Brocade legend

Chapter 206 The Prisoner

Chapter 206 The Prisoner

Seeing so many delicious foods, Zhou Bin didn't even bother to talk, and even didn't even bother to use chopsticks. He just grabbed them and ate them, gobbling them voraciously.The prisoners in other prisons couldn't help swallowing.

Taking advantage of Zhou Bin's hard work, Hong Lian had the opportunity to take a closer look at her younger brother.

"I'm thinner, I'm haggard..." Honglian looked at her younger brother, thinking distressedly.

Honglian hadn't seen her younger brother for half a year. If the queen mother hadn't been considerate of her and let her know that her younger brother was still alive, she would have been heartbroken.

But in the past six months, she is still suffering, this is her only family member!

People only cherish when they lose it, let alone regain it after losing it?Zhou Bin is Honglian's darling!

"Wenfu." Honglian faced Lu Bing resolutely, but the moment she met Lu Bing's eyes, Honglian's expression turned into a begging involuntarily: "Wenfu, sister dare not beg you to let my brother go , but can I ask you, just leave him here and don't go there, okay?"

Lu Bing saw Honglian's good intentions. Anyone who has seen the interrogation scene in the fourth-class prison will feel that the third-class prison is a fairyland.

There is still hope of being alive in the third-class cell... as long as you don't go to the fourth-class cell...

But Zhou Bin didn't understand Honglian's good intentions. When he heard his sister's words, he was dumbfounded, and the half-eaten chicken leg fell to the ground: "Sister! What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Didn't you come to take me out?"

"Brother, just stay here and be obedient!" Honglian said with tears in her eyes.

The matter of Chen Hong will pass one day, and as long as he is still alive, there is hope of coming out.

But Zhou Bin collapsed. He fell from the sky to the bottom of the valley. He thought it was hope, but hope turned into despair.

For the past six months, he has persisted in the belief that no matter how unlucky Chen Hong is, as long as his sister is around, he can go out.

But after waiting for half a year, my sister didn't come.

Today my sister came, but she advised me to stay well!

"Hahahahahaha! Stay? Stay here? How can people stay here? Come in and show me!" Zhou Bin laughed, and then frantically grabbed the iron bar the size of an egg on the prison door and shook it vigorously. He yelled at Guren.

Hong Lian's tears finally fell, and Zhou Bin seemed to wake up a little when he saw his sister's tears: "Sister, sister! Aren't you and Mr. Lu good friends? Beg him, let me go! Here, no matter day or night, Chun Summer, autumn and winter are bitterly cold, and mice come to attack me every night, trying to tear off a piece of my flesh! Every day, people get sick and are taken out! Sister, if you stay here, I will die!"

Honglian didn't dare to listen anymore, she was afraid that if she listened any longer, she would die of heartache first.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Honglian whispered, she missed her brother every day and night when she didn't see him, but when she saw him, she wanted to run away quickly.

Hearing that his sister not only did not save him, but also left, Zhou Bin finally collapsed!

"You want to go! Where are you going! You don't care about me! What kind of sister are you! Stinky bitch! Scumbag!" Zhou Bin yelled, tears streaming down his face, and slobbering.

Hearing her younger brother insulting her like this, Honglian was not angry at all. The guilt in her heart made her feel better when she heard her younger brother's insulting.

Seeing that Hong Lian and Lu Bingzhen turned around to leave, Zhou Bin was finally desperate. He pointed the finger at Lu Bing: "Lu Bing! You bastard, you wait, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

A gleam flashed in Xue Yang's eyes. At this moment, in his eyes, Zhou Bin was already a dead person.

The cold light that flashed in Xue Yang's eyes fell into Hong Lian's eyes.

Honglian turned around suddenly, stretched her hand into the prison, and slapped Zhou Bin with the greatest force she could.

Zhou Bin froze, opened his mouth and stopped yelling, and let the saliva flow on the lapel of his clothes.

Seeing this situation, Lu Bing let out a long sigh, and said to Hong Lian who was also stunned: "I promise you."

When Hong Lian heard Lu Bing's words, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, her body softened, and Lu Bing hurriedly supported her.

She burst into tears suddenly: "Thank you, thank you."

She knew that Lu Bing's words saved her brother's life.

After hearing Lu Bing's words, Xue Yang snorted at Zhou Bin angrily, but since Lu Bing had spoken, Xue Yang dared not listen.

"Dog thing, it's your fate, I can only save your life!" Xue Yang thought regretfully.

Honglian stood up straight, not daring to look at Zhou Bin again, and strode forward.

Bi Yun, who watched a good show for free, smiled and left with winking eyes. He couldn't stand the disgusting smell and disgusting people here for a long time.

At this time, the general banner in charge of the third-class prison had already found cotton-padded clothes and quilts. Seeing that Lu Bing and others were about to leave, he hurriedly stuffed the cotton-padded clothes and quilts into the cell, and followed quickly to lead the way.

Seeing that Zhou Bin knew such a person, the other prisoners in Zhou Bin's cell didn't dare to loot him. They just looked enviously at the cotton coat, bedding, and leftovers spilled on the floor.

Lu Bing, Bi Yun, and Hong Lian went through the third-class prison and came to the second-class prison.

Although the place is dilapidated, it is a single cell, and the clothes and bedding are also complete, so they will not freeze to death.

Moreover, it's much quieter here, and most of the prisoners close their eyes and rest their minds, or concentrate on thinking, but they don't appear to be insane.

And more importantly, since entering the imperial prison, he has been chirping and chirping, and he has heard of rats everywhere, but he has never heard of them here.

Lu Bing took a general look and saw many familiar faces.

Some of them looked away immediately when they saw Lu Bing and his group, some came up to say hello as if they met on the street by chance, and some came forward to plead with Lu Bing or Bi Yun.

Lu Bing knew in his heart that all of them were heavyweights, and naturally they couldn't be too miserable. Who knows which one might make a comeback.

If one day the emperor thought of them and was killed by rats, that would be really inappropriate.

Lu Bing and the others didn't stay long, and when they walked to the door of the first-class prison, Lu Bing suddenly said to Xue Yang, "Change that Zhou Bin to the second-class prison."

Xue Yang was taken aback, and nodded quickly. Hong Lian listened and looked at Lu Bing gratefully, but didn't know how to start.

It was useless for Lu Bing to worry too much, he just felt that Zhou Bin had not committed any serious crimes after having known Honglian for many years, so he would not just die in a place surrounded by rats.

The door of the first prison opened, and the three of them suddenly saw sunlight coming in!

Lu Bing, Bi Yun, and Hong Lian walked into the first-class prison, and their eyes, which had been in the dark, were a little uncomfortable.

The first third-class cells are airtight and do not see sunlight all day long.But this first-class prison is a clean and tidy small courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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