Brocade legend

Chapter 180 The Snake Spits Out Letters

Chapter 180 The Snake Spits Out Letters

The old man forced the small wooden box to Lu Bing and said, "Just take it. This hairpin is in my old man's hands. It would be a pity that I can only follow the old man into the coffin. The old man can see your attitude towards your wife. I hope you can accept this hairpin and treat it as a favor to the old man."

"Just take it!"

"Yes! You deserve it!"

"Madam is so beautiful, she naturally deserves this hairpin!"

The crowd around the audience said one after another.

Lu Bing saw that the conversation had come to this point, so he had no choice but to take it, and was about to pay the old man some money to compensate, but the old man had already turned around and squeezed into the crowd, with his hands behind his back, and walked straight away.

Lu Bing felt that the riddles posed by this person covered a wide range of knowledge, and he didn't look like an old country man. He wanted to talk about it in detail, but he never thought that this old man was so free and easy, so he shook his head regretfully, and hoped to see him again sometime.

Seeing that the old man had left, the surrounding audience dispersed separately.

Lu Bing handed the small wooden box to Xiuying, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say you want to give it to your mother? Then take it and give it to yourself!"

Xiuying stuck out her tongue, took the small wooden box, and turned to give it to Lianqiu.

Lian Qiu smiled and waved his hands, "You can keep it if you like it!"

"No!" Xiuying insisted, "This is for my mother!"

Lianqiu couldn't be stubborn, Xiuying asked Shishi to hug her, then she took out the hairpin and put it on for Lianqiu.

Lian Qiu was happy in her heart, but she still felt that it was inappropriate, she turned her face and looked at Lu Bing in embarrassment and said, "Husband...this...."

"It's very nice to wear." Lu Bing looked at it with a smile, and said, "You can keep the child's filial piety! What else do you and I share between you and me? Anyone who wants to wear it can wear it."

"Mother's clothes look the best!" Xiuying cheered.

The family of three looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Bing felt in his heart that this trip was worth it.

Several people walked around again, seeing that it was late at night, they planned to go back home, only Xiuying was still reluctant to part.

The people in black lurking not far away saw Lu Bing and the others start to walk back, and couldn't help becoming more anxious. The sharp crossbow arrows in their hands had already aimed at Lu Bing and the others.

They decided that if Lu Bing and his party did not have a chance to disperse before the last alley they left home, they would take a risky shot at the last alley.

At this time, Lu Bing and the others were talking and laughing while walking, and Xiuying looked around reluctantly, hoping to get more beautiful scenery into her eyes.

Yang Sen and Shitou are holding a bunch of Xiuying's lanterns in their hands and joking with each other.

This is what Lu Bing thinks, from last year to now, today is the most leisurely day.

His vigilance dropped to the lowest level, and he didn't notice the danger coming.

At this moment, Sun Hong, who was lying on the bed panting, was suddenly awakened by Meng Zhong who pushed the door open.

Sun Hongxian scanned around vigilantly, and only Bi Yun and Meng Zhong who had just entered in the room relaxed and lay down again.

Meng Zhong stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Master, news just came from the north, and Wei Zhentian has made a move!"

"Let's do it!" Bi Yun, who was sitting on the side, was shocked.

"What's the result?" Sun Hong asked anxiously, panting.

"A dozen of Zhu Liu died, and Zhu Liu was also injured. He led a dozen of them into the forest. Wei Zhentian is searching everywhere, so he probably won't be able to escape." Meng Zhong respectfully said, "It took a few days for the news to spread. I don't know what's going on now."

"What's the reaction of the army in the north and the local government?" Sun Hong asked again.

"Zhu Liu has offended all the big and small forces in the north. Even the frontier army, most of them have no sincere intention to save them." Meng Zhong said in a deep voice.

"The people who secretly ordered us, don't act rashly, let nature take its course." Sun Hong instructed.

"Yes." Meng Zhong took the order.

Sun Hong thought for a while, and then hurriedly asked: "Did the people from the East Factory do something over there on Lu Bing's side?"

" not clear." Meng Zhong replied.

"You two, take someone to rescue Lu Bing immediately. You must protect him and his family. You must not let the people of Dongchang succeed! If necessary..." Sun Hong hinted with a gloomy expression.

"As ordered." Meng Zhong replied.

"Godfather, didn't you say that you want to kill Lu Bing's wife and daughter and let him go to war with Dongchang?" Bi Yun asked.

"The plan has changed. Now that there is a fight in the north, we don't need to do anything extra. Now we want to make Lu Bing feel that we are standing with him." Sun Hongyin said with a smile.

When Meng Zhong and Bi Yun rushed to rescue Lu Bing, Chen Hong also got the news from the north.

Chen Hong snorted coldly, and said to Zhang Mo: "You still let Zhu Liu run away, and you are talking about the king of swordsman, the leader of the three northern provinces, what a waste."

"Don't worry, Governor." Zhang Mo comforted with a smile, "The forest in the north is Wei Zhentian's domain. Zhu Liu is only a dozen or so people, and he is injured, so he will definitely not be able to escape."

"I hope so." Chen Hong sneered, "Have our people been placed beside Wei Zhentian?"

"It's been arranged." Zhang Mo said with a smile.

"Well, regardless of whether Wei Zhentian misses or wins, get rid of him immediately! Make it an illusion that he died with Zhu Liu." Chen Hong arranged.

"Yes" Zhang Mo bowed his head to accept the order and exited the room.

Lu Bing and his party were not far from home at this time, and the men in black who had been following them finally couldn't hold back and were ready to strike.

"Little uncle, buy me another candied haws!" Xiuying said to Yang Sen, shaking Yang Sen's arm when she saw a peddler carrying a mallet of candied haws made of straw at the entrance of an alley not far away.

Naturally, Yang Sen didn't want anything, and went to buy candied haws. Xiuying held Yang Sen's sleeve and bounced past.

There were people coming and going on the street, Lu Bing didn't notice the danger, he just chatted and laughed with Lian Qiu.

A few passers-by who came out to shop approached them as if nothing had happened.Two of the passers-by also walked up to the candied haws seller, picking and choosing, as if they wanted to buy candied haws.

"Boss, here's the money." Yang Sen had lanterns in both hands, and took out two big ones with great difficulty. He felt that the passerby beside him was always squeezing him, so he couldn't help shouting: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! What's the rush? ! When I get the money, you can choose slowly, really."

Yang Sen was only complaining, but he didn't notice a silver light flashing away.

Fortunately, this flash of light fell into Shi Shi's eyes. He had been paying attention to Xiuying. He was tall and condescending, and saw something strange.

"Be careful!" Shito suddenly shouted at Yang Sen.

Yang Sen was taken aback, and the vigilance he had trained in the Northland battlefield was revived in an instant.

Yang Sen saw a sharp knife stabbing towards him, and another person grabbed Xiuying, and the sharp knife was raised high, and fell right at Xiuying.

At the same time, behind Lian Qiu, a killer suddenly appeared, pushed the snow goose away, and stabbed Lian Qiu's back fiercely with a knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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