Brocade legend

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Holding the crutches in both hands, Sun Hong paused on the ground, smacked Bi Yun with his mouth and said, "It's not my useless adopted son."

Lu Bing was startled. During this period of time, he had been wandering around the housework, and his mind had become dull.

As soon as Lu Bing heard Chen Hong mentioning Bi Yun, his thoughts turned away. Could it be that Sun Hong wanted to mention the matter of supporting Bi Yun as the supervisor of the East Factory again?
Sure enough, seeing that Lu Bing didn't say anything, Sun Hong just muttered to himself, smiled to himself, and continued to talk unhurriedly: "Our family can still do something now, and his life is better. If we are not here, I really can't Know how this honest boy lives!"

Lu Bing glanced at Bi Yun, and saw that Bi Yun just lowered his head. Lu Bing thought about having known Bi Yun for many years, sighed, and said, "Not to mention that my father-in-law is still in good health! It's just a bad word, and in the future The father-in-law is gone, don't we have brothers from Xingwang's mansion to help him?"

"Haha, with Lord Lu's words, we feel a lot more at ease!" Sun Hong laughed, and coughed with a smile, Bi Yun hurried up and patted Sun Hong's back lightly.

When Sun Hong got better, he waved Bi Yun to sit down. Bi Yun sat back obediently, turned his head and smiled at Lu Bing with a calm demeanor.

Sun Hong wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said to Bi Yun, "Yun'er, toast Master Lu, you will have to count on him more in the future."

Bi Yun picked up a glass of wine vigorously, respected Lu Bing and said, "Wenfu, don't talk too much, let's do it first as a respect!"

Lu Bing smiled, and accompanied Bi Yun for a glass cleanly.

Seeing that the two had finished drinking, Sun Hong nodded, took a bite of food, and asked casually, "I heard that you have a good brother named Zhu Liu?"

"Yes." Lu Bing nodded.

"It seems that you are still in the north and haven't returned to Beijing, right?" Sun Hong continued to ask.

"Well, I wrote a letter saying that I will be back soon." Lu Bing replied.

"Oh, we seem to have heard from someone that Chen Hong is related to someone called Wei Zhentian in the north. I heard that Wei Zhentian is also the leader of the Green Forest Road in the three northern provinces. He is known as the king of swords. I wonder if Mr. Lu has heard of it?" Sun Hong seemed to be chatting.

Lu Bing became vigilant in his heart, and said, "I never heard of it."

"Well, I heard that people from the rivers and lakes in the three northern provinces all listen to this Wei Zhentian. This time Master Lu has done a lot in the north. You should be careful about this person. I heard that Chen Hong's goods will be delivered to him. The money is coming, Master Lu has cut off his source of income, be careful!" Sun Hong warned carefully, as if it was just a warning from the elders to the younger generation.

"Did the father-in-law get any news?" Lu Bing asked solemnly when he heard that it was about Zhu Liu.

"Hehe, there is no news about an old man in our family. It's just that I heard two eunuchs from the East Factory say something, and just gossiped with Mr. Lu." Sun Hong said with a smile.

The two stopped there and chatted a little, then Lu Bing left in a hurry.

After sending Lu Bing away with a smile, Bi Yun turned back to the private room and said to Sun Hong, "Godfather, will Lu Bing and Chen Hong fight this time?"

"Yes." Sun Hong put away his smile and said expressionlessly.

"Since godfather wants them to fight, why did you tell him about Wei Zhentian? If Wei Zhentian killed Zhu Liu, wouldn't Lu Bing and Chen Hong just die?" Bi Yun continued to ask.

"What do you know, if Zhu Liu is dead, it's hard to say whether Lu Bing will sacrifice more of his subordinates to fight Chen Hong for the sake of a dead man, but if Zhu Liu is fine, then Lu Bing has to make a good show for his subordinates Yes. Let's tell him right now that he is going to rescue Zhu Liu, whether he rescues him in time or not, he will take care of it. Otherwise, what will Zhu Liu and his subordinates think of him?" Sun Hong said cunningly .

"Godfather is wise!" Bi Yun smiled obsequiously, but thought in his heart: "Who do you think is as dirty as you!"

"Hmph, give our family a boost. You must take the position of factory supervisor. Otherwise, when our family really can't do anything, we and I will be unlucky together! Do you understand?" Sun Hong stood up tremblingly. .

Bi Yun also got up quickly, and said respectfully: "My son understands."

With Meng Zhong's support, Sun Hong walked to the door, and suddenly said, "You don't have to be so delusional, as long as you are obedient, we will definitely let you sit as the factory supervisor of the East Factory, and we don't ask you for anything in return. , give us a good care of the elderly and die."

"What did godfather say! How dare my son?" Bi Yun said coquettishly.

"It doesn't matter if you dare or not, you just have to remember one thing, even if I'm too old to move and you dare to have bad intentions, we can still let you die without a place to bury you!" Don't waste the food and wine!"

"Yes, godfather." Bi Yun lowered his head and respectfully sent Sun Hong away.

After Sun Hong left, Bi Yun picked up the wine cup and drank it down in one gulp, with a slight smile on his lips.

He took two mouthfuls of vegetables, and suddenly exerted force with his fingers, crushing the wine cup to pieces!

He looked at the broken wine glass, stretched out his hand to put the residue into his sleeve, then took the glass used by Lu Binggang, poured it slowly for himself, and continued to eat and drink as if nothing had happened.

But Lu Bing left Hongyan Tower, but did not go home, but turned around and walked towards Beizhen Fusi.

He planned in his mind, no matter whether Sun Hong was warning him or really gossiping, he would send someone to Beidi to check on Zhu Liu's situation and tell him about Wei Zhentian.If Dongchang really colluded with Wei Zhentian, then Zhu Liu's situation would be a bit dangerous.

If it wasn't for Lianqiu and Beizhen Fusi's affairs, he wouldn't be able to leave. Lu Bingzhen could not wait to set off now and go to Beidi to meet Zhu Liu himself.

Guan Ji was in chaos, Lu Bing forced himself to calm down, and began to filter suitable people in his heart, and went to Beidi to meet Zhu Liu.

According to Sun Hong, that Great Swordsman Wei Zhentian is very good at kung fu, so the man who went to the Northland must have good kung fu.At least he had to be at the same level as Zhu Liu to be able to help Zhu Liu when fighting. If his skill was too poor, he wouldn't be able to intervene at all in a duel between masters, and it might even add to the chaos.

Moreover, this person has to act calmly and cautiously, and will consider the way out. After all, he is going to respond, and ensuring Zhu Liu's safe return is the first purpose, not to fight specifically.

Furthermore, this person must be reliable and trustworthy.First, if the relationship is not strong enough, Zhu Liu may not trust him.Secondly, Sun Hong said that Chen Hong had contacts with this great swordsman Wei Zhentian, so if this Wei Zhentian wanted to be unfavorable to Zhu Liu, there must be Dongchang's shadow behind him, and if he was not a reliable person, it would probably leak the news ...Who knows who belongs to Fusi in Beizhen?

With such a selection of conditions, Lu Bing quickly had the answer in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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