Brocade legend

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

I saw this strong man wearing ordinary clothes, not official clothes.Wang Jili's heart skipped a beat, could this be the spies sent by Jin Yiwei to various places?
Lu Bing and the man entered the back hall, and came out alone after a while. The strong man did not come out with him, and now he has disappeared.

Lu Bing said to Wang Jili: "Wang Jili, whose name is Xingzhi, is called Jiezhai. He is from Tielou Xinzhai, Wenxian County, Gansu. , was awarded the head of the Nanjing Household Department. In the fifth year of Jiajing, he was the head of the Vehicle Driving Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs. In the sixth year of Jiajing, he was transferred to the head of the Fang Division, and was later promoted to the supervisory censor of Sichuan Road. In the 16th year of Jiajing, he was promoted to the prefect of Huizhou Prefecture."

Wang Jili was on the sidelines, trembling with fear, sweating profusely... Unexpectedly, in just a short while, Lu Bing could grasp his affairs so meticulously.

"My lord, is there anything wrong with what I said?" Lu Bing asked gently.

" absolutely flawless..." Wang Jili said hastily.

"Master Wang, do you know the evaluation that person gave you?" Lu Bing asked with a smile.

"..." Wang Jili said he was all ears.

"Bian Yu is quiet and diligent in governing the people. Although there are small corruptions, the flaws are not concealed." Lu Bing said word by word: "This comment is not from the person himself, but from the investigation of the people, cherish it! Lord Wang!"

When Wang Jili heard this, a huge stone fell to the ground in his heart, and then he only felt a hot current gushing out of his heart, almost falling from his eye sockets.

He didn't expect that he muddled along, that he only pretended to be diligent in order to get promoted, and that he only pretended to love the people so that no accidents would happen would make him get such a high evaluation.

"The common people are tolerant and the easiest to satisfy. As long as you don't bully them, you are a good official. As long as you can make them live a little more peacefully, they will forgive you even if you have minor faults." Lu Bing He said earnestly: "Small greed is fine, as long as you are not greedy for the people, you can take the money that comes from bad sources. I won't say much, I just hope that Mr. Wang will cherish his hard-won good reputation. The people are doing real things!"

"Thank you, my lord, for teaching me!" Wang Jili cupped his hands and said respectfully.

Seeing Wang Jili's attitude, Lu Bing nodded in satisfaction. This Mr. Wang is timid and fearful, which is why he did not dare to take too much money and bend the law. Thinking about it this way, it is not a bad thing for these local officials to be timid.

Lu Bing turned his head to look at Zhao Yilin who was lying on the ground waiting to die tired from crying, and said, "Now let's deal with your affairs."

Hearing that Lu Bing said that he wanted to deal with him, Zhao Yilin cried bitterly and said: "Master Lu, Master Lu, the villain just slipped up and leaked the whereabouts of this little brother. It has nothing to do with me when you attack you! "

Lu Bing looked at Zhao Yilin, who looked like a puddle of mud, and sighed: "Actually, I also want to say that it doesn't matter what the truth is at this time. No matter what the truth is, it has nothing to do with you. So, you There is no escape from death."

When Zhao Yilin heard this, he became even more desperate and yelled.

Lu Bing dragged the still-foolish Wang over and said, "I promised that I will avenge you. He is probably the mastermind behind the scenes. The attack on us has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter who killed your mother." Whether it's the Japanese pirates or him... can't be separated from him, if you kill him, you can avenge half of your mother's revenge, and we will ask the Japanese pirates for the other half!"

Just now, Wang Zhi was stunned by the real identities of Lu Bing and the others. Hearing what Lu Bing said, his eyes turned red for a moment, and he raised the Japanese sword in his hand with gritted teeth...

"Keep people under the sword! Keep people under the sword!" A little old man, wearing a satin gown with his hem lifted, ran into the government office quickly, and when he saw Wang Zhi holding up the Japanese sword, he hurriedly shouted.

Wang Zhishou paused, and the little old man had already run in, knelt down beside Lu Bing and the magistrate, and said loudly: "My lord! My lord! The dog is just confused for a moment! But after all, it wasn't him who killed him! There is no crime Death! The crime does not deserve death! Your lord is merciful, spare my son the death penalty! The villain is willing to pay a lot of money to forgive the crime!"

Seeing this situation, the prefect Wang Jili said to Lu Bing in a low voice: "Lord Lu, this is the richest man in the area, Zhao Yilin's father Zhao Renming."

"Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness." Lu Bing smiled and said to Zhao Renming who was kneeling on the ground: "Your family has a good family background! Hmm...Renming...Yilin...a good name, a good name."

"This..." Zhao Renming was taken aback, and quickly kowtowed, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your compliment!"

"Such a good name, don't let it go to waste." Lu Bing said with a smile: "Your son has ruined his own name and the characters left by his ancestors. You usually don't care about it." ?”

"'s all the fault of the little old man. He didn't discipline him much on weekdays, and I ask the adults to say that the little old man is old and only has this one son. Give him a way to survive! I will definitely discipline him strictly in the future! " Zhao Renming begged.

"It's the father's fault if you don't teach the son. It's too late to regret it now after making a big mistake." Lu Bing shook his head, pointed at Wang Zhi and said, "I let your son go, so what about his dead mother? What about me?" Give him an explanation?"

"This... my son is indeed guilty, but... there is no evidence that the murder is related to my son! It's just a slip of the tongue... this, the crime is not enough to die?" Zhao Renming said cautiously, "As long as we can keep My son's life, I am willing to give anything, sir, look..."

Lu Bing smiled slightly and stopped talking.

Wang Jili grabbed Zhao Renming and dragged him aside.

"Master Zhifu..." Zhao Renming was still kneeling on the ground, almost fell down by Wang Jili's pull, he stood up quickly and said, "What's the matter, sir?" Zhao Renming whispered: "My lord, help me save my son. Thanks a lot."

"Are you old and confused?" Wang Jili said with a slap in the face: "Are you here to save your son? You save yourself first! You are Tongwo! Do you understand?"

"... Isn't there no evidence?" Zhao Renming hesitated.

Wang Jili almost laughed angrily: "Why is there no evidence? Your son ate and drank with the Japanese, and even had a conflict with the imperial envoy! Now the Japanese pirates killed his little brother's mother and intercepted them halfway. Everything has turned into a That's it! Do you still need evidence! Tongwa! Murder! Dare to attack the imperial envoy, this is the crime of copying and beheading all over the family! are confused!"

"Ah!" As soon as Zhao Renming heard his servants say that his son had been arrested, he just asked about the general situation, and rushed here in a hurry. He thought that there was no evidence to say that he had killed someone, so it would be a big deal to spend some money to be soft. It's over, I never thought it would be so serious.

(End of this chapter)

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