Brocade legend

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Lu Bing said with a murderous look on his face: "It's fine for those who are on the sidelines. If you dare to make trouble, I don't mind killing Beidi again!"

Lu Bing stood up, glanced around, and said, "Not only do I want to rescue Zhu Liu and Yang Sen, but I also want Wei Zhentian's head. If I find out who is behind it, even Chen Hong can't hide from me! "

Seeing Lu Bing's firm tone, everyone shut up and did not say anything more, and acted according to the order.

Lu Bing entered the palace, met Emperor Jiajing, and explained the matter. Jiajing immediately issued an order to give Lu Bing the hat of an imperial envoy.

And Xu Liang also issued a secret order through Beizhen Fusi, asking the Tiqi in the three northern provinces to wait for Lu Bing's dispatch.

Soon Lu Bing got the approximate location of Zhu Liu's disappearance, and together with Huang Duxian, they left the city overnight and disappeared into the night.

The news of Lu Bing leaving the capital immediately spread throughout the capital, but when the people sent by the various forces followed Lu Bing out of the city, they immediately lost sight of Lu Bing.

Lu Bing and Huang Duxian disappeared without a trace after going through the disguise technique.

When Chen Hong learned that Lu Bing was leaving Beijing, he immediately knew Lu Bing's purpose and couldn't help being furious.

He strictly ordered Zhang Mo to clean up the matter before Lu Bing found Zhu Liu.

But Sun Hong was overjoyed at the case, and immediately started the next step of the plan.

Lu Bing disappeared from the sight of the world for three days.

Three days later, Lu Bing appeared in Zhuolu.

Zhuolu, located in the upper reaches of the Yongding River, is less than 140 kilometers away from the capital in the east and 270 kilometers away from Datong in the west.

The ancient civilization opened Zhuolu, and the Chinese culture conformed to the culture.

According to "Historical Records The Book of the Five Emperors": "The Yellow Emperor and Chi You fought in the field of Zhuolu", and "the city was in the city of Zhuolu".

According to historical records, 5000 years ago, the first ancestors of the Chinese nation, Huangdi, Yandi, and Chi You fought, farmed, and merged here, creating a 5000-year history of Chinese civilization and realizing the great unification of the Chinese nation.

In the territory, there is the ancient bridge mountain where the "Yellow Emperor collapsed and buried the bridge mountain" recorded in the history books. There are 23 ancient relics of the Yellow Emperor era, such as Huangdi City, Huangdi Spring, and Chiyou Village. There is the legendary "Chiyou Tomb". Passes such as the Great Wall,
Qingliang Temple, a thousand-year-old temple on Huangyang Mountain, was first built in the Tang Dynasty, extended to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and flourished for a while.

Lu Bing appeared in Qingliang Temple, but he just paid respects to the Buddha every day and did not take any action.

The ancient trees in the temple are towering, large in scale and magnificent in momentum.There are temples and temples such as Tianwang Hall, Daxiong Hall, Sutra Pavilion, Leng Monk Temple, etc. in the temple.Outside the temple, there are thousands of ancient pines such as Phoenix pine, welcoming pine and canopy pine, which are lush.There are also natural landscapes such as looking at the sun at the top of the East, watching the autumn hair with an eagle, and discussing Zen with two Buddhas.

For thousands of years, eminent monks in Qingliang ancient temple have emerged one after another. From the founder of the mountain to the monks who opened an altar to teach Buddhism, to the monk Leng-Master Nengchan, they are all eminent monks who have attained the Tao.Monk Leng, Master Nengchan, cultivated the body of the "Vajra".Master Neng Chan passed away in the first year of Zhengde until now, and his body has not rotted.

There are tens of thousands of volumes of Buddhist scriptures in the temple.Among them, "Tripitaka" and "Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra" are rare treasures, and the Wolong pine moves the whole body by pulling a branch, just like the movable pine in Jietai Temple in Beijing.

