Brocade legend

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Old Mrs. Yang at the side cried even more after hearing what Lian Qiu and Lu Bing said.

Li Yanwen insisted on the situation, finally sighed, stomped his feet and said: "That's all, the old man will do his best, but let's talk about it first, if it can really last until the day of delivery, if the old man thinks that the wife will really give birth by then I can’t come down anymore, I can only try my best to keep one!”

"Thank you, Imperial Physician Li!" Lian Qiu was overjoyed, and was about to kowtow to Li Yanwen.

Li Yanwen hurriedly supported Lianqiu and said: "Madam, get up, you will take care of your health. In the next six months, Madam must be careful and careful, and you must take good care of your body. You must not have any minor illnesses or pains, otherwise it will be very serious." This may have cost the lives of the wife and the child!"

Lu Bing and the two old ladies put Lianqiu on the bed and lay down. Lu Bing turned around and cupped his hands to Li Yanwen: "Thank you, Doctor Li!..." He turned around and said to Li Shizhen: "And Brother Li, thank you You, your father and son will have to worry about you in the future."

"Your Majesty Lu is too polite." Li Yanwen instructed: "Madam must not be startled and angry in the past few months, and must be calm to stabilize her heart disease."

"There are more." Li Shizhen continued his father's words: "Master Lu, we need some precious medicinal materials, which are only found in the palace..."

"Don't worry about this, I will go to the palace to invite the emperor, but if you need any medicinal materials, just write to me, and I will get them." Lu Bing said loudly: "Also, don't call me Mr. Lu, Doctor Li, You can just call me Wenfu from now on. Brother Li, just call me Big Brother from now on!"

"This is not good!" Li Yanwen panicked.

"What's wrong, you are older than me, you have taken care of my father and Lianqiu, and it would be too strange to call me Master Lu." Lu Bing insisted: "And Brother Li, you and I If you are congenial, please call me big brother from now on!"

"Okay! Brother Lu!" Li Shizhen's character was straightforward, but free and easy.

Hearing that his son had already called out, Li Yan sighed and stopped dissuading him. It might be a good thing to be able to climb into the Lu family, so just ask for wealth and wealth!

The three members of the Yang family, father and son, knew Lian Qiu and Lu Bing's best decision, looked at each other and lamented, and finally Yang Shanyue stomped his feet and went home.Seeing his father gone, Yang Lin couldn't stay still any longer, so he went straight to Beizhen Fusi, only Yang Sen remained at Lu's house, and Wang Luxiuying, who was squatting on the corridor, stared at each other.

As soon as Lu Bing got the list of medicinal materials written by Li Yanwen and Li Shizhen, he immediately galloped to Qianqing Palace.

Emperor Jiajing listened to Lu Bing's words, and directly approved a note, letting Lu Bing take it at will, and also offered Lu Bing a bunch of precious medicinal materials such as wild ginseng and ganoderma.

At this point, the Lu family and the Yang family began to be busy around Lian Qiu and the child in her womb.Li Yanwen and Li Shizhen lived in the Lu residence directly, checking Lianqiu's body every day and taking good care of her.All kinds of precious medicinal materials are like running water.Apart from going to Beizhen Fusi, Lu Bing went home. Fortunately, many brothers helped him share the burden, so that he could persevere.

On this day, just before noon, Lu Bing quickly finished his official duties and was about to rush home.

Just after leaving Beizhen Fusi, I saw a familiar person at the intersection of the street.

"Bi Yun? Why are you here?" Lu Bing stepped forward and asked in confusion.

Bi Yun smiled and said, "Wait for you!"

"Wait for me?" Lu Bingqiang smiled and said, "I'm afraid I can't accompany you, your sister-in-law is still waiting at home."

"We've also heard about your family's affairs. If it's not an important matter, we won't bother you. Why don't you come with us?" Bi Yun begged.

"What's the matter?" Lu Bing was helpless. It was really hard to refuse his friendship with Bi Yun. Besides, when he was in the Xuanfu, he felt somewhat sorry for Bi Yun.Lu Bing thought it was time for lunch, and thought that he would eat it everywhere anyway, so he agreed, and said, "Then let me treat you to a meal! Let's talk while eating?"

"You don't need to invite me to eat, we have already prepared it, you just follow." Bi Yun smiled and stepped forward to hold Lu Bing's arm.

Lu Bing just smiled wryly, thinking that Bi Yun was even more handsome. If he wasn't a eunuch, his face and figure could be called charming.

"So, you are here to invite me to dinner?" Lu Bing and Bi Yun came to Hongyan Tower and asked as they went upstairs.

"It's not us who want to treat you to dinner, it's my godfather who wants to treat you to dinner." Bi Yun just smiled, but Lu Bing's heart sank. It's not a good thing for the eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor to invite you to dinner.

"Sun Hong, the great eunuch of the Yumajian? I don't have any dealings with him, why is he inviting me to dinner?" Lu Bing asked Bi Yun to test his manner.

"Didn't you know when you went?" Bi Yun pulled Lu Bing to a private room, and said as he walked, "Your Master Lu is the No. When it is in your hand, it will be too late to burn incense and worship Buddha."

Lu Bing was speechless, and followed Bi Yun into the private room.

In the center of the room, a round table was already filled with wine and food.

Sun Hong sat on the main seat, leaning on a walking stick in his hand.His confidant, Meng Zhong, was standing behind Sun Hong with a big bow and a waist knife on his back, expressionless.

Seeing Lu Bing coming in, Sun Hong tried to stand up with his crutches, but Meng Zhong quickly supported Sun Hong.

Sun Hong cupped his hands tremblingly and said to Lu Bing, "Lord Lu, it's been a long time."

"Haha, Eunuch Sun is rare recently! What are you busy with?" Lu Bing walked over with a big smile. Among the great eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty, he had already offended one Chen Hong, and he didn't want to offend another Sun Hong. Use the Royal Horse Supervisor.

"Hey, what else can a dying person do? It's just trying to survive." Sun Hong replied panting.

Lu Bing and Sun Hong said a few words politely, and then sat down.

Bi Yun sat between Lu Bing and Sun Hong and poured wine for them respectively.

Lu Bing asked Sun Hong: "My father-in-law finds an official, what's your business?"

"Hehe, it's been a long time. Please come to catch up with Mr. Lu." Sun Hongqian said with a smile.

When Lu Bing heard this, he also laughed in his heart. There is no friendship between the two of them, and there is nothing old to talk about.

Lu Bing and Sun Hong talked nonsense for a long time, and Bi Yun couldn't help laughing lowly when he saw that the two were serious and reminiscing about the past.

The two drank three rounds of wine and had five flavors of food, and Sun Hong suddenly let out a long sigh.

Lu Bing knew that according to this routine, it was time to answer the conversation, so he hurriedly asked, "What is your father-in-law worried about?"

"Well, our family is very old. It is said that people like us who have no children have nothing to worry about, but we really have something to worry about." Sun Hong sighed.

"Oh? Eunuch, what are you worried about?" Lu Bing was bored in his heart, but he still cooperated with him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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