Brocade legend

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Lu Bing thought about the scene along the way just now, and he understood the reason why the prison was set up in this way.Anyone who has come all the way like this will stay there honestly and even feel satisfied when they arrive at this first-class prison.

Probably hearing a noise, Chen Hong came out from a small wing room, holding a volume of books in his hand.

Lu Bing took a closer look, and what Chen Hong was holding in his hand was Chunqiu.

It has only been half a year, and Chen Hong, who was originally a middle-aged man with a happy face, is actually very old. His face, which was originally rosy and plump, now looks like a shriveled face bag, and his black hair, which has turned gray, is curled up with a branch. , roughly tied into a bun.

Seeing that it was Lu Bing, Bi Yun, and Hong Lian who came here, he was taken aback for a moment, then actually smiled, and said, "What? Are you finally sending our family on the road?"

Honglian put the food box in her hand on the stone table in the courtyard, opened it, and took out a jug of wine and a wine glass.

"Originally some of the meals were made by my concubine herself, but... I just met my younger brother, so I left them for him to eat." Hong Lian said softly while pouring wine for Chen Hong.

"It's okay. Although the food here is not delicious, it is not lacking." Chen Hong walked to the table with a smile and sat down. He gently closed the Spring and Autumn in his hand and placed it on the stone table.

"This wine—." Chen Hong looked at the glass and asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry, this is brought by my concubine." Hong Lian and Chen Hong stayed together for half their lives, so they could see what Chen Hong meant.

"The imperial gift is here." Bi Yun took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, and put it on the table.

Chen Hong didn't look at him, but just smiled to himself and said, "That's good, since it's not Jiujiu, then you can have a drink with me!"

Honglian nodded docilely, the two of them hadn't been so tender for several years.

Hong Lian took out three more wine glasses. Chen Hong looked at it, pointed to one of them, raised his head and said to Lu Bing, "Why? Wen Fu won't drink with us?"

Lu Bing walked over calmly, sat down, and Honglian filled his wine glass.

Chen Hong hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said to Bi Yun: "Forget it, after today, the past will be like smoke and smoke, you can have a drink with the old man too!"

Hearing that Chen Hong's tone was like a gift, Bi Yun snorted coldly, a little reluctantly, but finally hesitated, but sat down anyway.

Honglian served him the same way, but she didn't sit down, she just stood and held her wine glass.

Seeing this, Chen Hong was stunned, and said, "Sit down too! Anyone who is not present today is not considered an outsider, and this is the last glass of wine, we must drink it comfortably."

Chen Hong is not a complete man, so he pays more attention to the feeling of a big man. Therefore, since he and Hong Lian started to eat, whenever a guest came, Hong Lian would stand by and serve instead of serving the table.

Now that things are up to now, seeing that my wife still follows this way, I thought I had seen through the red dust long ago, and my heart was like a dead tree, so I couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

After hearing this, Honglian hesitated for a moment, and sat on Chen Hong's right.

All four of them felt that there were thousands of words churning in their stomachs, cursing, excuses, excuses, reasons, doubts, resentment, and sadness...

But in the end, the four of them silently picked up their wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

Thousands of words, all in this glass of wine.

Ashes return to ashes, ashes return to ashes, and when a person dies, the lamp is extinguished, so what's the point of saying more?

In the past six months, Chen Hong has already lived this life thousands of times in his heart, from resentment, to unwillingness, to regret, to guilt, to peace...

He has long realized the shortcomings of everything, and he has nothing to complain about in this situation.

Some are just calm.

Honglian looked at this man who was not a man but her man in the eyes of others. Twenty years ago, she relied on him; ten years ago, she imitated him; five years ago, she suspected him; six months ago, she resented him.

And just now, when she was waiting for Lu Bing at the gate of Beizhen Fusi, she missed him.

She was sad for Chen Hong, but when she really saw Chen Hong and saw Chen Hong's calm eyes, she suddenly became happy for Chen Hong again.

In Bi Yun's heart, however, there was also a trace of emotion, this person, he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.But now it is prematurely aging, dying.But it was his own hand that sent him on the road.

Bi Yun looked at his slender and beautiful hands, then at the clean white bottle of Yujiu wine on the table, and started to wander.

The mountain on his head seemed to have fallen, but was actually replaced by another even bigger mountain.

He suddenly felt very sad. He didn't know when he would be able to send that mountain away?

Thinking of this, he no longer kept the smile lines on the corners of his mouth.

Lu Bingyuan thought that he would be angry, but when he saw Chen Hong, he only felt a little ridiculous, both to Chen Hong and to himself.

Lu Bing suddenly couldn't remember when the hatred with Chen Hong started.

He only remembered the bits and pieces of life when he was in Xingwang Mansion.

He has always disliked Chen Hong, because Chen Hong has always been as ruthless and stubborn as himself.

He didn't like Chen Hong. He didn't know the reason. He just thought that it was because Chen Hong always dominated his children, and he wanted to vent his anger on them.He just thought that it was because Chen Hong took away sister Honglian who had always cared about him. He took away his care and care. From then on, sister Honglian would care about him first and take care of him.

Until Lu Bing grew up, he didn't think about the reason carefully.

And at this moment, he suddenly realized that he didn't like Chen Hong, not because of various excuses and reasons, but because of a very simple point...

Because, he and himself are of the same kind.

Yes, in fact, Chen Hong and himself are of the same kind.

For some reason, a picture that I don't know when I saw it appeared in Lu Bing's mind.

Two dogs fought over a piece of meat and bone thrown away by the butcher.

"Guan Gong is reading the Spring and Autumn Annals, Lord Chen, you are so elegant!" Lu Bing didn't know why he spoke, maybe he just wanted to break the silence, break the picture in his mind, and stop thinking about it.

"The book in this edict is very valuable. There are more annotations than the original text. Look, this is from the Zhengde period. I don't know which official's annotation. Look at this again. This Cheng In Hua Nian... and here, this place is actually in Yongle!" Chen Hong discussed with Lu Bing enthusiastically, and the people who came out of Xing Wang's mansion, influenced by the old Xing Wang, all love to read some books.

Hong Lian couldn't help smiling when she saw the two people's expressions of interest, and Bi Yun was also stunned.

At this moment, this small courtyard in the most terrifying place in Ming Dynasty seems to have become the Xingwang Mansion 20 years ago.

These few people who are now torn into a ball actually sat together peacefully, admiring the old books in the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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