Brocade legend

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
The front of the coffin is painted with cranes and deer in the stele hall. Two snow-white cranes are flying above the glazed tile hall. On both sides of the hall are lush green pines and cypresses. In the middle of the coffin is the path of stone steps leading to the hall, which looks very clean and elegant. The whole picture decorates the entire coffin head like a fairyland living room. The whole is a quiet villa, and the two characters "An Le" are written on the top of the coffin head.

On both sides of the coffin, there are two white deer riding clouds and dragons, surrounded by paintings of weapons used by the Eight Immortals such as Lu Dongbin, also known as the "Dark Eight Immortals", as well as Guqin, ancient paintings, plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo, peach, durian and longevity fruits. There is "Shoushan Fuhai" on the surface.

All the pictures on the Shou coffin use techniques such as standing powder and gilding, as well as the deployment of pigments to fully incorporate the painting style of ancient Tang Sancai into it, making the whole coffin solemn and generous, with clear layers of colors, gorgeous and orderly, and elegant and smooth lines.

Inside the longevity coffin, there are several layers of brocade quilts, with gold and jade objects on the top of the head and under the feet.

Lu Bing hopes that after his father's death, he can settle down here and walk on the road to Huangquan with peace of mind.

Lu Bing did not drink a drop of water until the body was buried in the coffin.

After the funeral, Lu Bing lived in a funeral hut built against the wall outside the door, and slept on straw mats at night, using soil blocks as pillows, and did not take off his head and waist.

Lu Bing grieved in his heart, thinking of his dead father all the time, and shed tears when he felt sad. There was no time for day and night. According to the ancient system, he would not say anything that had nothing to do with the funeral.

I just drink porridge every day, cook a handful of rice in the morning and a handful of rice in the evening, and don’t eat vegetables and fruits. I am hot and hungry, and I don’t have the mind to think about the taste of food at all.

When the family travels these days, they ride in a crude wooden funeral car. The top cover of the car is made of white dog skin that has not yet grown hair. The rear and sides of the car are made of cattail grass. The weapon pouch is made of dog skin, the pins at the end of the hub are made of wood, the ropes and bridles for boarding are made of rope, and the horse's bit is made of wood; the mane of the driving horse is not trimmed.The same is true for Lianqiu and the old lady's car, but the curtains in the car are made of great merit cloth.

For daily cleaning, the boy should hold the broom in his left hand, with the end facing up, and follow those who withdraw from the sacrificial table into the room.Before setting up the sacrificial table, remove the previous one, and the boy sweeps away the dust in the room, and the garbage is piled in the southeast corner of the room.After setting up the sacrificial table, the boy picked up the broom, with the end hanging down, leaning towards himself, and followed the candle holder out of the room.The items used in daily life, the food eaten day and night, and the water used for bathing are all prepared in the mourning hall as in the past.

On the seventh day, during the first seven vigils, Lu Bing, the old lady, Lian Qiu and other people in the Lu family stayed up all night. The funeral was held early on the second day. More than a thousand people came to see Lu Song off, including Lu Song's old friends. , there are also Lu Bing's subordinates, and there are many who are rushing to Lu Bing's current prestige.

The funeral was held at dusk, and two candles were lit outside the gate of the funeral palace for illumination.The coffin is still half buried in the ridge above the hall.Everyone in the Lu family ascended the throne at the place where they cried day and night outside the door.In order to avoid the disturbance of the noise, everyone present stopped crying.

After paying respects to all the guests who attended the funeral, Lu Bing walked into the gate of the funeral palace and ascended the throne at the foot of the hall.Then, Yousi uttered the cry of "噫兴" three times in a row to alert the spirit of the deceased; he also yelled "Open the Funeral" three times in a row to tell the spirit of the deceased that he was about to leave.Only at this time is it allowed to release life and cry.Zhu took out the inscription written with the name of the deceased placed in front of the cave, and inserted it on the "Chong" in the court.The old lady was crying, and after slowly lifting the coffin out of the cave, she wiped the coffin with a cloth of great merit, and covered the coffin with the barbarian quilt that Xiao Lian used when she was young.

Before being buried in the cemetery, one must first bid farewell to the ancestral temple to express filial piety for the last time. This ceremony is called "Chaomiao" or "Chaozu".

Eight strong men moved the coffin from the funeral palace to the ancestral temple. The coffin-moving team arranged the "heavy" with the inscription on it as the forerunner, followed by sacrifices, candles, coffins, and candles again. Torch, and finally everyone in the Lu Mansion.Lu Bing was in front, the old lady and Lian Qiu were behind, and the rest followed behind, stretching for several miles.

After arriving at the ancestral temple, the coffin went up the hall from the west steps.The sacrificial offerings were placed under the hall first, and after the coffin was displayed in the hall, Lu Bing and Lian Qiu supported the old lady, followed the coffin and went up to the hall, and ascended the throne under the east steps.

The coffin should be placed in the middle between the two pillars in the hall, which is the position of the venerable.Then adjust the direction of the coffin to face north, and place the coffin on the prepared bed.Lu Bing stood on the east side of the coffin according to etiquette, facing west. "Heavy" is placed in the atrium as it was in the funeral palace.Yousi first removed the old memorial ceremony displayed in the hall, and then set up a new memorial ceremony for moving the coffin to the ancestral temple. This is the so-called "ancestral memorial ceremony".

The old lady was still crying bitterly, Lu Bing went down to salute the guests, the old lady and the two elders of the Yang family stood facing west on the east steps.The carriages, road carriages and shovels that Lu Song used during his lifetime are all displayed in the courtyard.Because the coffin faces north, the shaft of the chariot should face north.They are now the place where Lu Song's soul attaches, and they are collectively called "soul cars" after the Han Dynasty.

The crossbar in front of the carriage is covered with light-colored buckskin, and there are shields, quiver bags, leather bridles, leather uniforms, and flags on the carriage.Tassels, bridles and bridles decorated with shells are all hung on the scales.Court clothes were placed on the road cart that Lu Song rode when he went to court or traveled far away; coir raincoats and bamboo hats were placed on the cart that he rode when he was hunting in the field.

Then the driving horses are brought in, and the tassels of the horses are decorated with ribbons of three colors.Yuren stood on both sides of the horse, and the charioteer stood behind the horse holding a whip, and then Yuren led the horse out of the temple gate.Then, the guests who came to mourn went out, and Lu Bing sent them outside the door.

Then the coffin in the hall was loaded onto the hearse in the court. After the coffin was bound, the minister moved the libation that had just been placed in the hall to the west of the coffin for display, covered it with a towel, and then decorated the hearse.The lower part of the coffin is called "wall", which refers to the front and left and right sides of the coffin, which are surrounded by cloth, called "curtain". There are buttons on the white cloth, one on the front, one on the front, and one on the left, and the rear is black.There are two ribbons on each side of the coffin.There are "cloaks" on the left and right of the coffin, and "yin" are also tied on both sides of the car.

At this time, the Ming vessels are displayed to prepare for the burial.

Ming utensils are displayed on the west side of the car, with the southern end of the westernmost row as the respected position, from west to east, after a row is finished, turn in the opposite direction.From the north of Yin: two reed bags for wrapping mutton and hog meat; three dustpans for containing millet, millet, and wheat.Three urns: respectively hold vinegar, sauce and minced ginger and cinnamon.There are two tile pots: they hold Li and wine respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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