Brocade legend

Chapter 231 Eat and Drink

Chapter 231 Eat and Drink
The few people laughed enough, went to the nearby Taibai Building, and ordered another table with good dishes.

This time there were a lot of people, except for the last time "stewed turtle with ham", "braised civet cat", "pickled fresh mandarin fish", "Huangshan stewed pigeon", "ginger duck", "pearl shark's fin", "hehe kidney", "Yuyuan Steamed Deer Fetus" is the signature dish of the Eight Ways Hui Department.At the suggestion of the Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Weixue who grew up in She County, Lu Bing ordered some special snacks in She County, Huizhou.

The Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Weixue have been hanging out on the streets for a long time, so they naturally know the special snacks in She County very well.

Lu Bing and others also ordered six special delicacies: Huizhou hairy tofu, Huizhou stinky mandarin fish, Huizhou ham in soy sauce red soup, Huizhou Yuanzi, mushroom stone chicken, and konjac tofu.Then I ordered five catties of Huizhou Jia wine and scalded them all.

After a day of running around today, everyone was very hungry, so they ordered two more staple foods unique to She County: Huizhou stone noodles and gauze noodles.

Today, everyone in Taibailou got the news that Taibailou has changed owners, and the new owner is a senior official from the capital, just the few who came to dinner yesterday.Now that the new owner is here, if you don't try your best to show off, the dishes on the table are full of color, flavor and taste, and you need to add another three points.

When the food was on the table, looking at the delicious food, good wine and good food on this table, I didn't even bother to talk too much, and I ate it all.

"Huizhou hairy tofu" is named for its surface with a layer of white fluff that is one inch long. It tastes fresh but not greasy, and it is fragrant and refreshing.Eating it while dipping it in sauce gives you the feeling of "eating edamame as a snack every day, and being a native of Huizhou".Xu Weixue also said that eating this Mao Tofu at a street stall is more artistic, although the taste of the street vendor is far worse than that of the chef in Taibailou.

"Huizhou stinky mandarin fish" is a famous Huizhou dish with a unique flavor.It is collectively referred to as "barrel fresh fish", also commonly known as "pickled fresh fish".The so-called "pickled fresh" means stinky in Huizhou dialect.This "flavored mandarin fish" smells stinky and tastes delicious. It not only maintains the original flavor of mandarin fish, but also has a mellow and tasty meat.

Huizhou people have always liked cured ham, and it has a good reputation. It is known as "Jinhua ham comes from Huizhou".Ham is widely used, and Anhui cuisine is good at "ham flavoring", which can be used as a main ingredient or as a seasoning.

"Huizhou Yuanzi" is one of the authentic varieties of Anhui cuisine.The origin is in Shexian County, and it is also called "fine sand fried meat".This dish is made by mixing cooked fat, orange cake, candied dates, green plums and other fine dices with sugar and sweet-scented osmanthus to make a small round filling.Then mix well with eggs, fat mud, wet starch, and fried rice crackers, wrap cakes wet with water and wine into balls, the shape is like a ping-pong ball, and after deep-fried, pour marinade made with white sugar and green and red silk. become.The finished product has well-proportioned grains, golden and shining color, crispy outer layer and sweet and delicious stuffing. It is a popular dish among the masses.

The dish of mushroom and stone chicken is steamed with Huangshan special mountain mushroom and stone chicken.Flower mushroom is the top grade among shiitake mushrooms, and this dish can be called a rare combination of mountains and mountains, and it is very rare.

Konjac, also known as konjac, ghost head, flower connecting rod, snake head, Tiannanxing, snake six valleys, is a kind of medicinal material, which is produced in the mountainous areas of various counties in Huizhou.Konjac has the effects of treating malaria, amenorrhea, furuncle erysipelas, scalds and appetizing.Grind konjac into pulp, boil it into paste, put it in a basin, and make tofu after cooling.It can be eaten alone or with other dishes, and its taste is refreshing.This dish is delicious and sweet, crisp and refreshing, with a long aftertaste.

Huizhou Shitou is a famous Huizhou-style snack and a traditional Huizhou pasta.The gauze noodles are produced in Nanxiang, She County.Knead the noodles with salt water first, knead them thoroughly, knead them into strips, coat them with vegetable oil and put them in a box.After a while, knead them into thin strips, evenly cross and wind them on two pamao poles about a foot long, and hang them as one type. After standing for half an hour in an insulated rice bucket, move them to the outdoor surface to hang them, and take them off the shelf. After the plate into a cake, dried Serve.The yarn surface has enough toughness, suitable saltiness, pure taste, and is suitable for long-term storage.If the coming spring is warm and rainy, and the gauze becomes damp again, you only need to put a piece of quicklime in the altar to make it crisp and dry as before.

Lu Bing, Zhu Liu, Yang Sen, Shitou, Dong Hai, Liu Biao, and Sun Quan came to Huizhou. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain, they enjoyed eating Huizhou delicacies.

Although Wang Zhi, Ye's brothers and sisters, and Xu Weixue grew up in Shexian County, Huizhou, they were from poor families and had never had the opportunity to eat like this. They had only heard of some big dishes but never seen them. It is a great luxury and enjoyment to eat a piece of freshly fried edamame from the hawker.

It took an hour for the meal to end, and after the messy dishes and bowls on the table were removed, they all took a long sigh of relief while drinking the Huangshan Maofeng tea that was served, so that they could be regarded as relaxed.

"The food here is really good." Sun Quan said with satisfaction.

"That's right." Yang Sen echoed, "It's a pity that I can't take it back to the capital." Stone ate the most, and he nodded desperately after hearing this.

Lu Bing ignored their fantasies, and said to the Ye brothers and sisters and Xu Wei: "I want to come to this restaurant. If you have no place to go, you can stay in Taibailou and help me take care of the business."

When Xu Weixue heard it, his eyes lit up, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay! Are you in charge of the food?"

Lu Bing smiled and said, "Of course, the salary is paid on a monthly basis. How about a bonus at the end of the year?"

"Okay, okay! If I can eat these delicious food every day, I won't change it even for an emperor!" Xu Weixue said happily, and only after he finished speaking did he realize that the person sitting here is not a quack, but an official of the imperial court. , covered his mouth in fright.

Ye Zongman glared at Xu Weixue, and Zhu Liu smiled and said, "Your Majesty can't eat this every day! You don't even want to change it, so what are you afraid of? You won't rebel. But then again, I don't think Jiajing has ever been better than that." I'm comfortable."

This time it was Lu Bing who glared at Zhu Liu, but think about it, Jiajing had two meals a day, which were rough and poor.He also has to worry about the affairs of the world, fight with all kinds of gods and fight against each other.Speaking of it, it was really not very comfortable.

Lu Bing turned his head and asked Ye's brothers and sisters again, "You guys? Would you like to come?"

"We... don't know anything, what can we do for you?" Ye Zongman asked condescendingly.

"Zhao Yilin had someone kick you, so I asked his family to give you food, which is considered compensation." Lu Bing said with a smile: "If you don't know how to learn, you will learn it slowly. It's better than you singing on the street." Much more secure."

After Ye Zongman heard this, he really couldn't resist this offer, so he nodded in agreement.

Lu Bing looked at Ye Zi again, but found that Ye Zi was only paying attention to Wang Zhi, so he couldn't help smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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