Brocade legend

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Seeing him dodging, Lian Qiu saw that the knife in his hand had already been cut from the other side, cutting the man in black to the ground.

Regardless of the injury, the man in black was about to get up when Xue Yan pierced his chest with a sword.

At this time, Lu Song had already fought with another man in black, and Lian Qiu and Xue Yan also fought with a man in black.

"Lianqiu! Be careful!" The old lady was extremely anxious.

"Mother! Take them into the house quickly!" Seeing two more men in black rushing towards her, Lian Qiu hurriedly shouted.

"This, this..." The daughter-in-law and her husband were both desperate, and the old lady was really worried.

"Come in!" It was Lu Song who spoke angrily, and the old lady hurriedly protected Xiuying, and brought Nanny Li and Mrs. Huang into the bedroom.The old lady had been listening to her husband all her life, and now she was in a panic, not knowing what to do, and she didn't dare to close the door, she just looked out from the inside.

"Miss, you go in too!" Xueyan is Lianqiu's personal servant girl, seeing Lianqiu holding her waist with one hand and holding a knife in the other, Xueyan's heart skipped a beat and she tried every means to stand in front of Lianqiu.

Lianqiu took a step back and stood in front of the door. Seeing that the snow geese could still support her, and her father-in-law Lu Song could also resist, Lianqiu supported her waist with one hand and held a knife in the other, and stood in front of the door.

Shi Shi, who was fighting with the men in black, suddenly felt less pressure. Looking back, he found that a few men in black had rushed to attack Lu Song, Lian Qiu and the others.

Shi Shi yelled, and was slashed in the back, turning around and rushing over.

He knocked down the two men in black with a stick. Seeing this, the man in black who was fighting with Lu Song was startled, slowed down, and was stabbed to death by Lu Song.

Without hesitation, Lu Song turned around and helped Xueyan kill another man in black.

"You all go in!" Shitou shouted loudly.

"Father! You go in first." Seeing Lu Song's face flushed, Lian Qiu felt a little bit in his heart.

"Hahahaha, you are pregnant, come in quickly, dad will protect you!" Lu Song felt that his whole body was full of strength at this time, as if the old man was talking about being a teenager.

Lu Song saw how hard Shitou was fighting, and shouted: "Shitou, the old man is here to help you!"

After speaking, Lu Song rushed over and fought side by side with Shishi.

Seeing this, Lianqiu couldn't think about it, so she and Xueyan stood guard at the door.

At this time, another seven or eight men in black rushed into the backyard.

Seeing that his men were unable to attack for a long time, the leader of the man in black gave an order: "Keep seven or eight people around that big man, you two go and kill the old man, and the others follow me to kill the gang of women and children!"

"Dare to be a thief!" Lu Song was furious after hearing this, but he was exhausted, the two men in black had exhausted him, and he couldn't go back to rescue Lianqiu and the others.

Shi Shi also yelled angrily, but he couldn't break free from the entanglement of those seven or eight killers.

The leader of the man in black led the rest of the people, striding towards Lianqiu.

Lian Qiu was not afraid, and shouted loudly: "Who are you, you dare to come to the Lu Mansion to be presumptuous!"

"We are here to kill you." The leader of the man in black said coldly: "Today, we are going to kill every dog ​​and dog in your Lu family."

"How arrogant!" Xue Yan shouted angrily: "When our young master comes back, I'll get you all skinned and cramped!"

"Hahahaha, by the time he comes back, you will all be cold!" The leader of the man in black laughed loudly.

"It's not as bad as your family. You are also masculine men. You don't dare to confront my husband, but you bully us old people, women and children while he is not at home. Don't you feel ashamed?" Lian Qiu said righteously, usually soft and kind Qi, today's embroidered eyebrows raised up, unexpectedly heroic.

"Those who achieve great things will use any means." The leader of the man in black said impatiently: "What are you talking about, take your life!"

"Don't be ashamed, come up and try!" Xueyan followed Lianqiu since she was a child, and has practiced both hands on weekdays. Now she stands with a sword and protects Lianqiu.

"Go!" The leader of the men in black saw that the entrance was narrow, and it would be unfavorable to rush forward, so he let the two men in black attack first.

Xueyan fought with a man in black first, and Lian Qiu also fought with a man in black with all his strength.

Xueyan is young and strong, so she can still fight the man in black, but Lianqiu is more than four months pregnant, it is really inconvenient, and it is very dangerous to fight at this time.

Xueyan wanted to save her, but she herself was in danger, she couldn't move her hand, she was impatient, and was stabbed on the arm by the man in black, so she didn't dare to be careless.

Lianqiu lacked strength, and was hacked down by the man in black, backed up again and again until he reached the door, afraid that the man in black would break in and hurt the elderly and children, Lianqiu had to resist with all his strength, and did not back away.

Just when Lian Qiu was about to die under the knife, a small figure came out from her side, leaned over and kicked the man in black's calf. A pain, the body staggered.

Lianqiu was taken aback, that small figure turned out to be Xiuying.

Xiuying has practiced martial arts with her father Wang Zhaoyi since she was a child, and she is taught by Lu Bing, Huang Duxian, Shitou, Yang Sen and others on weekdays. She is not an ordinary little girl.

Just as the man in black staggered, Xiuying kicked the man in black in the crotch, the man in black bent down in pain and yelled, Lian Qiu didn't hesitate, and slashed at the man in black's neck, Blood gushes like a fountain.

After Xiuying succeeded, she immediately rushed to the side of the man in black who was fighting with Xueyan, and swept the leg with one blow. As soon as he retreated, he was pierced by Xueyan's sword.

The leader of the man in black, in shock, cursed angrily: "Trash!"

As soon as he waved his hand, another three men in black rushed up.

Lianqiu and Xueyan protected Xiuying, and fought against the three men in black. Lianqiu and Xueyan desperately resisted, but Xiuying was eager to try, and the six of them fought in a melee.

At this time, Yue Song's side was already at the end of the battle, and the stone was also unable to fight for a long time, and the situation was extremely critical.

Finally, Liu Biao arrived!

Liu Biao rushed into the courtyard, rushed towards Yue Song without hesitation, and beheaded the two men in black three times and five times.

The leader of the man in black saw that the comer was highly skilled in martial arts, so he rushed over to fight Liu Biao.

However, Liu Biao was well versed in killers. The leader of the man in black felt timid when he fought Liu Biao.

After Yue Song was rescued, he rallied and went to rescue Lianqiu, temporarily mitigating the danger of Lianqiu, Xueyan, and Xiuying.

Seeing Liu Biao coming to help, Shitou became more and more courageous in the battle, and the battle situation gradually reversed.

The shouts of the Lu family's killing also alarmed the soldiers and horses who were patrolling in the shop, and soon the torches were lit outside the courtyard, and there was a lot of people's voices.

"Retreat!" Seeing that he couldn't succeed, the leader of the man in black ordered to retreat.

This group of men in black came quietly and quietly, and when they left, they went out quickly over the wall and killed the generals.

(End of this chapter)

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