Brocade legend

Chapter 189 Qi Jingtong

Chapter 189 Qi Jingtong

Lu Bing has practiced martial arts since he was a child, but he has never heard of these boxing principles. He just trains his body to train his strength and speed. Today, he felt enlightened when he heard Master Xiude's words.

"...the so-called internal and external three-in-one, the inner three-in-one refers to the unity of heart, mind, and qi, that is, the unity of heart and mind, the unity of will and qi, and the unity of qi and strength. Those who are in harmony, that is, the hands and feet, the elbows and knees, and the shoulders and hips. The inside and outside are united, which is Liuhe. The Liuhe boxing method talks about the coordination and coordination of yin, yang, rising, falling, movement and stillness; Strength, courage, and intelligence are coordinated and coordinated; hands, feet, elbows, knees, shoulders, and hips are coordinated and coordinated. Sending out from the feet, supporting the legs, rushing to the hips, twisting the waist, sending to the shoulders, and opening from the hands is called Liuhe Jin. That's why his boxing method is named Liuhe." After Master Xiude finished speaking, he couldn't help smiling when he saw that Lu Bing was mesmerized by what he heard.

"Thank you, master, for your guidance!" Lu Bing stood up and made a long bow.

Lu Bing also practiced external kung fu before. People who practice external kung fu often suffer from hidden diseases when they get old. Lu Bing's father and the master of moral cultivation are examples.Today, after listening to Master Xiude's boxing theory, Lu Bing began to practice both internally and externally, and paid more attention to self-cultivation.And some combination of internal and external forces and more effective ways of exerting force are also very inspiring to Lu Bing, which is enough to make Lu Bing's skills to a higher level.

Lu Bing and Master Xiude had a long talk, and it was only after midnight that Jie Chen and Huang Lian'er listened to what they wanted to hear, and they learned by analogy, which was very inspiring.

In the next two days, Lu Bing and Master Xiude exchanged boxing skills, exchanged boxing principles, and refined their kung fu. He only felt that the places where the force was not smooth before became smoother, and the Liuhe Xinfa made him start to think about the combination of internal and external forces, and the unity of mind and mind. Lu Bing only felt that he was making rapid progress.

On the third day, when Lu Bingzheng was exchanging ideas with Master Xiude, suddenly the gatekeeper monk came in to report that the new Deputy Commander of Shenji Battalion, Qi Jingtong, had come to visit and asked to see the presiding master.

Master Xiude asked Lu Bing, "Master Lu, have you ever heard of General Qi?"

Lu Bing nodded and said, "Aside from the Ministry of Officials, I, Jinyiwei North Town Fusi, have the most complete background information on officials in the world."

"What is this person's temperament?" Master Xiude asked.

Lu Bing smiled and said: "This person's name Shixian is from Dingyuan. He is the son of Qi Xuanzhi, the former commander of the Dengzhou Guard, and his biological father is his uncle Qi Ning. The seal of the military and government. The envoys sent to his jurisdiction recommended Xiaolian, and he was promoted to be the general manager of Jiangnan grain transportation. He emerged at that time. I read the evaluation of him in the files: "He is resolute in nature, eager to learn, can be as smart and upright as possible, and understands the gods." , The official is guarded, and he is known for his filial piety and integrity. He has tried to raise troops to defeat Liu thief and Qingzhou thief Li Qi, etc. He has repeatedly made military exploits. The political reputation is quite good. Before I left Beijing, I had just assumed the post of deputy general of the Shenji Battalion."

Upon hearing this, Master Xiude made a facelift and said: "In this way, he is a good official, please hurry up!"

The monk guarding the gate heard what the host had said, and hurried to the gate of the temple to ask Qi Jingtong to come in.

Master Xiude said to Lu Bing with a smile: "Master Lu knows the officials of Ming Dynasty like the back of his hand, he knows every treasure, and it is really different from ordinary officials!"

Lu Bing smiled and said: "It's just the responsibility. I just know more about officials above the third rank of the Ming Dynasty, and I don't know much about others. This Mr. Qi has just been appointed as the deputy general of the Jingzhong Shenji Battalion. , So, I checked his profile not long ago, so naturally I still remember it fresh."

While the two were talking, they saw that Qi Jingtong had already stepped into the meditation room. He was tall and gray-haired, and he was holding a child in his hand. He looked four or five years old, with big eyes, looking like a tiger.

Lu Bing and Master Xiude rushed up to greet him.

When the three introduced each other, Qi Jingtong was taken aback: "So you are Master Lu, you have known your name for a long time!"

"The lower officials have long admired Mr. Qi!" Lu Bing smiled politely and cupped his hands.

The three of them sat down, and the child just leaned against Qi Jingtong's thigh, looking at Lu Bing and Master Xiude curiously.

Seeing Lu Bing and Master Xiude looking at the child, Qi Jingtong hurriedly introduced him: "This is the dog Jiguang. I brought him here specially because I want to worship the master and ask the master to teach him martial arts."

"How did your lord find this old monk?" Master Xiude asked.

"I have heard the name of the master for a long time, and know that the master is a great master in the world. I have a son when I am old. I only had this child at the age of 56. I hope this son can practice his skills and inherit the martial arts in the future, so that he can contribute to the country." Qi Jingtong Respectfully said: "I also ask the master to be able to teach me for me."

Although Qi Jingtong didn't say it clearly, both Lu Bing and Master Xiude understood that General Qi was old enough to have a son, so he was naturally concerned about it.General Qi heard about Master Xiude somewhere, and Zhuolu was relatively close to the capital, so he sent his son here, hoping to get the true biography of the master.

After hearing this, Master Xiude didn't want to offend the general of the imperial court, and remembered Lu Bing's evaluation of Qi Jingtong just now, so it was not easy to refuse, so he just said bluntly: "My kung fu is very hard, General Qi is willing?"

"Since I entrusted it to the master, I hope that the master can discipline him strictly. Why not give up?" Qi Jingtong was overjoyed when he heard that the master did not refuse, "As the saying goes, 'I don't teach my son', if you let me teach, I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you. What's good, the master just disciplines him strictly, beats and scolds him as he pleases."

"Okay!" Master Xiude said with a smile, "Since the general trusts me so much, it would be unreasonable for me to refuse. Lord Lu said that my lord is a good official, so I naturally want to teach the general another good official."

Qi Jingtong was overjoyed, and said to the child: "Kneel down quickly! Kowtow to the master!"

The little baby was not very old, but he was smart and smart. Hearing what his father said, he knelt down with a "plop", kowtowed three times to Master Xiude, and said, "Disciple Qi Jiguang, I have met the master!"

Seeing the little baby, Xiude was very satisfied, although he was young, but steady and dignified, he smiled and said: "Get up, from today onwards, you are the successor of my Liuhe boxing, you must practice hard in the future, you know? "

Lu Bing saw that Qi Jiguang nodded and got up with a grunt. Huhu was angry and admired, and said to Master Xiude: "Congratulations, Master, for accepting a good disciple."

The three greeted each other politely, and Lu Bing said, "How is Master Qi doing in Beijing? Is Shenji Battalion busy with military affairs?"

"The capital is so prosperous, how can it be bad?" Qi Jingtong laughed, and even sighed as he spoke, "Shenji Battalion is just some drills every day, it's very idle, so there's no military affairs."

"My lord is used to being busy!" Lu Bing said with a smile, "It's also good to take a break."

(End of this chapter)

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