Brocade legend

Chapter 195

Chapter 195
Seeing the man in black retreating, Shi Shi wanted to chase him again, but it was too late.

And at this moment, Lu Song, who had been extremely excited all the time, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down on his back.



"Call Doctor Li quickly!"

The group of men in black came out of Lu's residence and met at a private house not far away. The man in black cloak who had appeared in Liu Biao's courtyard was waiting for them.

"Sir, we followed your instructions. When we saw him present, we immediately pretended to be defeated." The leader of the man in black knelt on one knee, bowed his head and cupped his fists.

"Will they suspect?" the man in the black cloak asked.

"No, they will just think that we think we can't succeed and retreat on their own." The leader of the man in black said respectfully.

"Did you hurt Lu Bing's relatives?" the man in the black cloak asked again.

"No, we killed quite a few of their servants, but none of Lu Bing's relatives died." The leader of the man in black said, "But...we lost some manpower."

"This is the last pain before dawn. They sacrificed for our great cause and died in a proper place. Our pure land was formed by these heroes, and our descendants will remember them..."

"Yes, sir, for the eternal Buddha Kingdom!" the leader of the man in black said enthusiastically.

"You leave the capital immediately." The man in the black cloak ordered.

"Sir, are you not leaving?" the leader of the man in black asked.

"I still have some things to deal with. You should evacuate the capital first and go to the three northern provinces. Cooperate with the Bailian envoys to take action. We must swallow all the territory and power left by Wei Zhentian and the others! That will be the foundation of our Buddhist kingdom!" The man in the black cloak ordered.

"Yes, sir!"


Lianqiu and the old lady took a lot of effort to help Yue Song into the room, and Liu Biao ran to look for Li Taiyi to treat Lu Song, Shitou and Xueyan.

In less than half an hour, Li Yanwen and Li Shizhen came to the Lu residence together, and at this time, Lu Song was already furious.

After Li Yan heard Lu Song's pulse diagnosis, he shook his head.

"Doctor Li, how is the master?" the old lady asked in a trembling voice.

"Hey, old lady, prepare for the funeral!" Li Yanwen shook his head and said.

"This... this..." When the old lady heard this, her eyes straightened, her lips trembled, and she passed out.

Everyone was in a hurry for a long time before the old lady woke up and said in disbelief: "Well, it was fine just now, why did you suddenly say it's not working?"

Li Yanwen heard what Xue Yan had said just now, stroked his beard and sighed: "Originally, Master Lu's body is weak, and his vitality is insufficient. This time, he forcibly shot and exercised vigorously, which will hurt his vitality even more. I just watched Long Jing The ferocity of the tiger is just to stimulate the potential for a while, and to return to the light. As soon as the spirit is relaxed afterwards, the body can no longer hold on... When the vitality is exhausted, the life is exhausted, old lady, let's prepare for the funeral..."

"Is there no way to continue your life?" The old lady asked with her last hope.

Li Yanwen thought for a while, and said: "The golden needle will continue to live, and the master can take another breath and explain the funeral, but at most three or five breaths..."

"Please also give the acupuncture, sir!" The old lady said firmly, "You can't let the master just go away like this!"

Li Yanwen heard this, and immediately, with the help of Li Shizhen, gave Lu Bing an injection.

After a while, Lu Song woke up leisurely, and saw that everyone was crying, and the old lady's eyes were swollen from crying, and she actually laughed out loud.

" are still laughing..." the old lady said and tears fell again.

"Okay, don't cry, the old man has been thinking, if it is so slow, and finally dies on the bed, it is really not happy, but now, the old man is also a death in battle, just as I want, haha!" Lu Song Laughing, the voice is not weak.

"Master Lu, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Seeing Lu Song like this, Li Yanwen knew that the more angry he was, the more it meant that his breath was about to fade away, so he quickly reminded.

"There is nothing to say. My son has grown up, capable and filial. I am at ease. My daughter-in-law is a virtuous and virtuous daughter-in-law. Now she is pregnant again. My Lu family has a queen. There is no good arrangement. I just hope that Doctor Li will take care and let me My grandson was born smoothly." Li Yanwen sighed and said, "It's a pity that my son is not around when I'm about to die... If I could just look at Wenfu again, I could close my eyes..."

As Lu Song said, his breathing stopped, he gasped twice, and passed out.

Everyone gathered around and watched for a long time. Lu Song was always angry, intermittently. Li Yanwen's repeated diagnosis showed that his life was dead, but Lu Song refused to die.

In this way, everyone has been guarding the bedside.

This situation continued night after day.

During the period, Xue Yang, Yang Sen, and Zhang Ju who came here after hearing the news were so ashamed that they dared not leave the Lu residence.

And those Jinyi guards who followed Lu Bing back from the Northland even came to guard Lu Mansion in person.

Seeing such a situation, many Jinyiwei from Dongchengwei and Beizhen Fusi also spontaneously patrolled the surroundings of Lu's mansion, and anyone who behaved suspiciously would be checked out.

The master of the Yang family, Yang Shanyue, and Mrs. Yang also came to visit Lu's mansion.Followed by Luo An, Wang Zuo, Chen Yin and other old friends of Lu Song.

The attack on the Lu Mansion soon spread to the ears of Emperor Jiajing. Emperor Jiajing was furious and ordered a thorough investigation. He also selected several maids from the palace to serve in the Lu Mansion.

The emperor was furious, so the people below naturally put their heart into it, not to mention there were people with a heart to contribute to the flames, and the clues found quickly pointed to Dongchang...

When Chen Hong was at a loss, he could no longer find Zhang Mo...

The next day, Lu Bing got the news on the way, hurried back to the capital in the evening.

Just when Lu Bing stepped into Lu Song's room, Lu Song suddenly opened his eyes wide. When he saw Lu Bing, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and finally he had no strength to smile and swallowed his last breath.



After Lu Song passed away, Lu Bing took a three-month leave of absence to guard his father's coffin.

Emperor Jiajing issued a decree, asking the Ministry of Rites to send someone to carry out a grand funeral for Lu Song according to the ancient system.

Lu Bing was waiting in Lu Song's room in hemp and filial piety, thinking of his father's voice and smile, teaching him earnestly.

On the third day, Xiaoyu, the Lu family set up the mourning hall. After Lu Bing bathed his father, he personally put on a black-bottomed gold shroud for his father, and put a jade cicada in his mouth.

On the fifth day, when the coffin was covered, Lu Bing put his father into the coffin and let him lie down comfortably.

The longevity coffin was made by the best craftsman in the capital, and it was made of the best golden nanmu. The lid has a slanted arc, and each piece of wood grain has been polished smooth and smooth by the craftsman's callused palms, without any wood thorns. Viewed from the front of the material head, the entire longevity coffin looks like a half-sided log.

(End of this chapter)

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