Brocade legend

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Zhao Yilin pointed to Yang Sen and said, "My family is the richest man in She County, so we should uphold local justice. She County is where the Huizhou government is located, and this Taibai Building is also the property of my Zhao family. You are in my Zhao family's place." If you killed someone, I’m afraid you can’t just leave? Please follow me down to the Huizhou government office and let the old man stop it.”

When Zhu Liu and Dong Hai heard this, they looked at each other, and said in their hearts at the same time: "It's over, it seems that the government office of Huizhou government is not clean... This boy, with one word, the prefect of Huizhou government has been tricked."

But Lu Bing didn't have the intention to make fun like Zhu Liu and Dong Hai. Hearing Zhao Yilin's words, he knew that the prefect of Huizhou probably had an affair with the Zhao family, so the power of the Japanese pirates might have infiltrated the magistrates.

Such a situation made Lu Bing very worried, and he no longer wanted to have fun with Mr. Zhao.

Lu Bing sneered and said, "Go to the government office? Good! I'm going to report to the government too!"

Zhao Yilin was taken aback when he heard that, didn't he make it very clear just now?They can't make up their minds at all, and they still have to report to the police?Have you eaten bear heart and leopard gall?Still suddenly lost my mind.

"Which official are you reporting for?" Zhao Yilin sneered after he settled down.

Seeing Zhao Yilin sneer, Lu Bing sneered three times, and said, "I report to the officials to report you for colluding with the Japanese bandits."

"Collude with Japanese pirates?" Zhao Yilin wanted to laugh when he heard that. In this world, colluding with Japanese... what crime is it to do business with the Japanese?
"Just one thing first." Lu Bing said coldly: "In the second year of Jiajing, the tribute envoys of the Japanese Ouchi clan and the Hosokawa clan fought in Ningbo Port in order to compete for the privilege of paying tribute to the Ming Dynasty. On the first day of the month, Zong Shi and Qian Dao, the envoys of the Ouchi family, took out weapons from Shibo Sidongku, killed Ruizuo, burned the Hosokawa boat, and chased and killed Song Suqing who had fled. He chased to Shaoxing, but failed to capture Zong. Suppose that in the name of chasing Song Suqing, they plundered Ningbo and Shaoxing, set fires along the way back, and acted mischievously, killing the guard commander Liu Jin and others, and captured the commander Yuan Jing and others, and then fled to the sea by taking the ship After that, I, Ming Dynasty, closed the Shibo Department and demanded that, except for the envoys who came to the court with the consent of Ming Dynasty, no Japanese should set foot on the territory of Ming Dynasty without permission!"

Before Lu Bing came to the South, he had learned all the information about the relationship between Daming and the Japanese pirates in detail, and he took out the bottom line: "Any Japanese who appeared on the territory of Ming Dynasty without permission can be identified as Japanese pirates who landed secretly or even invaded. Colluding with Japanese pirates is a capital offense for bringing disaster to the township! Not long ago, the ban on large ships was issued, strictly ordering all places to strictly guard against Japanese pirates, but your Zhao family brought unapproved Japanese slaves to the Huizhou government office in a grand manner. Wandering around the city of Shexian County, but colluding with Japanese pirates to survey the terrain? Hiding evil intentions! Planning to attack Shexian County with internal and external cooperation? Compared with killing a Japanese pirate, colluding with Japanese pirates is now a major case that the court is strictly investigating? Mr. Zhao commits crimes against the wind... Hmph, how many of us People dare to go to the government office, but do dozens of you Zhao family dare to go?" Lu Bing snorted coldly, and threatened: "Mr.

"You!..." This time it was Zhao Yilin's turn to be speechless.

Although the imperial court strictly forbids Haiphong, among the provinces in the south, among the developed families, which one has not done overseas business?

It is true that they dare not wander the streets with run-down Japanese ronin, but no one has gossiped about bringing decent Japanese businessmen with them.Not to mention the Japanese, this She County is the trading center for Huizhou merchants, and it is not uncommon to see two red-haired devils and yellow-haired devils.

The master I met today has memorized the prohibition of the second year of Jiajing's reign, and he is so clear about the various decrees of the imperial court... If I don't have some status, I'm afraid I can't understand these things... I don't mention this kind of thing. It’s fine not to mention it, but the identity of the Japanese is a trouble in the current Daming. If it is put on the table, although the magistrate will not really do anything to the Zhao family, but he is also a person who says he has a lot of shit, and he is also a small person. The trouble, the worst... The official word is two mouthfuls, and it will inevitably cost a lot of money to settle it.Mr. Zhao is not a fool to spend money for fighting spirit. Anyway, the person who died was a Japanese, and a Japanese servant. It is really not worth spending so much money for him.

They can't be beaten again and again, and it's not that reasonable to be reasonable. Anyway, the heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. Seeing that they won't be able to leave She County for a while, they will gather people and try to deal with them... It would be a good idea to borrow the hands of the Japanese Ideas...or you can also borrow the power of the lower government to get so much filial piety every month, and you should do something.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yilin was a bachelor, and whispered a few words to Mr. Dayou, who also saw that something was wrong and nodded.Zhao Yilin took the two Japanese and carried the body of the Japanese, and left in a hurry without looking back.For Zhao Yilin at this time, the little singing girl, her brother and her companions are no longer important, and there will be more opportunities for rectification in the future.

Zhao Yilin left so neatly that the little girl, her brother and her partner were stunned and at a loss.I don't know if this matter is over, or Mr. Zhao plans to make trouble again in the future.Being so restless makes her even more depressed.

But the fact that Zhao Yilin turned around and walked away made Lu Bing look a little different, but it was hard to arouse Lu Bing's defensiveness.

Zhao Yilin is just the son of a wealthy local family, so he is really not worthy of being the governor of Beizhen Fusi and the imperial envoy to worry about.Today's Jinyiwei is not what it used to be.In this small She County, not to mention Lu Bing, even the general banner of Jinyiwei can stir up storms all over the city.

Now there are two officials from thousands of households, two officials from hundreds of households, two chief banner officials, and one governor. Even the officials from Huizhou Prefecture are not enough to look at.

Lu Bing didn't want to expose his identity just because he was a small rich man, so he continued to travel south in a low-level service in order to learn more about the real people's sentiments.As for the Zhao family...Zhu Liu and Dong Haike are the masters who must take revenge. When they return to Beijing, people will naturally miss them.

Liu Biao checked Wang Zhi, but it was only a flesh injury. Now that he is awake, there is nothing serious.

Lu Bing asked the girl's name, Ye Zi, 16 years old this year, the same age as Wang Zhi, and the injured one was Ye Zongman, who just turned [-] this year.

Zhu Liu and the others looked at Ye Zi and Ye Zongman, and Sun Quan laughed and said, "Are they brothers and sisters?"

Ye Zi just lowered his head and didn't speak, but Ye Zongman was a little dissatisfied when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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