Brocade legend

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Although Wei Zhentian is also afraid of the name of the White Lotus Sect, but as one of the best masters in the world, he will not be as unbearable as Huayezhu.

He just waited for Zhang Mo to explain to him.

Zhang Mo smiled and continued: "The current plan, you can only save yourself."

"How can I save it?" Wei Zhentian muffled.

"Kill Lu Bing." Zhang Mo smiled, but his voice was cold.

Wei Zhentian sneered and said: "You think I'm stupid? Lu Bing is a celebrity in front of the emperor. If he dies at the hands of our brothers, no matter how big the world is, there may be no room for my brothers."

"You have already moved Zhu Liu, and now Zhu Liu is not dead. If Zhu Liu is rescued by Lu Bing, it will be confirmed that you did it... I heard that Zhu Liu was seriously injured. With Lu Bing's temper, I will never let you go, and when the time comes, you will have nowhere to escape, Jin Yiwei will definitely chase you to heaven and earth." Zhang Mo sneered: "Who can you blame? You can only blame yourself Your incompetence! Who made you incapable of keeping Zhu Liu!"

Wei Zhentian bowed his head and said nothing, but he clenched the big knife beside him tightly.

Zhang Mo didn't dare to be careless, he was careful, he was also afraid, for fear that Wei Zhentian would kill someone in anger, he had no confidence that he could beat Wei Zhentian.

After coming over for a while, Wei Zhentian took a long breath, let go of the handle of the knife with his fingers, and Zhang Mo also felt relieved.

"Since Mr. Zhang is here, he must have a plan, right?" Wei Zhentian hummed: "Then just say it!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mo clapped his hands and said, "Then let me just say it straight. If Lu Bing is alive, the governor will not be able to do anything, and you will naturally not be able to escape the [-] Jinyi Wei Tiqi under Lu Bing's control. But if Lu Bing Bing is dead, then Jin Yiwei will naturally fall into the hands of the governor. No matter how angry the emperor is, he will have nothing to do with you. Dongchang and Jin Yiwei will obey the governor. Don't put it in your eyes. At that time, the emperor can't send a hundred thousand troops to find you alone, right?"

After hearing this, Wei Zhentian thought it made sense, so he couldn't help nodding his head.

"As long as Lu Bing is dead, the governor can let go of his hands and feet. At that time, whether you stay in the north to make a comeback, or want to make a fortune in the south, the governor can arrange it..." Zhang Mo saw that Wei Zhentian's heart was moved, and he understood With a smile: "... even send you out to sea, go overseas and claim the island as king, there is nothing wrong with being a real emperor."

After Wei Zhentian thought about it, there was indeed no way out. The way Zhang Mo pointed out sounds like the most reliable way under the current situation.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhentian slapped his thigh and shouted loudly: "It's done!"

"Okay! Then I'll just wait for the good news from Hero Wei." Seeing that Wei Zhentian agreed, Zhang Mo was also secretly happy, and clasped his fists together.

"What? Mr. Zhang is leaving again?" Wei Zhentian frowned.

"The governor is still waiting for my reply in the capital, so he can't stay for long." Zhang Mo said with a smile, "When the news of Lu Bing's death comes to Beijing, I will come to meet with Hero Wei to discuss the next action."

Wei Zhentian thought for a while and said, "Since that's the case, I won't keep Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Mo bid farewell, Wei Zhentian and Hua Yezhu got up to see them off.

Zhang Mo couldn't help smiling when he left the cottage.

"I'm afraid this is the last time I'll be here." Zhang Mo thought to himself, and then flattered him!


go away...

Wei Zhentian watched Zhang Mo go away, Hua Yezhu suddenly said, "Brother, do you really want to kill that Lu Bing? That's a high-ranking official!"

"Didn't you listen to what Zhang Mo said? This is the only way out." Wei Zhentian sighed: "The matter has come to this, we can only move forward, we cannot retreat."

"Why don't we escape? Change to another place and continue to live our happy life." Hua Yezhu raised his trouser belt and said.

"After offending Jinyiwei and Dongchang, the Ming Dynasty still has a place for us?" Wei Zhentian sighed: "We can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but we can't hide from the fifteenth day of the junior high school. We can't hide in Tibet forever, right?"

"..." Huayezhu fell silent.

"It's hard for the Ming Dynasty to stay... Let's go to sea! We will also learn from Zhang Lie, the bearded man of Tang Dynasty, and Chen Zuyi, the pirate king of Taizu's time, and occupy a territory overseas to be emperor!" Wei Zhentian clenched his fists and said through clenched teeth.

"Okay! Since the elder brother has made the decision, it's fine for the younger brother to follow the elder brother!" Seeing that Wei Zhentian's mind has been made up, Hua Yezhu didn't want to think about it, and responded loudly: "At other times, the elder brother is the big emperor, and I am the little emperor! "

"Hahahaha! Alright, when the time comes, our brothers will all be kings!" Wei Zhentian patted Huayezhu on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

The two brothers laughed together, and after a while, Huayezhu asked again: "Then when shall we do it?"

"It's not too late! We have to kill Lu Bing before the officers and soldiers of Datong arrive!" Wei Zhentian said fiercely: "We will enter Qingliang Temple tonight and kill Lu Bing!"

"This..." Hua Yezhu hesitated when he heard it: "Brother may not know that the monks in Qingliang Temple are not easy to deal with."

"With me here, I'm afraid of a bird!" Wei Zhentian said arrogantly: "I have heard that you are always angry with that old monk, and today the elder brother is angry with you!"

"Okay! With the eldest brother here, the old monk must not be an opponent!" Seeing Wei Zhentian's mighty power, Hua Yezhu became more courageous.

The two brothers agreed to gather their troops and horses, and wait for the night to fall.

In the evening, Lu Bing sat quietly under the tree outside the meditation room to think after eating his fast.

After he and Huang Duxian left Beijing, Huang Duxian soon discovered the traces left by Huang Lian'er and Sun Quan, and the two came to Zhuolu all the way.

Lu Bing knew that it would be difficult to cover up his whereabouts when he arrived in Zhuolu, so he simply revealed his identity, lived in Qingliang Temple, and released the news, hoping that Zhu Liu could hear it and come to join him.

After Lu Bing lived in Qingliang Temple, he and Huang Duxian acted separately. Huang Duxian took the emperor's warrant and went to Datong, found Li Jin, and dispatched five thousand troops to Zhuolu.

Living in Qingliang Temple was Huang Duxian's suggestion, not only because it was far away from the place where Zhu Liu had an accident, but also because Lu Bing lived in Qingliang Temple, so he could go to Datong to transfer troops with peace of mind.

During the past few days at Qingliang Temple, Lu Bing had been pondering some questions in his mind, but he had too little information to draw any conclusions.

It was getting late, and just as Lu Bing returned to his room, he heard a faint commotion, mixed with the sounds of metal and iron such as swords.

Lu Bing was startled, he already had a premonition that disaster was coming.

Lu Bing was not afraid, he grabbed the Xiuchun knife and strode out of the room.

In the past few days since Lu Bing came here, he has found out that this Qingliang Temple is a place for practicing Buddhism. Although there are monks who practice martial arts, most of them are fitness methods rather than fighting skills, and they cannot be used to face the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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