviously couldn't hurt the bear, and with so many monkeys, the bear couldn't defeat them all at once.

Zhou Bin looked at it for a while, and felt that it was not an option to go on like this. He winked at the two Jin Yiwei who were supporting him, and wanted to leave while the stone was entangled.

 My new book "The Young Hero of Wulu" has been released!
  In modern society, is there still real kung fu?Can Chinese martial arts work?
  What does real martial arts look like?What does a martial arts master look like?
  What exactly is kung fu?
  Overseas martial arts gyms of Chinese martial arts were kicked out by a group of mysterious people who mastered different fighting skills.A group of passionate young martial artists from different schools, in order to justify the name of Chinese martial arts, brazenly challenged martial arts masters from all schools of the world, and told the world with their blood and lives what the true spirit of martial arts is!
  Taekwondo vs Tamkui, Bajiquan vs Muay Thai, Wing Chun vs Boxing... What is Tiger Leopard?Is the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover really invulnerable?If you want to know these answers, please come to Wulu!Take a look at the real rivers and lakes, the real martial arts, the real kung fu duel!

  This is a novella of mine, it's finished, if you are interested, you can try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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