Brocade legend

Chapter 190 Surrounding Heifeng Village

Chapter 190 Surrounding Heifeng Village

"My lord is used to being busy!" Lu Bing smiled and said, "It's also good to take a break."

"Oh, that's exactly what Master Lu said." Qi Jingtong sighed, "It's true that the capital is peaceful, but when I think of the Japanese bandits and pirates in Jiangnan and Dengzhou, the rioters in Shanxi, and the blooming flowers in the capital, I'm I can't sleep well!"

Lu Bing had heard about Japanese pirates many times from Emperor Jiajing and others. Now that Qi Jingtong mentioned it, he couldn't help asking: "After all, these Japanese pirates are just bandits. How powerful are they?"

Qi Jingtong had been a military general all his life. Hearing Lu Bing's question, he felt really depressed for a long time, so he said bluntly: "The chaos in this world is actually not chaos. They are all connected by countless threads. The most chaotic in this world is the chaotic army. And the White Lotus Sect is inseparable from the back of the rebellious army. The White Lotus Sect is pervasive, they are everywhere, and they cannot be suppressed. However, the White Lotus Sect is mainly active in the Central Plains, and it is not the mainstream in the south. Because of the main turmoil in the south, The reason is banditry. The Ming Dynasty did not conduct maritime trade, but any movement on the sea is worth tens of thousands of taels of gold. As long as there is profit, how can it stop people? So there are many maritime merchants over there. It’s pirates who go to sea. Why can’t the Japanese pirates be completely wiped out? Because nine out of ten Japanese pirates are not real Japanese! Those sea merchants have a messy relationship behind them, and they often pretend to be Japanese pirates to rob, how can these Japanese pirates be completely wiped out?”

Lu Bing knew that Qi Jingtong was a military general in Jiangnan, Dengzhou, Shandong, and Daning, Shanxi.

This Southern Maritime does it sound similar to the horse market in the Northland....

Lu Bing's thoughtful and thoughtful features reappeared.

Qi Jingtong complained a lot, felt a lot better, and then asked Lu Bing why he was here.

Seeing that Qi Jingtong had made up his mind, Lu Bing did not hide anything, and briefly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Qi Jingtong was also very angry when he heard this, and said: "Bold gangsters dare to attack the imperial court officials. They really don't know how to live or die! I will return to Beijing right now, and I will invite the Holy One, and I will personally bring the Shenjiying to destroy them!"

"Thank you, General!" Lu Bing said gratefully, "However, the Shenji Camp is the capital camp, so it should not be moved lightly. The subordinate officials have already made arrangements, and they will definitely not let them slip through the net."

Qi Jingtong still wanted to stay and help, but Lu Bing declined Qi Jingtong's suggestion to stay and help, and that day, Huang Duxian came to Qingliang Temple, saying that [-] elite soldiers from Datong would come to Zhuolu tonight, and Li Jin would personally lead the army.

After hearing Huang Duxian's words, Qi Jingtong said no more, settled Qi Jiguang in Qingliang Temple, left two followers, and returned to the capital.

Sure enough, Li Jin went to Qingliang Temple that night and asked to see Lu Bing.

As soon as Li Jin saw Lu Bing, he knelt on one knee and pleaded guilty: "My lord, I am guilty of a crime."

"Forget it, get up, it's not easy for you." Lu Bing knew that Li Jin was pleading guilty for not coming to rescue Zhu Liu immediately, but Lu Bing understood that Li Jin was the general soldier of Datong, so naturally he couldn't easily deploy troops, and there was pressure from many parties in the North , I really can't blame Li Jin.

Seeing that Lu Bing understood so well, Li Jin burst into tears of gratitude.

"Without further delay, let's surround Heifeng Village immediately, kill Wei Zhentian and Huayezhu first, and then spread out the troops and search for Zhu Liu with all our strength!" Lu Bing ordered decisively.

Lu Bing didn't want to delay the time. If the news of the army's arrival in Zhuolu spread, Wei Zhentian would probably run away, and it would be impossible to capture them back at that time.

Li Jin was already ashamed in his heart, but now he was eager to make contributions, and without any delay, he immediately rectified the army and set off immediately.

Master Xiude said to Lu Bing: "You can ask the old monk, Jie'an, to go with you. He is familiar with the path and can take you to the Heifeng Village in the Wild Boar Forest."

"I'm going too, I'm going too!" After all, Qi Jiguang was still young, and as soon as his father left, he immediately became lively.His senior brother Jie An is an honest person, he is very tolerant towards this little junior brother, naturally he quickly gained Qi Jiguang's trust, the two of them, one big and one small, got to know each other very quickly.

At this moment, I heard that my brother was going to go with the army to suppress the bandits, and listening to his father and his friends tell the stories of those battles since he was a child, Qi Jiguang's curiosity was also ignited, and he wanted to go with him.

In the end, it was Master Xiude who kept Qi Jiguang and said that he wanted to teach Qi Jiguang the basics of Liuhequan, which made Qi Jiguang give up the idea of ​​following him.

Lu Bing and the others gave up their war horses, and under the leadership of Jie Chen, the veteran soldiers of Datong, like tigers and wolves, went straight to the Heifeng Village in the Wild Boar Forest in Dongling Mountain.

In less than two hours, Lu Bing and others arrived at Heifengzhai.

This Heifengzhai is built on the hillside, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but fortunately, it is not large in scale. Li Jin asked the 5000 troops to assemble on all sides, set up patrol teams, and patrol repeatedly, so that wherever bandits appeared, they would 2000 people acted immediately to support each other.

Five thousand troops surrounded Heifengzhai, but the heifengzhai was built with criss-crossed teeth, like hedgehogs, and there was nowhere to speak for a while.Moreover, it was already late at night, and he couldn't see his fingers in the woods, so he couldn't observe the detailed structure of the village. For the Datong soldiers who had just come here, it was not an advantage.

Seeing that the bandits were retreating into the stockade, Lu Bing asked them to set up camp and wait until dawn.

But inside the cottage, Wei Zhentian and Hua Yezhu were sleepless at all, they didn't expect five thousand elite soldiers, like heaven, just came back from Qingliang Temple for three days, and they were completely surrounded, even if they didn't have time to run.

The two looked at each other, staring at each other until dawn, but they couldn't think of any good solution.

After dawn, the vision was good. After observing the terrain of the cottage, Lu Bing and Li Jin decided to attack by force.

Both of them knew that trapping Wei Zhentian and the others to death was the best way to fight without bloodshed.But they don't know if there is any grain in the cottage, and how much is there?How many days can it last?
Moreover, it is a bit embarrassing for the 300 imperial court elite soldiers to be unable to surround a bandit den with more than [-] people for a long time.What's more, Zhu Liu's whereabouts are still unknown, Lu Bing has no intention of waiting, Li Jin is also eager to make contributions, and the two decided to attack!

Li Jin took local materials and used the surrounding trees to quickly build siege equipment and simple trebuchets.

In the early morning of the next day, the gangsters in Heifeng Village saw more than a dozen tall trebuchets standing outside the village, and stones the size of human heads had been put into net bags made of ivy.

There are also several ladders and sharpened thick bumpers on the shoulders of the strong Ming soldiers.

The Central Plains and grassland peoples have been fighting for thousands of years, and they are extremely good at defending the city, so naturally they are also extremely good at attacking the city.

When did these inland bandits see these siege equipment used by the regular army?

(End of this chapter)

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