Brocade legend

Chapter 236

Chapter 236
Feng Weimin was open-minded by nature, and when asked by his savior, he explained the origin in detail: "... In recent years, my father plans to retire and the family will return to their hometown. But because my grandfather passed away in Nanjing, my father asked me to come to Nanjing to relocate first. , please return the tablet of grandfather to his hometown."

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Feng is from a family of officials and eunuchs. I don't know what the position of the ancestors is?" Lu Bing clasped his hands.

"Oh?" Feng Weimin heard Lu Bing's question, and asked, "Is there any official in Brother Lu's family?"

"Indeed." Lu Bing nodded with a smile and said, "Maybe they are officials in the same hall and know each other well!"

When Lu Bing said this, Feng Weimin immediately felt that the two had made a lot of friends, and hurriedly said: "My grandfather's name is Yu Zhen. He used to be a doctor of Fengzhi and a doctor of the Nanjing household department. My father Feng Yu is now the deputy envoy of the Guizhou Provincial Inspection Department."

When Lu Bing heard this, Feng Weimin really came from an official background. His grandfather was a doctor of the Nanjing Household Department and he was the fifth rank, and his father was the deputy envoy of the inspectorate.

Lu Bing thought about it carefully, but he thought of Feng Yu. He cupped his hands and said to Feng Weimin, "Your lord is the one who said, 'He who wants favors loses the king, whoever charms loses himself, who seeks life loses others, and he has nothing to lose in his life.' Mr. 'Three No Loss'?"

When Feng Weimin heard Lu Bing talking about his father's motto, he smiled and nodded, quite proudly.

Lu Bing had read a lot of internal official documents of Jinyiwei, and he was most impressed by the great benevolent and evil people among them, especially the few cadres and upright officials. He had carefully investigated them. One is to learn the advantages of these good officials.

This Feng Yu is an upright and upright official, he is decisive in dealing with things, he does not submit to the powerful, he is diligent in government and loves the people, and he is a clean and honest official. It is only by letting the eldest son manage the family well and be good at management that he can get enough food and clothing. Such a good official is still fresh in Lu Bing's memory .

When Feng Yu first learned about Huating, the people were hit by rain, and Feng Yu ordered Fengshou District to pay one-tenth of the tax on behalf of the affected area.Although this move angered the rich, it was welcomed by the people.

When he knew Jinzhou, the Hutuo River moved southward, and the land in the north of the city lost the benefits of irrigation and suffered from drought, so he adjusted its taxes and grains reasonably.

When Gangue took office, because it was located in the southwest border, the society was complicated and there were often fights.However, Feng Yu was just and impartial. He used appeasement instead of subjugation. When the two sides faced each other, he went alone to persuade the two sides in a critical moment.

Lu Bing still remembers the evaluation of this Feng Yu in the document: "The official's bag is poor, he cannot support himself, he is an official who resists justice, has judgment, and looks like a porridge and incompetent."

Looking at Feng Weimin now, you can see that he acts with sincerity, is fair, has a sense of justice, dares to fight against power, can protect the weak, treats the people equally, and really lives up to his father's name.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Bing felt closer to Feng Weimin.And Feng Weimin also had a good impression of this young son who knew his father's famous words,
The two chatted affectionately.

At this moment, the boatman pointed to a small pier in front of him and said loudly: "Ms. Meng's boat is there! They are docking!"

"Dock!" Feng Weimin said in shock: "He really wants to take Miss Meng away! This is too lawless!"

Lu Bing motioned for the boatman to come over, and asked Feng Weimin, "Who wants to take Miss Meng away?"

"I heard they say they are from Duke Wei's mansion!" Feng Weimin said indignantly, while staring at the painting boat of Miss Meng who was docking, before he finished speaking, he felt his body shake violently !
Feng Weimin almost fell into the river again, he steadied himself, but felt that the boat was about to stop.

"Why are you not moving! Hurry up and catch up!" Feng Weimin yelled anxiously, turning his face to look at the boatman.

I saw that the boatman looked terrified, speechless and speechless.

Lu Bing frowned, and said for the boatman, "You mean Wei Guogong? He snatched Miss Meng? Why did he snatch Miss Meng?"

Feng Weimin is not a fool either, so he naturally understood what Lu Bing meant. What Lu Bing meant was that the dignified Duke Wei would snatch a prostitute?
Feng Weimin watched Miss Meng's boat approach the shore, and in a hurry, went to grab the boatman's boat again.But the boatman hugged Changhao tightly, and did not let go, nor rowed forward.

Lu Bing grabbed Feng Weimin and said, "Brother Feng, don't make things difficult for him, he would never dare to help you snatch Wei Guogong's woman."

"What his woman!" Feng Weimin shouted angrily, but he also knew that what Lu Bing said was true, so he let go, and said: "When those people boarded the boat, they said that Wei Guogong was entertaining relatives from the capital in Zhanyuan. Said that he wanted to see Qinhuai Fengyue, Wei Guogong promised to find the best girl in Qinhuai River for them, and specially ordered Miss Meng to help the fun! Miss Meng was discussing lyrics and music with me, and she didn't want to go, but his subordinates insisted on bringing them along. Meng girl went back to the garden, said that Meng girl was disobedient, so she asked Meng girl to be tied up. I stepped forward to stop her, but the leader kicked me into the water. Isn’t this a robbery of a civilian girl! What did you do? It’s really disrespectful! It’s too much!”

Hearing Feng Weimin scolding Wei Guogong angrily, the boatman trembled with fright and wanted to plug his ears.

Lu Bing thought helplessly, why is there always a scene of robbing civilian girls wherever he goes?Is this the nature of men?Or the way to show rights?
"No! I must rush to stop it!" Feng Weimin became more and more angry as he spoke. He watched a girl wearing a veil and wrapped up by several big men get off the boat. In desperation, Feng Weimin jumped into the water again. !
Lu Bing didn't expect this kid to do such a thing, and Feng Weimin fell into the water again.

Feng Weimin's book boy turned pale with fright and wanted to jump, but Lu Bing quickly grabbed him.

"My young master doesn't know how to water! Save him quickly!" the book boy yelled.

Just as Lu Bing was about to rescue him, he saw Feng Weimin struggling to stand up in the water.

It turned out that this place was not far from the shore, Feng Weimin stood up, the water only reached his shoulders.

Feng Weimin wiped the water from his face, stepped on the water, and walked to the shore with difficulty.

Seeing that Feng Weimin was not in danger, Lu Bing was not in a hurry and asked the boatman to bring the boat to shore.

Seeing that Feng Weimin jumped off the boat and wanted to save the beauty as a hero, the boatman was really helpless. Seeing that Lu Bing and others were not as crazy as Feng Weimin, he only said to let the boat dock, and he didn't say anything more, and moved the boat to the shore .

Zhu Liu whispered in Lu Bing's ear, "Brother, do you want to take care of it?"

"It doesn't matter if you take care of it." Lu Bing said with a smile: "It's just not in a hurry, let's see and talk."

Zhu Liu also smiled and said, "I also want to see what a Duke can do."

When Feng Weimin trudged to the shore, Miss Meng had already been stuffed into a sedan chair.

"Miss Meng!" Feng Weimin yelled and climbed to the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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