Brocade legend

Chapter 168 Expecting a Miracle

Chapter 168 Expecting a Miracle
"Lianqiu, what should I do if something happens to you?" Lu Bing almost begged Lianqiu to agree.

"This child can't be destroyed no matter what." Lian Qiu stroked Lu Bing's face with his hands, and said softly but firmly.

"The child is gone, I can think of a way, if I don't have you, how will I live in the future!" Lu Bing rarely lost his composure.

Lianqiu stroked Lu Bing's face, and said with a consoling smile: "This is our first child. It took a lot of hard work to conceive. It must be born, child, so that we can continue. What's more, this can Don't let your parents down!"

When Lu Bing tried to persuade him to no avail, the two mothers came over. Lian Qiu's mother, Mrs. Yang, threw herself in front of Lian Qiu's bed, and said with tears streaming down her face, "My poor child!..." After weeping, I couldn't say anything after that.

Old Madam Lu was also in tears, but her mood was extremely contradictory, and she didn't know how to speak.She was moved that Lian Qiu was determined to give birth to a child regardless of her own life, but she also didn't want Lian Qiu to lose her life for the sake of the child. Mrs. Lu looked at Lian Qiu with complicated eyes and sighed.

Mrs. Yang cried and cried: "Lianqiu, you just listen to Li Taiyi, don't want this child, we will have another child when he is healthy, okay?"

Lian Qiu smiled without saying a word, she knew very well in her heart that if she didn't want this child, then she would have no chance to have it again.

No matter how everyone persuaded, Lian Qiu just smiled, but never let go.

Seeing that persuasion was not the answer, Lu Bing thought about Li Yanwen's words, and said, "Lian Qiu, Li Taiyi said, if you don't kill the child, neither you nor the child may live to the day of delivery. You may not be able to give birth, and you and the child will not be guaranteed!"

After hearing this, Lianqiu thought for a while and said, "Husband, can you invite Imperial Doctor Li to come in?"

"Okay, okay!" Lu Bing thought that Lianqiu was shaken, so he ran out and called Li Yanwen.

It just so happened that today Li Shizhen also came to give Shishi acupuncture and moxibustion to treat his headache. After hearing the news from here, he also rushed over and was discussing Lianqiu's condition with Li Yanwen.

Li Yanwen and Li Shizhen saluted Lianqiu and the others, and Lianqiu asked: "Mr. Li, if I insist on having this child, how likely is it that I will last until the day the child is born?"

Li Yanwen glanced at Lu Bing, and said cautiously: "Even if the old man is always by my side, there is only less than half the possibility."

"..." Lianqiu was silent for a while, and continued: "How many months will the child survive at the earliest?"

"In ancient times, there was a record of a child born in July who survived, but it can only be regarded as an anecdote, and it cannot be confirmed. But when she was conceived in October, she was actually born in September. In this way, there is still a possibility of survival about half a month in advance." Li Yanwen continued explained.

"Can the concubine's body last for eight months?" Lian Qiu continued to ask.

"This... the old man can't be sure." Li Yan said cautiously after hearing his solemn face.

"So... the child really won't live?" Lianqiu seemed to be drained of energy all of a sudden, and couldn't help crying.The two old mothers on the side cried out at the same time, and Lu Bing was so anxious that he couldn't help sighing.

When the house was in bleakness, Li Shizhen who was on the side couldn't bear to see it, and suddenly said: "Madam is in good health, she must have practiced martial arts when she was young to keep fit, Mrs. Lu's family background is good, I can also get high-quality medicinal materials from the palace, if my father and I take care of Madam and control Madam's condition at any time, I should be [-] to [-]% sure that Madam will last until the day of delivery."

Li Shizhen finished speaking in one breath, only to see her father glaring at her fiercely.

"Really!" Lian Qiu's eyes lit up.

Seeing Lian Qiu's hopeful eyes, Li Shizhen's heart softened. Regardless of his father secretly pulling his sleeve, he said, "Really, although I'm not completely sure, but as long as I'm careful, I think it's possible."

"Shut up!" Li Yanwen scolded, "How can you guarantee such a thing?"

Lian Qiu suddenly turned over and got out of bed, and knelt down in front of Li Yanwen. Lu Bing hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but was pushed away by Lian Qiu, almost sitting on the ground.

Lu Bing was surprised, he never thought that Lianqiu's strength could be so great!

Lian Qiu knelt in front of Li Yanwen, did not get up no matter what, and said in a mournful voice: "Princess Li!Please save my child!As long as it allows me to give birth to a child, I am willing to die! "

"It's not that I don't want to do my best, it's just that this kind of thing is too risky, and I really can't afford it!" Li Yanwen said with a sad face.

Li Shizhen was young and energetic, seeing the frail Lianqiu in such misery, she finally couldn't bear it, and said loudly: "Father, since there is hope, we must try our best!"

"Bastard! Is it possible to try this? Now the child is only three months old, and it can still be done. If it is older, it will be impossible. At that time, both the child and the adult will have to wait to die!" Li Yanwen scolded Li Shizhen angrily.

"Doctor Li!" Lian Qiu burst into tears, begging: "You just help me! Let me give birth to the child!"

"Lianqiu!" Lu Bing went up to help Lianqiu to get up, but Lianqiu said to Lu Bing: "Husband, Lianqiu will depend on you in everything, and you will rely on Lianqiu once. If you want to kill my child, I will kill you." Die with the child!"

"You silly child!" Mrs. Yang cried even harder.

Lu Bing looked at his wife's eyes that were still bright but full of tears, and stopped talking.He knew his wife well. Lianqiu, who was born in the Jinyiwei family, looks weak, but in fact she is tough inside, as the saying goes, soft on the outside and strong on the inside.She said she would die with the child, and she would do what she said.

Thinking of this, Lu Bing knew that it was useless to persuade him.

Lu Bing was also a decisive person. He turned around and bowed to Li Yanwen and said, "Doctor Li, please do your best. Even if you can't keep... in the end, we won't blame you. Even if you can save one, You are the great benefactor of our Lu family!"

"Father! Just help Mr. Lu!" Li Shizhen also begged.

"Wenfu!" Mrs. Lu didn't expect her son to change his mind suddenly, and stamped her feet anxiously.

"Mother..." Lu Bing glanced at his mother with a wry smile, then at Lianqiu, who had a smile on his face because of his support, shook his head vigorously, and then said to Mrs. Lu: "You don't want to, either. Lianqiu is looking for death and life right now? There is always hope..."

As Lu Bing spoke, he also lamented in his heart, maybe he also hoped... a miracle would happen!
After hearing Lu Bing's words, Mrs. Lu felt conflicted in her heart, and finally sighed and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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