Brocade legend

Chapter 203

Chapter 203
Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Now that the world is in chaos, Lu Bing suddenly feels a little bit on pins and needles.

At this moment, someone came from the palace, and Emperor Jiajing summoned him.


In Qianqing Palace, Jiajing and Zhang Fujing were talking about things in the south.

"You mean, Lu Bing got that thing from Lin Fu for you?" Jiajing asked, "What's your intention of telling it now?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is unwilling to take credit for it, and secondly, he thinks that we should send a reliable and capable person to take a look at the matter in the south, so as to solve the root cause once and for all." Zhang Fu respectfully said.

"The person you're talking about is Wenfu?" Jiajing frowned.

"That's right. From the case of Beidi Mashi, it can be seen that Mr. Lu is thoughtful and can stay calm in times of crisis. More importantly, he understands soldiers. In addition, he must have learned something from Mr. Lin Fu. If he can replace the emperor If you go to the south, you will make great achievements." Zhang Fujing said firmly: "Now the situation in the south is more complicated than that in the three northern provinces. The problem is not only external, but also inside our Ming Dynasty. If we don't send someone who is deeply trusted by the emperor, Others may not be able to withstand the pressure!

"However, his father left first this year, and then his wife also left. Isn't it good to let him travel far away at this time?" Jiajing was moved, but still a little embarrassed.

Zhang Fujing was also uncertain and said: "This..., when he comes later, you can ask his opinion."

The two monarchs and ministers were talking, when Huang Jin's shrill voice came from outside the door: "Lord Beizhen Fusi Lu is here!"

Lu Bing entered the hall, saluted Emperor Jiajing and Zhang Fujing respectively, and Emperor Jiajing gave him a seat.

After Lu Bing sat down, he said: "The emperor called my minister, what orders do you have?"

"Oh, Wenfu, you are too polite." Jiajing said awkwardly seeing Lu Bing's seriousness.

Lu Bing glanced at Zhang Fujing who was sitting on the side, and replied respectfully: "The emperor loves you very much, but courtesy cannot be lost."

Zhang Fujing looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

However, Emperor Jiajing understood what Lu Bing meant. Lu Bing was making face for himself.

"Wen Fu is for Zhang Fujing, the head of the civil servants. Even my confidant should not be spoiled. Wen Fu always maintains his dignity. He is really my good brother!" Jiajing was a little moved in his heart. .

Emperor Jiajing told Lu Bing what he had just discussed, and said, "Wenfu, I know you've been very depressed recently, you should go to the south of the Yangtze River to relax and see what's going on in the world to the south of me. , there is no peace at all.”

Lu Bing pondered for a while, and said: "If the emperor is useful to my ministers, I dare not refuse. However, according to my knowledge, the affairs in the south are no more complicated than those in the north. I really can't guarantee anything."

"It's okay." Emperor Jiajing heard Lu Bing agreed, and said happily: "You just go to inspect and inspect to see where the root of the problem is. I just want to know the truth. As for how to solve...the things in this world are Can it be solved by one person? You just need to bring the truth back, as for how to solve it... I will discuss it with the ministers together."

Lu Bing felt ashamed because of Li Jin's death these two days, and he really couldn't sit idle in Beijing anymore.And the incident of pirates in the south is exactly what he has been thinking about for the past two days. Thinking about it this way, Lu Bing cupped his hands and said, "Then I will go and investigate for the emperor!"

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Jiajing flicked his whisk and said happily: "I promise you to bring a thousand Jinyi guards with you! You can call people at will, and I will give you the right to call local officers and soldiers, and you will go with the power of the emperor. Relax."

Lu Bing bowed his hands to thank him, and the three of them chatted for a while, and it was time for Emperor Jiajing to meditate, and Lu Bing and Zhang Fujing retired together.

Lu Bing and Zhang Fujing walked outside the palace together.

After leaving the palace gate, Lu Binggong sent Zhang Fujing into the sedan chair, but Zhang Fujing suddenly stopped and said: "You go here, although the emperor allows you to do as you like, but this old man still wants to remind you that eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor."

When Lu Bing heard this, he laughed, knowing that the old man was worried that he had no intention of doing business, so he really went to the south of the Yangtze River for a tour, and came back after a trip.

Lu Bing said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Shoufu, I will definitely gain something if I leave this official."

Zhang Fujing nodded, and Dun Dun taught: "It's so good... In fact, everything in this world is the same. It's difficult to say, easy to say. The same is true for the matter in Jiangnan. It's complicated, but it's simple... ...But it is also simple. What is complicated is the human network, which is intertwined and connected. What is simple is the human heart... In fact, the human heart is the simplest, especially the heart of the people in the world. It is just to live and to live well.... "

Seeing that Lu Bing really listened to it, Zhang Fujing said again: "The matter in the south of the Yangtze River is actually not difficult, but it lacks the emperor's eyes to see, touch, and understand. It also lacks a mouth that can speak the truth. Bring back the real situation."

"Your servant has been taught." Lu Bing heard that what the old man said was indeed from the bottom of his heart, and immediately bowed respectfully and said: "Thank you for your advice, my lord."

Zhang Fujing waved his hand, said no more, got into the sedan chair and left.

Lu Bing watched Zhang Fujing's sedan chair swaying away, thought for a while, and was about to go straight home when he saw Bi Yun, the new governor of the East Factory, not far away, looking at him with a smile.

Since Lu Song's funeral, Lu Bing has not seen Bi Yun for more than half a year.

When Bi Yun saw Lu Bing saw him, he walked over with a smile, and Lu Bing first cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Governor Bi."

Bi Yun smiled and said, "Wen Fu, you are too polite."

Lu Bing also smiled and said, "Master Bi has something to do with Mr. Lu?"

Bi Yun smiled and said, "Our family is here to invite Mr. Lu."

"Dinner again?" Lu Bing smiled.

"No, it's watching people eat." Bi Yun covered his mouth and smiled, and the orchid fingers were slender and white, which was too beautiful: "Watching people eat without their heads."

Lu Bing's heart trembled, he remembered that Chen Hong was still in jail.

"The emperor has a decree?" Lu Bing felt a little trembling and clenched his fists.

"Yes, the emperor has an order to let our family send Chen Hong on the road tonight." Bi Yunjiao smiled and looked a little excited: "It's just that this North Town Fusi, without your Lord Lu's order, our family cannot enter .”

Lu Bing knew that Bi Yun was talking about Xue Yang, and that the Fusi Prison in Beizhen was under the jurisdiction of Xue Yang, and Xue Yang only obeyed his own orders. Without Lu Bing's orders, no one could enter the prison. Not to mention contact with prisoners.

Now there are a lot of felons being detained in the imperial prison, and outsiders, some want to save people, some want to silence them, and they are on the cusp of the storm. If there is no one like Xue Yang, it will be really difficult to guard.

(End of this chapter)

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