Brocade legend

Chapter 218

Chapter 218
"That's right, that's right, the artiste who sings in our big Japanese tavern..." Seeing that Zhao Yilin had the upper hand in his words, the Japanese friend hurriedly echoed, but when his gaze touched Dao Zhu Liu's eyes, he slapped He shivered, Japan had been at war for years, and he had been living at sea all year round, which made his nerves sharper than ordinary people. The blood and murderous intent deep in Zhu Liu's eyes made him unable to speak anymore.

Zhu Liuxie smiled, his eyes were full of smiles, but that smile was cruel and cold, like a well-fed tiger playing with a goat for the next meal.

Zhao Yilin was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he never experienced any risks, but he didn't notice it. He continued to talk eloquently: "Mr. Yes, this girl's elder brother rushed forward and brutally attacked Mr. Otomo, regardless of indiscriminateness. Mr. Otomo has status in Japan, just like our nobles in Ming Dynasty. Ordinary scholars and scholars, if they are attacked on the road, they will be stopped by their followers, right? And the attackers will be sent to the government to prosecute. Several brothers are also scholars, and they are accompanied by bodyguards and housekeepers. They will not understand this Does it make sense? Similarly, Mr. Otomo’s entourage had no choice but to stop this person from committing murder first, so there is nothing wrong with that, right?”

"You!" The young man with blood on the corner of his mouth yelled angrily after hearing Zhao Yilin's upside-down words. His brain is much better. He has been in Jinyiwei for so long, so he naturally knows the power of Jinyiwei, and even more of Lu Bing's power. Seeing that Lu Bing was just listening silently, he knew that Lu Bing had other reasons, and naturally he would not let this young man rush forward. , Destroyed Lu Bing's plan.

The girl heard Zhao Yilin's words and heard that her brother would be sent to the government for justice. She couldn't help but trembled with fright. Powerless to fight, she could only keep muttering: "It's not like's not like this..."

Zhao Yilin spoke more and more vigorously, and continued to speak loudly with confidence: "What's more, after being attacked, Mr. Dayou didn't blame him, but expressed magnanimity, because he didn't understand Daming's customs and customs, so there was such a misunderstanding. He is willing to He is willing to take the responsibility and even give compensation. He is willing to heal the injury of the girl's brother, and follow the customs of our Ming Dynasty. Because he touched the girl's body, he is willing to marry the girl, save the girl from the fire, and don't have to come out and throw her head. , engaged in a low-level occupation."

When Zhao Yilin said this, he finally pointed the finger at Lu Bing again: "From the beginning to the end of this matter, there were no women from good families, so why did you talk about robbing women from civilians?"

After hearing Zhao Yilin's shameless words, Lu Bing actually smiled.

From these words, Lu Bing heard one thing, that is, the relationship between the Japanese and these country gentry and landowners in the south of Daming, and maritime heroes, is probably unfathomable.

He didn't get angry just now, instead he led Zhao Yilin to continue talking, because he came to the south with another mission, which was to investigate the difficult problem of pirates.

Lu Binglai had consulted a large amount of information before, and he had also seen the evidence that Lin Fu brought to testify against Chen Hong, although it was mainly the accounts between Chen Hong and some people in the south, as well as some investigation results and speculations of Lin Fu.But what was revealed was not just Chen Hong's problem.

Chen Hong is also a human being, even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't cover the entire Daming. Chen Hong is probably only using his power to get a share of the pie.Emperor Jiajing made up his mind to get rid of him. In addition to being frightened by the wide network of Chen Hong's followers, more importantly, he was envious of the wealth reflected in Chen Hong's books, and those accounts were just the tip of the iceberg of huge wealth.Emperor Jiajing did not expect that the forbidden sea and the forbidden sea would actually produce mountains of gold and silver.

Lu Bing once talked with Qi Jingtong and Lin Fu. Both adults believed that the intractability of the pirates in the south had something to do with the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty, especially the wealthy merchants in the south.A ship at sea is worth more than a month's work in the horse market in the Northland.

So, just now when he saw the Japanese and Zhao Yilin, the representative of the local wealthy businessman, he just fell asleep and hit the pillow, so he wanted to find out.

The Zhao family is the richest man in She County, they regard the Japanese as honored guests, openly associate with the Japanese, and even wipe their butts for the Japanese.And the onlookers, when the Japanese pirates were rampant, were not surprised or afraid of the Japanese who appeared in the city. Such a situation can only be described as commonplace.

And the Zhao family is just the richest man in She County, and they colluded so deeply with the Japanese. There are several provinces in the south of Ming Dynasty and dozens of counties in the south of the Yangtze River. Everywhere there are wealthy businessmen and local snakes... And looking at the whole leopard, it can be seen that the sea disaster problem in the south of Daming has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it is so serious!

Lu Bing smiled and said, "Young Master are so eloquent!"

"Brother is wrong." Zhao Yilin said righteously: "This is a fact, it cannot be discerned by clever words."

"So, this girl is wrong with his injured brother?" Lu Bing shook his head helplessly.

"The conflict between this girl and her brother and Mr. Dayou can be explained by misunderstanding. After all, there are differences in culture and regional customs. As long as the girl's brother is willing to apologize to Mr. Dayou, Mr. Dayou has a noble character. He is magnanimous, so naturally he will not argue with him. If this girl is willing to marry Mr. Dayou, then they will even become relatives, and I am willing to pay for the medical treatment of the girl's brother on behalf of Mr. Dayou. Seeing that Lu Bing seemed to be about to compromise, Zhao Yilin was so determined to beat the snake with the stick.

The girl, her elder brother and her companions saw that Zhao Yilin seemed to have succeeded in a treacherous scheme and that Lu Bing and others were defeated. They felt angry, but they were unable to fight against the Zhao family. They could only cry and sigh for a while, helpless.

"Then my little brother was beaten up by your subordinates, what do you say?" Lu Bing asked again.

Zhao Yilin was still complacent, admiring his ingenuity and agility, and at the same time wanted to expand the results of the battle, he said seriously: "You little brother is insane, you don't care about injustice, you talk badly to Mr. Dayou when you come up, and you still want to attack me. Lin Tong is an expert my father specially invited to protect me, so naturally he won't let him succeed, he is not good at learning, and he wants to show his prestige in front of women, so it's no wonder I was beaten up? Instead, it's this brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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