Brocade legend

Chapter 179 The Mystery

Chapter 179 The Mystery
"No way, no one thought they would come out suddenly, so we have to take action."

Hearing the discussion of his subordinates, the leading man in black interrupted their discussion, and shouted firmly: "But my lord said, we must complete the task, otherwise... we don't have to go back."


While the people in black were whispering and discussing countermeasures, Lu Bing, who was in the crowd, was shaking his head helplessly amidst the good-natured laughter of the audience.

The old man also laughed loudly and said: "We won't listen to the story of the Yuanxiao girl, sir, you can continue to tell the history, we like to hear it.

At that time, there were few people who could read books, and it was difficult for ordinary people to have access to such historical knowledge. After listening to Lu Bing's narration today, they all listened with gusto, and urged Lu Bing to continue talking.

Lu Bing had no choice but to continue: "During the Song Dynasty, the custom of lighting up lanterns to watch lanterns reached its peak. On the basis of the three-day lantern lighting in the Tang Dynasty, until the first month of the fifth year of Qiande in the Song Dynasty, it was ordered that the court was safe and the district was safe, so that Kaifeng The mansion was added on the 18th and [-]th nights, so the custom of the five nights came into being. In the Song Dynasty, colorful lanterns were used to form the shape of Aoshan Mountain in Shenxu, for people to watch, and there were fireworks shows, songs and dances on the Lantern Festival, and dry boats and other programs. In addition, along with looking at the lanterns, there is also the custom of guessing lantern riddles.

As for the real development of glutinous rice balls, the Lantern Festival in the Song Dynasty was called "Fuyuanzi".The soup officer inspects the old taste, and the stove maid is amazed at the new work.In the stars and dark clouds, pearls float in the muddy water.When I was old, I compiled miscellaneous chant, and added this family tradition. '

After Ming Taizu established Jinling as his capital, in order to make the capital prosperous and lively, he vigorously promoted the display of lanterns.At that time, lanterns were lit on the Lantern Festival for more than ten days.This is the longest festival of lights in history.

In the seventh year of Yongle, Cheng Zu issued an edict that "starting from the [-]th day of Shangyuan, give a seven-day holiday".In Beijing, a Lantern Festival Lantern City has been formed that combines lights and cities. During the Lantern Festival, folks turn on lights at night, set off fireworks, and perform advocacy, juggling and string rope performances, so that "the smoke covers the dust cage, the moon cannot be bright, and the dew Can't get down', it's really lively at this time. At this time, Lu Bing had come to the end: "In fact, guessing lantern riddles has a long tradition. It originated from folk riddles, and later processed by literati into riddles."Including lantern riddles, object riddles, children's riddles, fill-in-the-box riddles, etc.During the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital city of Lin'an put out lanterns every year during the Lantern Festival, and some good-natured people tied poem riddles to colorful lanterns for people to guess and shoot. At this time, literal riddles became "lantern riddles".First of all, it rose in the ranks of officials and scholar-officials, and then gradually spread to the common people.Every Lantern Festival, there are an unusually large number of riddle-makers and guessers, and the content is quite lively, and it has always been popular. "

After Lu Bing finished speaking, the audience couldn't help cheering, Lian Qiu looked at Lu Bing with admiration almost overflowing his eyes.

It was the first time Xiuying heard this father tell a story, and she was completely impressed by this father.

Lu Bing smiled at the old man, "Old man, can I pass this test?"

"It's passed! Of course it's passed!" The old man said repeatedly: "You don't have to guess what's behind, I'll give you the hairpin right now."

Lu Bing disagreed, saying: "Since we agreed to finish the guess, we can't give up halfway."

The old man listened, thought for a while, nodded, and said: "Well, if you want to know the next question, you can continue to guess, but no matter whether you guess right or not, the hairpin is yours."

Lu Bing smiled without saying a word, and continued to look at the sixth lantern.

The sixth lantern is a big red lantern. On it is a figure holding a big knife, wearing a green robe, and with a long beard. With the face of the big red lantern, one can tell that it is Guan Yunchang and Guan Yu.

The riddle of the sixth lantern riddle is: "Ba Jun travels [-] a day."

This is easy, Lu Bing answered without thinking: "Ma Liang."

The people around cheered again!Xiuying looked at Lu Bing's eyes and adored her more and more. This father—seems to be no worse than Daddy!
Lu Bing felt that he was wasting too much time here, so he speeded up and took the seventh lantern immediately.

The seventh lantern is an exquisite revolving lantern, and the riddle of the seventh lantern riddle is: "Jin Wuxi falls into a bald head"

This lantern seemed to have no clues, Lu Bing thought about it, and looked at the constantly changing patterns, suddenly realized, and said: "The answer to this riddle is a place name——Luoyang."

Seeing the old man nodding with a smile, the surrounding audience knew that Lu Bing got the answer right again, so naturally there was another round of cheers.

It was the last one soon, and everyone became nervous. Lu Bing took the eighth lantern without hesitation.

The eighth lantern was another white paper lantern with patterns of flowers and plants on it, but according to the situation of the previous riddles, Lu Bing did not dare to guess in the flowers and plants.

The face of the eighth lantern riddle is: "The shark tears"

Lu Bing thought about it for a while, considering from all angles, he felt that the answer was inappropriate, and tried to really think from the flowers and plants, but he didn't expect it.

Seeing that Lu Bing seemed to be stumped, everyone couldn't help feeling nervous.Everyone hopes that a good story can be achieved, and that the ending is happy.

They all hoped that this learned gentleman could answer all the questions correctly, and even the old man became nervous. He also hoped that Lu Bing could answer the questions and take away the hairpin justifiably.

Just when Lu Bing was stuck, Li Shizhen, who had been standing behind Lian Qiu and Xue Yan, suddenly pulled Lu Bing's clothes.

Lu Bing turned his head and saw that Li Shizhen was looking at the pearls on the golden steps on Xueyan's head. He couldn't help but think of Li Shizhen's identity, and immediately got the answer.

Li Shizhen is a doctor. In addition to flowers and plants, flowers and plants can also be medicinal materials, so the answer to the eighth question is self-evident.

Volume [-] of "Sou Shen Ji" written by Gan Bao in the Jin Dynasty: "Beyond the South China Sea, there are sharks, who live in the water like fish, and do not waste their weaving. Their eyes cry, and they can produce pearls."

Mermaids, with fishtails and human bodies, are called the supernatural beings of mermaids.The mermen recorded in the ancient books, the merman they produce, does not get wet in the water, and when they cry-the tears will turn into pearls!

"The answer to the eighth lantern riddle is..." Lu Bing affirmed the answer in his heart, and said with a smile: "The medicinal materials, pearl powder."

Everyone couldn't wait for the old man to say whether he was right or wrong, so they couldn't help cheering loudly.

The old man held the small wooden box in his hand to Lu Bing with both hands, and said with a smile: "This treasure, the old man, has found the right owner."

Lu Bing hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, I didn't answer completely correctly. The answer to the last question was reminded by my friend, so I thought of it."

Seeing Lu Bing pointing at him, Li Shizhen smiled and said, "I didn't remind you, not everyone can guess it just by looking at a pearl."

(End of this chapter)

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