Brocade legend

Chapter 183 Zhang Mo's Identity

Chapter 183 Zhang Mo's Identity

This time Wei Zhentian attacked Zhu Liu, the main force he used was Zhu Ganglie's troops from the wild boar forest in Dongling Mountain and the wild boar in Heifengzhai.

Because of the horse market case, Zhu Liu was in the north, and unintentionally wiped out Wei Zhentian's forces.

When he saw Yang Lin and listened to the message Lu Bing sent to him, the ruthless Zhu Liu not only did not back off, but targeted, more aggressively eradicated Wei Zhentian's people and forces, not to mention Wei Zhentian's relatives and friends. Even some "business" contacts with Wei Zhentian, or the small gangs outside, did not escape Zhu Liu's suppression.

This is also the reason why Wei Zhentian didn't do it all this time, he had no chance to do it at all!
Don't talk about doing it, even self-protection is difficult.

That's why it dragged on for so long, making Sun Hong and others, who wanted to fish in troubled waters, take the risk and arrange killers to assassinate Yang Lianqiu on the fifteenth night of the first lunar month.Almost changed the original plan, and almost exposed Sun Hongan's needle in Dongchang.

After this, Wei Zhentian, who was still a little hesitant about the order from Dongchang, and who didn't want to be used as a gunman, also hated Zhu Liu to the bone, and had no heart to back down.

Just after Zhu Liu sifted through the three northern provinces several times and chopped off Wei Zhentian's tentacles and claws one by one, Zhu Liu finally decided to return to Beijing before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Although Zhu Liu had never been able to confront Wei Zhentian head-on in the process of purging, Zhu Liu felt that there was nothing to worry about when Wei Zhentian was left alone.

When Zhu Liu was suppressing, he heard too much Wei Zhentian's prestige, but during this period, Wei Zhentian just couldn't shrink back, and didn't dare to confront him head-on.

Zhu Liu also felt that with himself and Yang Lin together, no one in the world could stop them.In addition, Dong Hai and other dozens of Jinyiwei masters who were killed in the bloody wind in the Northland.No matter how powerful Wei Zhentian is in the Northland, after this campaign, he will not be able to gather enough troops to take down people like himself.

Zhu Liu set out on the road boldly and confidently, but he overlooked one point, that is the boundary of Zhuolu.

Zhuolu is too close to Beijing, Zhu Liu never imagined that Wei Zhentian is here, and there is a brother Huayezhu Zhu Ganglie, this team of people.

When he wiped out Wei Zhentian's forces in the Northland, Wei Zhentian brought his cronies to Huayezhu's place early on to avoid the limelight.

Wei Zhentian himself was a desperado, and being so oppressed by Zhu Liu, the reputation he had accumulated in half his life was ruined, so naturally he would not let Zhu Liu go.Coupled with the help of Dongchang and Zhang Mo, Wei Zhentian came to Huayezhu with the determination to kill Zhu Liu near Zhuolu!
And Zhu Liu was also a little careless, he had heard about the Zhuolu battle for a long time, passed by here, and deliberately turned to the county to have a look.

This naturally exposed his whereabouts. Wei Zhentian joined forces with Hua Yezhu, and more than 300 bandits ambushed him. Wei Zhentian alone withstood Zhu Liu and Yang Lin. seriously injured.When Hua Yezhu returned to help Wei Zhentian, Zhu Liu and Yang Lin immediately retreated steadily, and the last Zhu Liu and others who killed them fled in defeat, and went straight into Dongling Mountain.

Hua Yezhu sent people to search for Zhu Liu for several days, during which they also found traces of Zhu Liu and others, but the team couldn't stop Zhu Liu and others at all, so until now, they have found nothing.Just to be sure, Zhu Liu is still in Dongling Mountain, and has not been able to escape the siege.

Today, Zhang Mo came to visit unexpectedly. He was intercepting Zhu Liu's flower wild boar. He hurried back to meet the mysterious Mr. Zhang that his elder brother Wei Zhentian said.

I thought it was a three-headed and six-armed figure, but I didn't expect it to be a teacher, Hua Yezhu showed contempt.

"Chen Duzhu didn't expect that Zhu Liu would escape from the hands of the Great Sword King. I heard that you are three hundred against thirty?" Zhang Mo laughed, but his words were sharp.

"You!" Hua Yezhu grabbed the nine-ring thick-backed broadsword standing by the table, and shouted angrily: "You are looking for death! How dare you speak nonsense on Lao Tzu's territory!"

"Old pig!" Wei Zhentian opened his mouth, stopped Huayezhu first, and said, "Don't be rude to Mr. Zhang!"

"Brother..." Seeing Wei Zhentian's solemn expression, Hua Yezhu didn't know why the big brother who was so powerful in the martial arts world was so afraid of this inconspicuous person, and he didn't dare to move again, but his mouth was not forgiving, and said: "Look For my elder brother's sake, please spare your life!"

After speaking, he put down the knife angrily, grabbed a bowl of water and drank it.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Mo just smiled without saying a word.

Wei Zhentian turned his face to Zhang Mo and said: "Mr. Zhang, you have to give me something now, right? In order to work for Chen Hong, I not only cost my own wealth and life!"

"Didn't I come here?" Zhang Mo said with a smile: "I came here uninvited, so naturally I came to give you an idea."

"Sir, please speak frankly." Wei Zhentian said in a muffled voice.

"Things have developed to this point, it is impossible to expect Governor Chen to wipe your ass now." Zhang Mo's voice fell silent, Wei Zhentian had already snorted coldly, and shouted: "What does Mr. Zhang mean by saying this! If it wasn't for you back then Mr. Chen Hong came to negotiate for him. I don’t care what a dead eunuch is! You know that I never cooperate with the government! If it wasn’t for the sake of your White Lotus Sect, how could I get along with an eunuch? together!"

"What!" After hearing Wei Zhentian's words, the Huayezhu who was drinking water spouted out with a "poof!", ignoring the wet skirt, and stared at the smiling Zhang Mo dumbfounded.

"Old pig, you don't know yet, do you? This Mr. Zhang is an important figure in both the Bailian sect and the Maitreya sect." Wei Zhentian explained with a sneer when he saw Huayezhu Zhu Ganglie being so surprised.

This time, Hua Yezhu knew why the famous elder brother was so afraid of this Mr. Zhang.Hua Yezhu looked at it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt like it. Only the mysterious and terrifying place of the White Lotus Sect could have such a strange person come out.

The White Lotus Sect is a gathering place for rebel madmen, and every dynasty and generation has been the key target of the court.

However, despite this, for hundreds of years, there has been no force that can be like weeds like them, with endless wildfires and rebirth with the spring breeze.

Moreover, their mysterious style and fanatical faith make their methods extremely cruel, whether they are against their own people or outsiders.

Therefore, all kinds of forces in the world respect the White Lotus Sect at a respectful distance, and if they are approached, they will do their best to deal with it in order to escape.

Zhang Mo smiled and nodded to Hua Yezhu. At this time, Hua Yezhu no longer dared to be presumptuous, and leaned back, as if trying to stay as far away from Zhang Mo as possible.

Hua Yezhu Zhu Ganglie is like Ming Jing in his heart, he doesn't have Wei Zhentian's superb skills, and his own team has nothing to rely on in front of the White Lotus Sect, which claims to have a hundred thousand followers, so it's better to be honest.

(End of this chapter)

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