Brocade legend

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Seeing that Xue Yang was about to make a move, Liang Xudong and Xu Liang both took a step forward. Liang Xudong cupped his hands and said, "My lord, don't bother your general to take action on this matter, let the subordinate officials and Xu Qianhu take action, and take some rioters for your lord. Congratulations!"

And the group of guards in brocade robes below also hurriedly opened their mouths, shouting in a chaotic voice that they wanted to do things for Xue Yang.

Ever since Zhou Bin entered Jinyiwei, he had never been treated like this, as if he was a piece of meat on a chopping board, anyone could cut twice, so he gritted his teeth and became anxious.

At this moment, an anxious voice suddenly heard: "Stone be careful."

Then I saw a silver light flashing past!

There was silence in the arena, and Lu Bing followed the prestige.

I saw a dozen or so people wearing Dongchang clothes and hats appearing outside the door at some time, holding waist knives and replacing the people who besieged the stone.

Shi Shi was guarding carefully with weapons in both hands, but Zhou Bin showed joy on his face.

And Zhang Mo was holding the knife, a thin silk thread was wrapped around the knife, and a diamond-shaped pendant was shaking.

This pendant is exactly Huang Duxian's unique weapon, Silver Meteor.

But the one holding the thread was not Huang Duxian, but Yang Sen.

The shout just now was also made by Yang Sen.

It turned out that when everyone worshiped Lu Bing just now, he had been paying attention to the stone, holding the silver meteor he had asked for from Huang Duxian in his hand.

When everyone was scrambling to take down Zhou Bin for Lu Bing, Yang Sen suddenly saw a figure, who appeared behind the stone like a ghost, and chopped down the stone with the knife in his hand.

Shocked, Yang Sen shouted out, and the silver meteor in his hand shot.

As a result, because he had just obtained the silver meteor not long ago, he was not proficient in controlling it, so he could only throw it in a straight line like a throwing knife.The figure had quick eyes and quick hands, and blocked the silver meteor with a knife, but because he didn't understand the characteristics of the silver meteor, the knife was entangled by the silver meteor.

The one who attacked the stone was naturally Lu Bing's old acquaintance Zhang Mo.

Then, a fat middle-aged man in a boa robe came out from behind Dongchang Fanzi. Zhou Bin was overjoyed when he saw the person coming, and opened his mouth and called out: "Brother-in-law!"

The person who came here was supervising the East Factory, so was Chen Hong.

Chen Hong hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at Beizhen Fusi before Zhou Bin was taken down.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Shi Shi fighting with a dozen Jin Yiwei.

Chen Hong made a quick decision and thought of using an excuse for not understanding the situation, thinking that Shitou was the one who disturbed Jinyiwei North Town Fusi, so Zhang Mo took the opportunity to kill Shitou.

It's just that Yang Sen has been paying attention to Shishi because he has the closest relationship with Shishi, and he has been holding this strange weapon in his hand, so Zhang Mo didn't succeed.

"Still put it away!" Yang Lin scolded his younger brother who finally showed his face in a low voice, and gave Yang Sen a hard look. He didn't want the Yang family to be missed by Dongchang.

Yang Sen was helpless, and with a flick of his finger, he took the silver meteor back into his sleeve.

It turned out that ever since he heard about Shitou's experience in the Mongolian camp and witnessed the power of silver meteors with his own eyes, he, who loves hidden weapons, pestered Huang Duxian to ask for one.

Huang Duxian was stubborn, but also in order to have a closer relationship with Lu Bing. For the sake of the close relationship between Yang Sen and Lu Bing and his wife, he gave Yang Sen a pair of silver meteors.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he made a miracle.

"Stone, let them in!" Lu Bing saw that most of the guards in brocade clothes in the lobby became submissive again when they saw the Dongchang people coming, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.It seems that it is not enough to subdue Beizhen Fusi, but also to harden these Jinyiwei who have been weakened.

The stone held the trunk vigilantly and made way for it.

Chen Hong walked in with big strides, while Zhang Mo and more than a dozen Dongchang fans also rushed in, protecting Chen Hong with knives.

"Brother-in-law!" Zhou Bin greeted him with a smile on his chest.