Today, Zhuolu still preserves a large number of primitive forests and vegetation, densely covered with various poisonous insects and beasts.It was here that Zhu Liu was attacked and disappeared in the vast virgin forest.

Dongling Mountain is located in the southeast of Zhuolu. It is the highest peak that shields Beijing. People standing on the top of the mountain can overlook the capital city in the east, and the sunrise, sea of ​​clouds and stars in the west.

Dongling Mountain has a magical climate. The higher the mountain, the colder the climate. At the foot of the mountain, there are mostly shrubs and deciduous broad-leaved forests, and the temperature is mild.On the mountainside, there are various forests such as almonds, shrubs, and birches, which are extremely dense, and there are many wild animals.

The top of the mountain is very cold, with snow all year round, especially in this season, it is extremely cold, covered with snow, alpine meadows and various shrubs complement each other.

When Lu Bing appeared at Qingliang Temple in Zhuolu, he didn't hide his tracks any more. Instead, he behaved generously, worshiping Buddha and practicing Zen every day, and he didn't even take a step away from the temple.

However, Huang Duxian, who went out of Beijing with him, is still missing.

The news of Lu Bing's appearance spread within two days. At the same time as the news, there was also the news that five thousand elite soldiers from Datong Town rushed to Zhuolu overnight.

At this time, Zhu Liu was still missing, but Wei Zhentian, the chief swordsman of the three northern provinces, had already heard the news and was restless.

Wei Zhentian is a thick bearded man, eight feet tall, with a wide mane and an inverted mane, and eyes like bronze bells.He was sitting in a cottage in Dongling Mountain at this time, panting heavily.

He was sitting on the tiger leather chair at the top of the Juyi Hall, holding his famous weapon in his hand, a four-foot steel knife, the back of the knife was as thick as a finger, and the blade was as wide as a palm, which looked powerful and heavy.

"Mr. Zhang, now that Lu Bing appears in Qingliang Temple, Datong soldiers are heading straight for Zhuolu, what should I do?" Wei Zhentian asked in a buzzing voice.

Zhang Mo, who was supposed to be in the capital, for some reason, unexpectedly appeared in this cottage at this time, standing tall and smiling without saying a word.

This cottage is the family property of Zhu Ganglie, the leader of the local bandit Huayezhu. He is one of Wei Zhentian's brothers. He is not tall, but he is round and has amazing strength. With a big knife on his back, he also sat aside and said repeatedly: "Didn't that dead eunuch, Chen Hong, say that he would help us? Why is there no movement?"

If Chen Hong was here, he must have been shocked and angry when he heard this. The anger was because a bandit dared to disrespect him.The shock was because he had repeatedly told him not to expose himself, but this stupid-looking gangster called him out, revealing that he was the mastermind behind it.

This Zhu Ganglie, formerly known as Zhu Laosi, was born in a butcher's family and was the fourth eldest child in his family.Because he was lazy and lustful, he committed the crime of rape and fled to the mountains to become a bandit.

After becoming a bandit, he felt that Zhu Laosi was not majestic, so he changed his name to Zhu Ganglie.Zhu Ganglie relied on his natural strength and the skill of killing pigs and cattle since he was a child. He fought rampantly and was dubbed the "wild boar bandit".

But because of his fair skin, calling him a wild boar is a bit inconsistent.Based on his crimes, other bandits of the same kind added a nickname to his bandit number, Huayezhu.

He also lived up to the reputation of Hua Yezhu, he actually became the master of a village, and even robbed Mrs. Yazhai of the sixth house, so he lived a happy life.

Until he met Wei Zhentian, seeing that he was good at using swords, Wei Zhentian taught Hua Yezhu a few tricks.In addition, Wei Zhentian's reputation is far and wide, and Hua Yezhu has been famous for a long time. Seeing that Wei Zhentian appreciates him, he regards Wei Zhentian as his elder brother, and the two become brothers with different surnames.

(End of this chapter)

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