Brocade legend

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

"This Wenfu really came to the stage when he entered the Bei Yamen. I heard that he made great contributions to the Beidi this time, and made the emperor happy. Hey, look, those vases, corals , and a box of jewels over there, all sent by the emperor, who is said to have been seized by Wenfu in the north." Regardless of Honglian's anxiety, the Empress Dowager Jiang continued, "He's in office, you go Congratulations, it’s also logical, you go pick a bottle and bring it there, say it’s a reward for him, and let him do his job well. He’s young, and the old men in Jinyiwei are all old now, so he can help the emperor and the two of you more. Nian, oh, there is more! Let him tell his mother, let his mother come to the palace to accompany Ai's family, because Yu's health is not good, and if we don't get together again, the two old sisters will not be able to see each other."Honglian has been with Empress Dowager Jiang for many years, and the more she listens, the more she hears something else, so she picks out a blue and white porcelain vase without saying a word. "You go!" The Empress Dowager Jiang finally released him.As soon as Honglian walked to the door, the Empress Dowager Jiang suddenly spoke again, saying: "By the way, Honglian, I heard that you have a younger brother from your natal family who came to Beijing? You girl too, don't say anything, I heard it is Let Chen Hong also be arranged to go to Beiya? That's just right, you go this time, tell Wenfu, so that you can take good care of your brother. You also tell your brother, let him take care of Wenfu Do it, don't be a moth, this Wenfu is good everywhere, but you can't tolerate sand in your eyes, don't make something happen at that time, which will affect the feelings of the people of Laoxing Palace."Hong Lian's heart skipped a beat, she hadn't mentioned this younger brother to the Queen Mother, how did the Queen Mother know?Hong Lian hurriedly said: "Yes, queen mother, I must give you good instructions! The younger brother of my servant's family came to Beijing, it is not a big deal, it is not worth disturbing the queen mother, so I didn't tell the queen mother..."Before Hong Lian could finish her sentence, the Empress Dowager Jiang interrupted her: "It's okay, Yu really doesn't bother to ask, but you have to remember that Wen Fu has just made a great contribution, and the emperor is using him, so we can't." Dismantling the emperor's platform, the wealth and honor of our prosperous palace will all fall on the emperor. You also have to talk about Chen Hong from time to time. The matter between you two was approved by the previous emperor. It is not easy for the Ai family to say anything, but I heard that Chen Hong has been in Beijing since then, but he made a lot of publicity, and even bullied the people in our Xingdi, which is not good. After all, you are the one who came out of Xingdi. Especially the Wenfu family, the two The old man of Daidu Xingdi, from the merits of the dragon, you should get closer." The Empress Dowager Jiang said earnestly.Honglian was dripping with cold sweat, and was about to say something, but the Empress Dowager Jiang waved her hand and said, "I'm tired, you go, and think about it."Honglian saluted, got into the car in a daze, and went to Fusi, Jinyiwei North Town.Honglian sat in the car, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. She never expected that the Queen Mother was still ill in the deep palace, but she had a clear understanding of everything, and her heart was like a mirror.Listening to her today, she seems to be talking nonsense, just talking nonsense, but she has said everything that should be said and beaten.How can this prevent Hong Lian from sighing that the Empress Dowager is now wiser than she was back then.The Empress Dowager Jiang has always been a strong person, and she is wise, smart, and talented. She thought that when Jiajing first entered Beijing, on the third day of her ascension to the throne, because the first assistant Yang Tinghe and others asked the emperor not to present the crown to the emperor, she was furious and made an order. Invite Empress Dowager Jiang to Beijing.As a result, after the Queen Mother Jiang arrived in Cangzhou, because of the "entrance ceremony", the Queen Mother Jiang was furious and stopped driving in Cangzhou, unwilling to enter Beijing.Yang Tinghe and other ceremonial officials did not recognize that Empress Dowager Jiang was the empress dowager, and proposed that Empress Dowager Jiang should follow the rules of the imperial concubine Jingshi, that she should enter through the Dong'an Gate and the emperor go out of the Donghua Gate to greet