Brocade legend

Chapter 202

Chapter 202
In a blink of an eye, it is another golden autumn in October...

It has been half a year since Lian Qiu passed away, but Lu Bing still doesn't want to do anything.

He also didn't want to be an errand, he just sat in the room in a daze every day, looking at all the things that Lian Qiu had used before his death.

Or else, just hold the child and tell Xiuying a story.

He suddenly cared so much about every moment he could be with his family.

The child's name is Lu Yi.

Interpretation, continuation, connected and continuous.

This child is the continuation of Lianqiu. Lu Bing hugged him, as if he could be connected with Lianqiu continuously.

In the past six months, the court has been busy.

Chen Hong fell, Lu Bing was at the height of his power, and all the guards in Jinyi were proud. From the commander Wang Zuo to the warriors and flags below, they could all walk with their heads held high.From now on, no one will think that Jin Yiwei is a vassal of Dongchang, at least, Jin Yiwei with Lu Bing is no longer.

However, Bi Yun, the new director of the East Factory, was keen to attack Chen Hong's party members. In the end, regardless of whether they were party members or not, he was eager to build his own team, and he was also eager to clean up Chen Hong's old team.

The coastal defense issue that was exposed because of Chen Hong was also put on the agenda. Pirates and Japanese pirates were rampant in the south. Emperor Jiajing obviously couldn't bear it anymore.

On September 12th, the [-]th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing, according to the report of the Ministry of War about the large ships selling the sea and causing pirates, said: "Pirates are infested, and the trade is prohibited by the residents. Some officials are negligent and careless. And not stationed in the trustworthy land, follow the rules to support the bandits, causing harm to the place.Then the Order Prohibiting Large Ship Traffickers was promulgated, and the Ministry of War urgently called on the officials in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi to supervise and suppress all the prohibited large ships.Since then, the seamen along the coast have privately sat with the city thieves and their neighbors without mentioning it.The inspectors and censors conducted quick investigations on successive years of pirates and shipbuilding officials, who are well-known.

However, it has been promulgated for more than a month, but no miraculous effect has been seen.

In this case, Lu Bing seemed to stay out of the matter, indifferent.

On this day, Lu Bing hugged Lu Yi again, and was preaching to Xiuying: "... But he said, this Confucius has a disciple named Zilu, who was born in the state of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Among Confucius' disciples, he is famous for his political affairs, especially for his bravery. But when Zilu was young, his family was very poor, and he lived on coarse grains and wild vegetables for many years. Once, his elderly parents wanted to eat rice, but there was no rice at home. What should we do? Zilu thought, if he could go to his relatives Wouldn’t it be enough to satisfy his parents’ request by borrowing a little rice? There were several mountains to climb between Zilu’s family and his richer relatives’. So the little Zilu walked over mountains and mountains for more than ten miles , carrying a small bag of rice back from a relative’s house, and seeing his parents eating delicious rice, Zilu was so happy that he forgot his fatigue. Neighbors praised Zilu as a brave and filial boy..."

After hearing this, Xiuying hugged Lu Bing's arm and said, "Daddy, do you want some rice? Shall I bring you a bowl too?"

Lu Bing couldn't help being happy when he heard this, and then thought about it, parents, these two children only have a father, but no mother to respect...

Lu Bing shook his head, trying to pull himself together.Lian Qiu has been gone for half a year, but Lu Bing still thinks of her because of various things.

Lu Bing fell into deep thought, and couldn't help recalling the details of being with Lianqiu. Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Xiuying call: "Uncle Six is ​​here."

Lu Bing saw that it was Zhu Liu striding over.

"It's not noon, why are you here?" Lu Bing looked at Zhu Liu with a rare serious expression, but wanted to make a joke instead.

Zhu Liu walked over, paused, and said solemnly: "Li Jin... is dead...."

"What!" Lu Bing was shocked, and looked at Zhu Liu in disbelief.

