Brocade legend

Chapter 230 The Truth

Chapter 230 The Truth
After hearing what Wang Jili said, Zhao Renming also panicked: "This...what should I do, Mr. Wang, we usually...have a good relationship, you have to help me!"

"How can I help you? Do you know who he is! He is Mr. Lu from Beizhen Fusi, do you know who is next to him? Zhu Liu! Huo Yanluo! He lost thousands of heads in Beidi Yes! I don’t know how many land-headed snake families have been ruined! They want to kill your whole family, and no one can stop them!” Wang Jili didn’t dare to accept this matter, and even evaded it with threats.

"My lord Wang! You can't leave him alone!" Zhao Renming is a cowardly old man who can become the richest man in She County. Seeing that the magistrate Wang Jili doesn't miss the old love, he just wants to get away, so he said with all his heart: "You usually A lot of the expenses... but we got a lot of it! If my family is ruined, don't think about it!"

"You! Bold! What's the matter with me! How dare you bite people! What evidence do you have!" Wang Jili was anxious when he heard this. He had just escaped his life from Lu Bing's men. Things were not easy to deal with. Seeing Wang Renming's sneer, he quickly comforted him: "Your son will not survive. You should save the Jiuzu first. Didn't your son give birth to a grandson for you? You want to give birth to your grandson?" Take it in too?"

After hearing this, Zhao Renming gritted his teeth, turned around and took two steps forward, kneeling behind Lu Bing who was talking to Liu Biao.

Lu Bing turned around, and Zhao Renming said in a mournful voice: "My lord, the evil son made friends with Japanese slaves, and caused so many people to lose their lives. He deserves death, so I will hand it over to your lord. My Zhao family is not strict in discipline, and I have a responsibility. I am willing to Take out half of the family property to pay for the crime, distribute it to the victims, and use the people's anger. From now on, we will build bridges and pave the way, and do more good deeds, which can be supervised by the prefect king.

Wang Jili saw that Zhao Renming pulled him to be the guarantor, so he quickly wanted to shirk it, but saw that Zhao Renming looked into his eyes full of viciousness and madness. The official is willing to supervise Zhao's family to do good deeds and accumulate virtue to make up for Zhao Yilin's fault."

Zhao Yilin heard that his father had ordered his life and death in this way, and in despair, he stopped crying and fell into a groggy state, as if he had passed out.

Lu Bing looked at Zhao Renming, and saw that Zhao Renming was suffering like a fire, so he smiled and said, "Okay, okay, it's the blessing of the people of She County and Huizhou that Zhao Yuanwai has this kind of awareness! If Huizhou merchants are all With Yuanwai Zhao as benevolent and reasonable, the people of Huizhou can have no worries!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Renming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, half of the family property..." Lu Bing said, but Zhao Renming immediately brought it up again, thinking: "This official from the capital has a big appetite..." Zhao Renming gritted his teeth: "That's all, that's all. Even if he wants to finish, give it to him, save your life first!"

But Lu Bing continued with a smile: "However, half of the family property is fine. The food in Taibailou is good. I like it very much. If Yuanwai Zhao is willing, give it to me! It will be my compensation for being frightened. Oh , and that warehouse, your son killed my little brother's mother, so transfer that warehouse to my little brother!... You won't tell me that neither of these two are your property, are you? ?”

"Yes, yes, it is my family's property. The little old man will go through the formalities immediately and transfer it to the adult... and the adult's brother." Zhao Renming said while sighing in his heart: "Oh, even if it is not my family's property, if you want it, I will give it to you." I have to buy it for you too! However, this is much less than half of the family property..."

Whether it is the property of the Zhao family or not, Lu Bing already knew clearly from the spies of Jin Yiwei just now.Seeing that Zhao Renming agreed, Lu Bing smiled slightly and said, "The procedures are easy to discuss, and you and Mr. Wang will take care of it slowly... In fact, it doesn't matter if you do it or not. If you say it belongs to me, can you still run away?"

"The Zhao Yilin Tongwo case of the Zhao Family in Shexian County has been heard clearly, and the verdict is as follows!" Lu Bing announced loudly: "Zhao Yilin colluded with the Japanese bandits and ordered the murder, and he should be punished! Sentenced to death! Tomorrow noon, the execution will be executed at the street crossing, as a warning Xiaoyou! In addition, the Zhao family took out the Taibai Building and the Zhao family warehouse as compensation! The case is closed!"

Lu Bing didn't mention evidence, and he didn't mention who to pay for, but he said the case was closed, so he closed the case.

The truth... has always been in the hands of those who say what they say.

After Lu Bing pronounced the sentence, he said to Wang Zhi, "By the way, you will execute tomorrow."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu!" Wang Zhi was very grateful, but he didn't dare to call him big brother again.

At the end of the trial, Lu Bing and others declined Wang Jili's banquet, leaving only Zhu Liu's words, and rushed to the inn where the Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Weixue lived.

What Zhu Liu said was: "Zhao Yilin is reserved for you. Be on the lookout. You won't die until three o'clock tomorrow. If you die a moment earlier, you will stay with you if you die a moment later."

How dare Wang Jili be careless, he stayed up all night and guarded himself.

Lu Bing and others returned to the inn and saw that the room was empty, so they had to check out.

When he was checking out, he saw the Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Weixue rushing back, seeing Lu Bing and others checking out, he smiled awkwardly.

Lu Bing immediately understood what was going on.

The Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Weixue must have heard the news, knowing that they were arrested as soon as they entered the city, and felt that the situation was not good, so they ran away.

But later I heard that nothing happened, and Zhao Yilin was sentenced to death, so he hurried back.

"You all know our identities, right?" Lu Bing asked with a smile.

"Well, it's been spread all over the street, saying that a big official came from the capital, and the Zhao family was punished. This is even more legendary than Bao Qingtian! I didn't expect it to happen to me!" Xu Weixue, who has a lively personality, nodded desperately. road.

Ma Ye Ye Zongman pulled Xu Weixue, then knelt down with a "plop", Ye Zi and Xu Weixue also reacted, knelt down hurriedly, and said loudly: "Cao Min pays homage to the Elder Master!"

They knew that Lu Bing and the others were high officials, but they didn't know what their official titles were, so they had to imitate the opera and shouted "Master".

Lu Bing laughed loudly and said, "Get up, you don't need to be too polite. If I don't wear an official uniform, I'm not a master." Lu Bing looked at Tian Shi and said, "It's getting late, I invite you to have a meal at the nearby Taibai Building. Zhao Yilin is dead, and you are safe, so let's celebrate and talk about your future plans."

"Brother, Taibailou is yours now, so don't let it break you!" Zhu Liu said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, if it's worn down, I'll build a new one, haha!" Yang Sen also laughed, and Shitou also laughed "hehe" when he saw everyone laughing.

For a while, the room was full of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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