her. This is the etiquette for welcoming a princess.Both Emperor Jiajing and Empress Dowager Jiang were very angry, because they both believed that as the mother of the emperor, Empress Dowager Jiang should naturally be the Empress Dowager, and she should enter Beijing through the main gate, which is Zhengyang Gate.Because at this time, Empress Dowager Jiang stopped in Cangzhou and refused to go to Beijing, and even said that she would go back to Anlu. Emperor Jiajing also cried loudly. If his mother did not come, he would give up the throne.In the end, with the support of the Yili School, the Empress Dowager Jiang and Emperor Jiajing finally won the struggle, and finally forced Yang Tinghe and other ministers to make concessions.After that, Empress Dowager Jiang and the Yili faction actively cooperated, and finally helped Emperor Jiajing take power.It can be seen that the Empress Dowager Jiang was not an ignorant woman.Thinking of this, Hong Lian secretly thought about it.At this time, the fight between Shitou and those Jinyiwei in Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town has also come to an end.This way of chasing ducks began to make Lu Bing feel impatient.At the same time, he also wanted to try, after all this, whether Beizhen Fusi had all of them in his hands.Lu Bing cupped his hands to the elders and said, "Uncles, let Wen Fu take down those thieves first, and then talk to the uncles."Luo An, Wang Zuo, and Chen Yin all nodded in agreement, Wang Zuo said: "Wen Fu, you are welcome, just do what you want."Many Jinyi guards of Beizhen Fusi saw that the elders supported the new Beizhen Fushi so much, and thought about the instructions of the adults behind them, and they also felt hesitant.Because there were several elders around, Lu Bing did not sit down, but just walked forward a few steps. Before he could speak, Liang Xudong and Xu Liang had already exchanged glances, and stepped forward to face Lu Bing. Bingyi clasped his fists and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please refer to Mr. Lu, the governor of Beizhen, congratulations on your appointment!"Then, the four vice-thousand households who were close to Liang Xudong and Xu Liang also stood behind Liang Xudong and Xu Liang, clasped their fists and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please refer to Mr. Lu, the governor of Beizhen. Congratulations on your appointment!"Then, the Jinyi guards descended from the lineage of Luo An, Wang Zuo, Chen Yin, etc. also lined up according to the order of their ranks, and shouted loudly: "See Mr. Lu, the Fushi of Beizhen! Congratulations on your appointment!"The neutral faction in the hall also hurriedly mixed into the team at this time, shouting: "See Mr. Lu, the governor of Beizhen! Congratulations, Mr. Lu, on taking office!"Liang Xudong and Xu Liang shouted again, and bowed: "Congratulations, my lord, for taking office!"Everyone also shouted in unison again, bowed and saluted: "Congratulations, my lord, for taking office!"For a time, the sound was magnificent and shook the Quartet.The three elders looked at each other and smiled.Lu Bing smiled slightly, raised his hand and said: "My colleagues are very polite, I hope you will support each other in the future, and work hard!"Liang Xudong and Xu Liang shouted again: "I will die!" "Must die!!!!"Zhou Bin's followers were even more terrified. Two of them were accidentally hit by the tree trunk in the stone's hand, and they fell to the ground and howled.Lu Bing said to Xue Yang, "Go, help Shitou and take them down."

 My new book "The Young Hero of Wulu" has been released!
  In modern society, is there still real kung fu?Can Chinese martial arts work?
  What does real martial arts look like?What does a martial arts master look like?
  What exactly is kung fu?
  Overseas martial arts gyms of Chinese martial arts were kicked out by a group of mysterious people who mastered different fighting skills.A group of passionate young martial artists from different schools, in order to justify the name of Chinese martial arts, brazenly challenged martial arts masters from all schools of the world, and told the world with their blood and lives what the true spirit of martial arts is!
  Taekwondo vs Tamkui, Bajiquan vs Muay Thai, Wing Chun vs Boxing... What is Tiger Leopard?Is the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover really invulnerable?If you want to know these answers, please come to Wulu!Take a look at the real rivers and lakes, the real martial arts, the real kung fu duel!

  This is a novella of mine, it's finished, if you are interested, you can try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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