Brocade legend

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

When Lu Bing saw Zhu Liu, Zhu Liu was still lying on a simple wooden frame, beside Dong Hai who was also seriously injured, only Yang Lin was intact even though he looked embarrassed.

Zhu Liuwang landed on Lu Bing, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile, "Brother, are you here?"

"Yeah." Lu Bing couldn't help being infected, and said with a smile, "You're still alive."

"I haven't finished walking with my brother, how can I rest early." Although Zhu Liu looked tired, he still smiled.

Lu Bing smiled without saying a word, turned to Dong Hai and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, how about going back to Beijing to give you a thousand households?"

"It's fine to be promoted, my lord, let's treat the subordinates to a big meal..." Dong Hai said with a bitter face, "I've lost weight."

"Hahahaha!" Lu Bing laughed loudly: "Hongyan Tower! I'll treat you to a feast for three days!"

Lu Bing shouted to the dozen or so Jinyiwei who were still alive: "And you, after returning to Beijing, you will be promoted to a higher level, and you will eat a lot for three days!"

"Thank you, Lord Qianhu!" The dozen or so Jinyiwei said in unison.

Among the dozen or so Jinyiwei, Dongchengwei was the first to leave Beijing with Lu Bing, and there were also Zhou Tong's colleagues who were later supported by Emperor Jiajing.There were hundreds of people at the beginning, but in less than a year, only these dozen people and the dozen people who followed Lu Bing back to Beijing were left.

Lu Bing couldn't help sighing.

"Call me Lord Zhenfu from now on! Because you are all adults now! Do you still remember our original agreement? You kill ten thousand households for me, and I will be as rich and noble as you!" Lu Bing said loudly.

"Master Xie Zhen Fushi!" The dozen Jin Yiwei knelt down at the same time, tears welling up in their eyes.

"My lord! We don't care about wealth! Follow your lord, we will be happy and feel proud! This is how our Jinyiwei live! As long as your lord is willing to take us with us, we will follow closely!" one of the Jinyiwei confided.

"We are siblings now! We want Jin Yiwei to stand up, and even..." Lu Bing didn't say any more, he was not used to saying this kind of thing, and when he did it, needless to say, he would understand.

Since then, Lu Bing's goal of going out of Beijing this time has been achieved.

After Li Jin and Lu Bing got drunk, they led the troops back to Datong.

The next day, Lu Bing bid farewell to Master Xiude, Jie Chen and Xiao Qi Jiguang, took Huang Duxian, Huang Lian'er, Sun Quan, Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Yang Lin and others, and embarked on the road back to Beijing.

The attack on Zhu Liu did not end with Wei Zhentian's death.

Lu Bing still has doubts in his heart and needs to return to Beijing to solve them.

As for how to solve it, we have to wait until the capital...

Before Lu Bing arrived in the capital, the news of Wei Zhentian's death reached the ears of Chen Hong, the governor of the East Factory, and at the same time, Sun Hong, the chief eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

"Master, this subordinate is incompetent. Lu Bing now knows that you are Wei Zhentian's behind-the-scenes instigator, and he is now on his way back to Beijing." Zhang Mo knelt in front of Chen Hong, bowing his head.

Chen Hong kicked Zhang Mo down, and Zhang Mo immediately got up and knelt down again.

"Didn't you say it was safe!" Chen Hong scolded angrily, "Bastard, what should we do now?"

"Supervisor, for the current strategy, we can only act first." Zhang Mo lowered his head and said, "We will attack in an all-round way, first send people to attack the Lu residence, and take advantage of the fact that the masters of the Lu family are not around, to control Lu Bing's attack." family, and then negotiating with Lu Bing. Anyway, Zhu Liu is not dead yet, I think Lu Bing will accept our peace talks, and he probably doesn't want to lose both sides!"

After Chen Hong dropped a piece of blue and white porcelain, he finally decided to listen to Zhang Mo and make a final fight.

"For this operation, let your people go. Remember, it's best not to hurt Lu Bing's family." Chen Hongdao: "Especially his wife. It took three years for his wife to conceive a child. Lu Bing must be very precious. You have to grasp it, when the time comes, even if Lu Bing doesn't want to negotiate peace, his parents will force him to negotiate peace."

"Yes." Zhang Mo bowed his head and accepted the order.

"Don't expose your identities, don't let the wind leak, you will do it tonight!" Chen Hong ordered, and said viciously: "If you mess up again, I will drag your entire White Lotus Sect into hell!"

"Yes..." Zhang Mo lowered his head and replied in a muffled voice.

"Call Zhou Bin, let him call the Fusi of Shangbei Town to drink tonight, saying that it is to celebrate his release from prison, and at the same time apologize to the brothers of Fusi of Beizhen, must call the people of Lu Bing Come on, if you are not drunk, you will be forced to stay! They must not be allowed to go to the Lu Mansion!" After being furious, Chen Hong finally regained his composure and plugged another loophole.

And this news soon reached Sun Hong. Sun Hong laughed and said, "Chen Hong is going to jump over the wall in a hurry!"

"Godfather, what should we do?" Bi Yun said with a smile on his face.

"Us? Haha, we don't have to do anything now, just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." Sun Hong laughed, laughed for a while and then coughed violently. Bi Yun hurried up and patted Sun Hong's back lightly .

"The matter has come to this point. No matter how the situation develops, Lu Bing and Chen Hong will face each other. Why do we need to do anything extra? It is not advisable to add to the superfluity. Now we have to clean ourselves up, just waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman." Sun Hong said slowly Come on, said.

"Yes, godfather is indeed wise!" Bi Yun flattered.

Sun Hong ignored Bi Yun, and said to Meng Zhong who was standing aside: "Let our people hide and don't act rashly."

"Yes." Meng Zhonggong said.

That night, Zhou Bin, the Deputy Qianhu of Beizhen Fusi, held a banquet in Hongyan Building, and brought a group of cronies who were excluded by the current Beizhen Fusi, and invited a group of Jin Yiwei from Beizhen Fusi through his old relationship in Beizhen Fusi Come to drink, pay attention to people, and invite Liang Xudong, Xu Liang, Xue Yang, Yang Sen, Zhang Ju, Liu Biao and others.

Everyone thought that Zhou Bin's invitation to drink was to ease the relationship between him and the Beizhen Fusi Jinyiwei.Liang Xudong and Xu Liang saw that their subordinates tried their best to invite them, and because of Aunt Honglian and Chen Hong's face, they didn't want to refute Zhou Bin's face too much, so they accepted the invitation.Xue Yang, Zhang Ju, and Yang Sen first joined Beizhen Fusi, and followed Lu Bing's instructions to study with Liang Xudong and Xu Liang. Seeing that Liang Xudong and Xu Liang agreed to go, it was hard to refuse, so they came together.Only Liu Biao was always a loner, and he went back to the small courtyard directly after he quit his job.

For this banquet, less than half of the Fusi people in Beizhen came, and it was very lively.Xue Yang, Zhang Ju, and Yang Sen, the confidantes of the Zhenfu envoy, were surrounded by other brocade guards, toasting one by one, drinking happily.

At this time, the Lu family had dinner early, and went back to their rooms to rest.

A group of men in black had already taken advantage of the darkness and quietly lurked around the Lu residence, waiting for the night to be dark and windy...

Liu Biao also had a simple dinner on the street at this time, and just returned to the small courtyard, he opened the door and immediately noticed something strange.

(End of this chapter)

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