Brocade legend

Chapter 181 Conspiracy

Chapter 181 Conspiracy
In the blink of an eye, everyone fell into crisis.

Yang Sen was full of lanterns in his hands, so he didn't have time to draw out his hidden weapon, so he pointed the lantern at the face of the killer who was stabbing him, and threw it hard.

The lanterns were big and small, full of fire and wax, they hit their heads and faces, and the killer couldn't help protecting his head and face.

But at this time, it was too late for Yang Sen and Lu Bing to rescue Xiuying...

At this moment, a huge long arrow that was half a foot longer than usual and thicker suddenly flew over, passed through the head of the killer who grabbed Xiuying, and flew the killer away. The whole thing is nailed to the wall.

On Lu Bing's side, Shishi blocked Lianqiu's back with his arm, and the dagger pierced Shishi's thick arm.Without waiting for the killer to react, Shi Shi punched the killer in the face and sent the killer flying.

As for the killer who was smashed with lantern kerosene in the face by Yang Sen, there was a throwing knife on his throat. The killer was clutching his throat, with blood gushing from his fingers, and fell limply.

Yang Sen dragged Xiuying, who was still in a daze, into his arms, with a silver shooting star in one hand and a flying knife in the other, cautiously and vigilantly.

Seeing the sudden fight, the surrounding people ran away yelling.

These three assassins assassinated Yang Sen, Xiuying, and Lianqiu almost at the same time, but Lu Bing didn't react.

Luckily, the stone was brought, and Lian Qiu and the baby in her belly were saved. At this moment, Lu Bing broke out in cold sweat, followed by uncontrollable anger.

Lu Bing winked at Yang Sen, Yang Sen carefully protected Xiuying, and slowly moved over, Lianqiu hurriedly pulled Xiuying into his arms.

Li Shizhen and Xueyan protected Lianqiu from left to right, while Lu Bing, Shitou, and Yang Sen surrounded them and were on guard.

Taking advantage of this moment, Li Shizhen pulled out the dagger from Shi Shi's hand, then tore off the hem of the gown, and tied up Shi Shi's wound briefly to prevent further bleeding.

Just as Lu Bing and the others were on alert, the sound of horseshoes approaching in the distance.

Lu Bing stared at the direction of the sound of horseshoes, and was on guard.

In the darkness, a white dot is getting closer and closer, and a person is wearing white clothes and riding a black horse.

Lu Bing frowned slightly when he saw the person coming.

The man in white smiled and raised his voice, "Wenfu, are you alright?"

"It's okay, Eunuch Bi also came to see the lamp?" Lu Bing asked with a half-smile.

"Our family doesn't have that much time to spare." Bi Yun jumped off from the horse and said with a smile, "We are here to save you."

"Huh? Did you know someone would come to assassinate me?" Lu Bing seemed casual, but in fact he was on high alert.

"Our family naturally has its own channels." Bi Yun walked over and said with a smile: "In addition to knowing that you are going to be assassinated, we also have news from the north."

"News from the north?" Lu Bing's heart skipped a beat.

"Zhu Liuyu fell, was seriously injured, fled into the mountains, and his whereabouts are still unknown." When Bi Yun said, he deliberately exaggerated the information a little, and continued: "Wei Zhentian is still chasing and killing Zhu Liu everywhere. This news is related to I got the news that Dongchang wanted to assassinate you... Strictly speaking, this assassination is not about you, but about my sister-in-law and Xiaoxiuying."

Bi Yun was secretly proud. He felt that his speaking skills had improved a lot.

The assassination of Zhu Liu and the assassination of Lianqiu and Xiuying, if you look at these two things separately, Dongchang can separate the relationship, but if they are connected together... Wei Zhentian has a relationship with Dongchang, and the person who assassinated Lu Bing is indeed Dongchang In this way, Dongchang can't tell the truth anyway.

At this moment, Meng Zhong suddenly appeared, dropping five pairs of blood-stained crossbow bolts in his hand.

Yang Sen stepped forward to check, and it was indeed like the equipment used by Dongchang. He nodded to Lu Bing.

Bi Yun said with a smile: "Besides the three just now, there are five more people holding crossbows, waiting to make another round."

Lu Bing was secretly startled, but he kept his expression on it.It seems that these five people were killed by Meng Zhong. If it was not the case, if they really let all five of them fire their crossbows at once, they might not escape the disaster.

Lu Bing couldn't help but rejoice.

Lu Bing didn't want to stay for a long time, he needed time to check some things.

Say goodbye to Bi Yun and Meng Zhong, Lu Bing, Lian Qiu and others, and return home quickly.

Huang Duxian still lives in the mansion, and Zhang Ju has two first-class masters, so it shouldn't be a problem to be careful.

Bi Yun watched Lu Bing and others leave with a smile on his lips, but there was no joy in his brows, instead there seemed to be a trace of sadness.

Back in the mansion, Li Shizhen bandaged the stone's wound, but Lu Bing called Liang Xudong, Xu Liang, Liu Biao, Zhang Ju, Huang Duxian and others overnight.

That night, the Lu family was sleepless.

Early the next morning, the news from the north was confirmed.

Xu Liang looked at the intelligence report in his hand: "The situation is roughly the same as what Bi Yun said. It seems that something happened."

Lu Bing couldn't hold back any longer, and said, "I'll set off immediately to save Zhu Liu."

"My lord, wait a moment." Huang Duxian said suddenly, "My lord, why did Chen Hong attack us suddenly? It seems a bit strange."

Lu Bing also had doubts in his heart, but this time was not the time to infer, Lu Bing said: "I also think there is something strange, Liu Biao, Zhang Ju, you two assist Liang Qianhu and Xu Qianhu to find out the tricks behind it .”

Liu Biao became anxious when he heard it, and made gestures with ahhh.

Lu Bing saw what he meant and wanted to go with him, so he said: "You and Liu Biao stay in Beijing and listen to the orders of the two thousand households. You must find out what's going on, so I can save Zhu Liu. You won’t be passive when you come back.”

After Lu Bing finished speaking, he continued: "Senior Huang has enough experience in the world, so you can go with me. You are more experienced in dealing with people in the world like Wei Zhentian, and Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er have been secretly following Yang Sen. You should have a unique connection. Way, we can get in touch when we go.”

Huang Duxian nodded and said: "It is my duty."

Shitou and Yang Sen heard that they didn't mention themselves, and said at the same time: "What about me?"

Lu Bing said to Shitou: "We are going to save people and we are in a hurry. You stay in the mansion and protect your family. I always feel that something is wrong. I will feel more at ease when you are at home."

After Shitou heard this, he thought it was reasonable, so he stopped talking.

"Then what about me? My brother has gone too, I have to save him." Yang Sen said anxiously.

"Your brother has gone, and you are the only male in your family. You should stay at home! This will make your parents and your sister feel at ease." Lu Bing refused.

"How many people do you want to bring?" Liang Xudong said in a mature way.

"The two of us are enough. The more people there are, the slower the speed will be. I will go to see the emperor in a while and ask for a military order. When I arrive in the north, there will be no shortage of people." Lu Bing said confidently.

"But." Xu Liang said suddenly: "According to the information, the big and small forces in the Northland are all watching, and even making trouble. It's too dangerous to go with only Sir and Senior Huang."

(End of this chapter)

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