Zhu Liu handed over a piece of paper, Lu Bing took it, handed Yi'er to Zhu Liu to hold, spread out the paper, and looked at it with a frown.

At the beginning of October in the 12th year of Jiajing, the little prince Tumed stationed troops outside the Datong Great Wall, and Li Jin, the general of Datong, urged the soldiers to dig and dredge Haogou, which was very harsh.On the [-]th, there was a mutiny in Datong, and dozens of soldiers including Wang Fusheng and Wang Bao killed Li Jin.

After reading it, Lu Bing looked up at Zhu Liu, and was stunned.

Li Jin, who fought side by side many times, died not in battle, but because of mutiny!Die at the hands of the soldiers!
Lu Bing couldn't help feeling sad.


At the same time, the news reached the hands of Emperor Jiajing, who immediately ordered Liu Yuanqing, the commander-in-chief, to lead his troops to conquer. Yu Yanghe arrested and killed several rebels, and captured the rebel leader Wang Bao and others.

However, the mutiny did not stop there, and the situation continued to expand.Another night, the rebel army killed thousands of households Zhang Qin, released the imprisoned generals Huang Zhen, commander Ma Sheng, and Yang Lin, promoted them to be commanders, confronted the officers and soldiers, and sneaked out of the Great Wall to lure foreign bandits for help.

Liu Qingyuan attacked the city day and night to defend against the bandits, and the dead were relatives.

Emperor Jiajing used Liu Qingyuan to expand the situation, so he seized his post and replaced him with Zhang Zan.

At that time, the doctor Zhan Rong supervised Datong and found out that Ma Sheng and Yang Lin had no rebellion, so he ordered Ma and Yang to capture and behead their leader Huang Zhen as a sacrifice, promising to save him from death.

A few days later, when Zhang Zan arrived in Datong, the military chaos was over, so he preached to enter the city, gathered civil and military generals and officials, set up wine to celebrate his achievements, and rewarded those who made meritorious deeds.

Since then, the Datong mutiny subsided.

But Li Jin's life ended here.

From that day when he learned of Li Jin's death, Lu Bing could no longer sit at home with peace of mind.

In the north, although Arakh Khan left, Ji Nang and Al Da did not stop. In the spring of this year, Ji Nang gathered troops to gather in Hetao and would commit Yansui.Seeing that the Ming army was well-prepared, they suddenly crossed the river with more than [-] riders, attacked the two tribes of Yibuca and Bu'erhai, and then sneaked into Yongning and plundered away.In the winter of the same year, Ji Nang violated Zhenyuan Pass again.Commander Wang Xiao and Deputy Commander Liang Zhen were defeated at Liumen, and chased them to Fengfeng Mountain, where Ji Nang was beheaded and many drowned.

In the south, Emperor Jiajing's large ship dealers' sea orders had little effect. Pirates landed frequently, and their traces spread all over the five provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan, and even broke through layers of checkpoints, appearing in the five provinces of China.

Up to now, traces of Japanese pirates have also appeared in Zhejiang. Zhejiang is adjacent to Nanzhili Nanjing. Nanjing is the accompanying capital of the Ming Dynasty. It also has six departments, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Department of General Administration, the Five Armed Forces Governor's Office, the Imperial Academy, and the Imperial Academy. , is the important place of Ming Dynasty.

The Japanese pirates have already appeared in Yingtian Mansion, but the officers and soldiers from all over the country are still unable to catch them. The strange thing is that if you don't experience it personally, you may not have true intentions.

Daming has always attached great importance to coastal defense, and even said that there is no way to go to sea. Even so, it is a bit strange that it is still unable to defend against Japanese pirates at sea... If the illness persists for a long time, it can only be said that there is no right medicine.

Lu Bing thought about it, and felt a little uncomfortable.He, Qi Jingtong and Master Lin Fu had a detailed understanding of some of the situation in the south, and he still had some ideas in his mind. Emperor Jiajing wanted to use a decree to control the sea disaster, but it might be difficult to follow his wish.

(End of this chapter)

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