Brocade legend

Chapter 204 Prison Torture

Chapter 204 Prison Torture
Hearing Bi Yun's words, Lu Bing's heart was turbulent: "It seems that the emperor has squeezed Chen Hong dry, and this is to use Chen Hong's life to see me off!" Lu Bing sighed in his heart, but there was also a trace of gratitude.

In the past six months, Emperor Jiajing did not kill Chen Hong, but squeezed all of Chen Hong's wealth. Emperor Jiajing didn't say how much he had gained, and Lu Bing would not go out of his way to investigate.

Lu Bing hated Chen Hong to the bone, and Chen Hong was locked in the imperial prison controlled by him, but in the past six months, Lu Bing not only did not torture Chen Hong to vent his anger, but also did not even look at Chen Hong.

This became a special tacit understanding between Lu Bing and Emperor Jiajing.

Today, Emperor Jiajing is finally going to give Lu Bing an explanation.Lu Bing knew in his heart that Emperor Jiajing wanted to make himself feel at ease before going to the south of the Yangtze River, and he was telling himself clearly that even if he left Beijing, Chen Hong would never be able to recover.

...can't even see the sun tomorrow.

Together, Lu Bing and Bi Yun came to Beizhen Fusi. Before reaching the door, they saw a woman standing quietly at the door with a food box on her shoulders.The Jinyi guards guarding the gate of the Beiya saw it, but they didn't make any move to drive it away.

Lu Bing and Bi Yun took a closer look, and found that the woman was the Empress Dowager Jiang's confidant, Aunt Honglian.

Seeing Lu Bing coming, Hong Lian ignored Bi Yun who was about to come up to speak with a smile, but just looked at Lu Bing and said calmly: "Wen Fu, let me see him off, okay?"

The smile on Bi Yun's face froze, his brows moved slightly, and as soon as his eyes changed, he was under his control.Ever since becoming the governor of the East Factory, no one has dared to be rude to him!Bi Yun was about to get angry, but he held back and turned into an embarrassing expression.Empress Dowager Jiang is still alive, and he still can't afford to offend Aunt Honglian.

Lu Bing looked at Honglian, who had a calm expression.

"Come on..." Lu Bing said lightly.

Hong Lian is a smart woman, she knows that Chen Hong and Lu Bing are revenge for killing their father, and it is useless to intercede.

It is still possible to live doing evil in the sky, and one cannot do evil on one's own, Hong Lian knew in her heart that Chen Hong got to this point, it was all accumulated by herself step by step, no wonder others.

"As a couple, I will enter my last duty and send him off!" Hong Lian sighed in her heart as she walked.

Chen Hong was not abused, he lived in the small courtyard specially prepared for important prisoners.

But to go to that small courtyard, you have to pass through different levels of prison cells.

Seeing Lu Bing coming, Xue Yang personally led the way.

When he first entered the imperial prison, he was in a fourth-class cell. He would pass by an interrogation hall with all kinds of instruments of torture, stained with rust and dripping with blood.

A few stout men, with their upper bodies bare, were tortured, and the wailing and screaming could be heard endlessly.

Flogging is the least painful punishment here, even so, the man hanging on the wooden stand with his skin torn apart screamed the loudest to express his pain.

The other prisoner was being scorched, his skin was scorched black, his head and limbs were hanging limply, and he was lifeless, but because the guards in royal clothes who were interrogating were busy, no one took him down, only the smell of barbecue was in the air. Floating around.

There are also large torture instruments such as heavy gamma donkeys erected on the side. This kind of torture equipment will make people die slowly in pain and despair.

Especially wooden donkeys, as long as they are ridden, they will be permanently disabled.

Another prisoner's nose was tied with a thin iron chain, which passed through his nasal bone and connected to a peg on the ground.

This thin iron chain is very short. If a normal person is standing, he cannot straighten his waist. If he wants to be more comfortable, he must squat down.However, the strong man in prison held a sharp knife in his hand, and on the table next to him was a bowl of salt water and knives of different sizes and shapes. As long as the prisoner squatted down, he would use the knife to dip it Salt water, quickly cut a thin piece of meat from the prisoner.This kind of pain made the prisoner cry, tears and snot flowing from his nose, but he didn't dare to make too much movement, otherwise a whole bone on his nose would be pulled off.He could only shed tears, and bent over in pain until he lost consciousness.

In the end, even if he could get out of the imperial prison alive, he would never be able to stand upright again.

Over there, there were two guards in brocade clothes holding a prisoner's fingers with bamboo yokes. The ten fingers had been clamped so hard that they couldn't even make a cracking sound, because the flesh and bones inside had long been rotten like mud, and only the yoke was held There was a rattling sound.

A man who had been hooped was still standing on the pillar, but his seven orifices were bleeding and his eyes were closed.There are several iron hoops all over his body to keep him standing, but the internal organs and bones in his body have long been shattered, as can be seen from the gourd-like head.

Nearby, the blood was still flowing on the skull-chiseling instruments, which should have been used just now.On the side of the standing cage, two of them had people inside. Those two people could no longer stand up because their legs were so weak. Instead, they hung their heads on the board above, not daring to move their bodies a little, or they would be scratched by the iron spikes on the front, back, left, and right. wound pierced.

There are more instruments of torture left unused, such as execution chairs, knife benches, nail beds, bone crushing hammers... there are more than a thousand kinds of instruments of torture, large and small, and not far away, there is a mouthpiece The boiling oil pan... I am afraid that even the oldest Jinyiwei who guards the imperial prison in Fusili, Beizhen, has not been able to use these instruments of torture...

After all, Hong Lian is a woman, she has never seen such a situation before, she leaned her head unnaturally, not daring to look up.

Those Jinyi guards who were executing the execution, saw Lu Bing coming in, quickly put down their work, saluted and said loudly: "See Lord Zhen Fushi!"

Some of them met Lu Bing for the first time, but they didn't dare to be negligent. All kinds of rumors about Lu Bing made those who had seen the most dead people among them dare not be presumptuous.

Because Lu Bing was the first Jinyiwei to repel the Mongolian army, and the first Jinyiwei to overthrow Dongchang.

They Jinyiwei all know that the black prison in Dongchang is no worse than this place, it will only be more obscene than this place.Those cruel and perverted eunuchs in Dongchang deal with prisoners not only to destroy the body, but also to insult the spirit, humiliate the most private place of the prisoner, make the prisoner's life worse than death, and his nerves collapse.

But this kind of Dongchang has to stay away from our Master Lu of Jinyiwei. Have you seen that the current supervisor of Dongchang is following our master's ass, smiling as if he has eaten a butt.And the previous supervisor was imprisoned in our imperial prison. Now in this imperial prison, how many of the most vicious guys in Dongchang used to be there?
They communicated secretly, they were the darkest group in Jinyiwei, but they also felt the glory and light that Lu Bing brought to all Jinyiwei.

Lu Bing glanced at them, nodded, and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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