"Are you okay?" Chen Hong glanced at him and said.

"It's okay! Brother-in-law, that big man almost broke my bones, and injured so many of my brothers!" Zhou Bin complained loudly.

"Is that dead?" Chen Hong continued to ask.

"This... Xie brother-in-law's concern, he probably won't die." Seeing that Chen Hong's expression was not right, Zhou Bin said cautiously.

"It's fine if you can't die, why are there so many nonsense?" Chen Hong scolded: "Also, call me Governor!"

Zhou Bin shrank his head and said, "Yes, sister... Governor."

Chen Hong ignored him and strode into the lobby.

Seeing that they had all gone in, Shitou continued to lean on the tree pole to hold his position.

Seeing Chen Hong coming in, many Jinyiwei officials stepped forward to salute, but Chen Hong just raised his chin and nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Seeing Chen Hong acting like this, Lu Bing remained calm and waited until Chen Hong approached before he cupped his hands and said, "Is Governor Chen here to assist me with my errands?"

As soon as Chen Hong heard it, he knew that Lu Bing was using the emperor's golden words to ask him to help him with his errands, so as to suppress himself.But Chen Hong is also very old-fashioned, and he was not moved at all. He said from left to right: "I just looked at it from a distance, and I thought it was a reckless man who came from somewhere. He is so blind. On the day Mr. Lu took office, he came to Beijing. The Zhenfu Division is making trouble. I was thinking of helping Lord Lu take it as a congratulatory gift, but when I got closer, I realized that it was you Jin Yiwei who were just playing around!"

Hearing Chen Hong's sarcasm, Lu Bing just smiled slightly and said, "So, Governor Chen is here to congratulate me on my appointment?"

When Chen Hong saw Lu Bing's words, he just wanted to overwhelm himself. He knew that Lu Bing was not a person who could only play tricks without thinking. He thought about the current situation in the lobby, and when he rolled his eyes, he understood Lu Bing's words. intention.

It seems that Lu Bing wanted to do it for these Jin Yiwei guards.

Now that Chen Hong knew it well, he would naturally not be fooled. Seeing that Luo An, Wang Zuo, and Chen Yin were also there, he greeted with a smile, "Are you all here?"

After all, Luo An and Wang Zuo had been in the officialdom for many years, and they bowed to Chen Hong with smiles.On the other hand, Chen Yin, with a straightforward nature and everything written on his face, snorted at Chen Hong and turned his head away.

At this time, Chen Hong ignored his superiors' concerns and said to Lu Bing: "I see that you are quite busy, so I won't disturb you. Let's talk about the matters arranged by the emperor after you finish your work."

"Then don't give it away, Governor Chen can do it himself!" Lu Bing didn't want to pretend to be entangled with Chen Hong anymore, turned to Liang Xudong and Xu Liang and said: "Liang Qianhu, Xu Qianhu, tie up those things that eat inside and outside." Get up, throw them into prison, and teach them well! Let them reflect on themselves!"

Those Jinyi guards who followed Zhou Bin to make trouble thought that Chen Hong would be safe and sound, and follow Zhou Qianhu to have a good future.Hearing Lu Bing's order at this time, and seeing Chen Hong turning his head expressionlessly, but walking towards the gate, they were all shocked.

 My new book "The Young Hero of Wulu" has been released!
  In modern society, is there still real kung fu?Can Chinese martial arts work?
  What does real martial arts look like?What does a martial arts master look like?
  What exactly is kung fu?
  Overseas martial arts gyms of Chinese martial arts were kicked out by a group of mysterious people who mastered different fighting skills.A group of passionate young martial artists from different schools, in order to justify the name of Chinese martial arts, brazenly challenged martial arts masters from all schools of the world, and told the world with their blood and lives what the true spirit of martial arts is!
  Taekwondo vs Tamkui, Bajiquan vs Muay Thai, Wing Chun vs Boxing... What is Tiger Leopard?Is the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover really invulnerable?If you want to know these answers, please come to Wulu!Take a look at the real rivers and lakes, the real martial arts, the real kung fu duel!

  This is a novella of mine, it's finished, if you are interested, you can try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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