Brocade legend

Chapter 191

Chapter 191
When did these inland bandits see these siege equipment used by the regular army?

These simple siege equipment are too powerful for these former commoners.

They suddenly felt that the city walls that usually cannot be breached by government officials are so fragile at this moment.

"Let go!" Li Jin ordered!The trebuchet started first!
Although more than a dozen trebuchets were made temporarily, they were scrapped after only a few hits, and their accuracy was also lacking.But these few times, hundreds of stones the size of a human head bombarded the village wildly.

To deal with such a copycat, it really doesn't matter whether it is accurate or not.

The siege troops rushed up under the cover of trebuchets.

Some of the bandits guarding the village were bold enough to lean out against the rocks, trying to stop them with arrows.

But he was unceremoniously suppressed by Daming's archers!
More than 100 archers, mixed among the siege troops, suppressed and fired at the stockade.

Arrow Rain fell on the stockade without any money, and shot those bandits into porcupines.

The ladder was successfully erected on the wall of the city. The ladder of four or five feet was erected on the wall of the wall two feet high. The slope made the siege soldiers feel as if they were walking on flat ground.

Hundreds of soldiers with swords and shields, with steel knives in their mouths, shielded their heads and bodies with one hand, two feet and one hand, quickly climbed up the wall of the village, and some jumped over half a foot away from the wall , The bandits on the wall were quickly cleaned up.

At this time, Zhuangmu also knocked open the gate of the village after a dozen times of impact.

Hundreds of spearmen did not swarm forward, but lined up, entered through the gate of the village, advanced step by step, and slaughtered the bandits in an orderly manner.

Looking at the overwhelming siege, Lu Bing nodded in satisfaction.

How can a little bandit fight against the elite soldiers guarding the frontier of Daming? With the addition of Li Jin, a good general, breaking the Black Wind Stronghold is really easy.

Lu Bing suddenly felt a little emotional, Daming has such a strong army, but it is difficult to quell the chaotic army in the world. I am afraid that this is not because the army is not good, but...

Killing corrupt officials, killing corrupt officials, clearing... the king's side...

In Lu Bing's mind, some thoughts that have never been thought of but have always existed.

Suddenly, the spearmen who attacked the city were in disorder, and then they were split open like cloth torn by scissors.

Lu Bing fixed his eyes and saw a tall and strong figure wielding a big knife, chopping the spearmen in front of him to pieces.

That figure was none other than the leader of the three northern provinces, the sword king Wei Zhentian.

As an arrow, Wei Zhentian rushed into the formation of spearmen with the flower wild boar and more than a dozen trusted masters, ready to break through.

When those elite soldiers faced Wei Zhentian, they seemed to be baby babies who couldn't walk, and they were staggered by Wei Zhentian's collision.

Lu Bing saw that these sergeants were not the opponents of Wei Zhentian, Hua Yezhu and other experts. Lu Bing didn't want them to be casualties, so he rushed over with a knife.

Huang Lian'er, Jie Chen, Huang Duxian, and dozens of guards in Jin Yi hurriedly rushed up. Li Jin also wanted to go up to help, but was stopped by Lu Bing, who asked him to go back and supervise the battle situation, and not to let a thief out.

Lu Bing led his group of masters and collided head-on with Wei Zhentian, Hua Yezhu and others.

"He's mine!" Lu Bing fought Wei Zhentian directly.

Seeing this situation, other people had no choice but to find another opponent, but Huang Duxian wandered not far from Lu Bing, ready to meet Lu Bing at any time.

Jiechen and Huayezhu fought together, one was a kind-hearted man who couldn't bear to kill the killer, and the other was a trapped beast who was fighting for his life. Although Jiechen's skill was better than that of Huayezhu Zhu Ganglie, he couldn't take down Huayezhu in a short time. .

Huang Lian'er and the dozens of Jin Yiwei surrounded Wei Zhentian and Hua Yezhu's dozen or so masters, and started fighting.

In the end, Huang Lian'er and the dozens of Jin Yiwei had a large number of people after all. Although they suffered a few casualties, with the help of Huang Lian'er's elusive assassination technique, Wei Zhentian and Hua Yezhu's dozens of second- and third-rate soldiers were quickly killed. The masters killed everything.

After finishing her work, Huang Lian'er finally got impatient when she saw Jie Chen's shyness, she dodged behind Hua Yezhu, stuck to Hua Yezhu's back, and slashed cleanly on the back of Hua Yezhu's heart.

"Yi brother!" Wei Zhentian saw Huayezhu fell to the ground and died, he couldn't help but growl in grief.

Jie Chen looked at the blood of the wild boar lying on the ground, and looked at the bloody dagger in Huang Lian'er's hand. He couldn't help sighing, put his hands together, and said: "Amitabha..."

At this time, the Heifeng village was empty, and none of the bandits could escape, and they were massacred by the five thousand elite soldiers surrounded by groups.

Only Wei Zhentian and Lu Bing were still fighting, and the others surrounded them, waiting for the winner to be determined.

Wei Zhentian's mind was in a state of turmoil at this time, and Lu Bing had a new understanding in the past few days, Wei Zhentian gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Wei Zhentian couldn't fight for a long time, and became even more anxious. He is a long-established master who has been invincible for many years. Today, he was suppressed and beaten by a young man. Thinking of this period of time, he was ruined by this man's subordinates. His eyes turned red, and in a frenzy, he allowed the middle door to open, but with all his strength, he chopped off the top of Lu Bing's head!

Lu Bing got this gap and crashed directly into Wei Zhentian's middle gate!

Lu Bing cut off Wei Zhentian's right hand holding the knife with one stroke of the knife in his right hand!

Wei Zhentian's broadsword and right hand landed at the same time!
Lu Bing's shoulder hit Wei Zhentian's chest directly, and with all his strength, he knocked Wei Zhentian out of the way and rolled to the ground.

Wei Zhentian sat up disheveled, glanced at Lu Bing blankly, then turned his head to look around, and suddenly burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face.

Li Jin stepped forward and sternly said, "Just grab it!"

Wei Zhentian glanced at Li Jin with contempt.

Lu Bing muffled: "Tell me everything you know, and I'll let you go!"

Wei Zhentian laughed three more times, jumped up suddenly, and shouted loudly: "You can't use a knife anymore, what's the point of living! Although I have nothing now, but! A soldier can be killed...not humiliated!"

After Wei Zhentian finished speaking, he grabbed a steel knife from the corpse with his left hand, slashed at the neck, and fell down...

Looking at the death lights of a generation of green forest giants, Huang Duxian couldn't help but sigh.

Li Jin clasped his fists at Lu Bing and said with a smile: "My lord is very skilled in martial arts, I admire you, I admire you!"

"I didn't kill him, he killed himself." Lu Bing let out a long sigh: "Delusion to fight against the power of the whole country with the power of an individual is just self-inflicted. Even if I don't kill him, he won't live long."

Lu Bing ordered Wei Zhentian and Hua Yezhu to be buried, and then sent troops to search Dongling Mountain and several nearby peaks. With the help of Huang Duxian and Huang Lian'er, he quickly found the mark left by Sun Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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