Brocade legend

Chapter 237 One Sect Duke of Two Kingdoms

Chapter 237
The group of warriors all turned their heads to look at Feng Weimin, and the curtain of the sedan chair was partly lifted, revealing a pair of star-like eyes.

Lu Bing...has never seen such bright eyes before, and he couldn't help being attracted to them.

However, Lu Bing's sight was quickly interrupted.

A tall man among the warriors pulled down the curtain raised by Miss Meng, and then said: "That idiot has caught up again, I will send him away, you take Miss Meng to Zhanyuan first, don't let him The Duke is waiting impatiently."

Two of the warriors followed the leader, and strode towards Feng Weimin together.

The other warriors jumped on their horses, protected the sedan chair, and left quickly.

"Meng girl!" Seeing that Meng girl was taken away, Feng Weimin yelled, "Put down Meng girl!"

Feng Weimin struggled to climb ashore, covered in mud, even lost one of his shoes, and didn't know which piece of mud he got stuck in.

The warrior leader looked at Feng Weimin, who was covered in filth, and stopped involuntarily, but Feng Weimin got up and was about to chase the sedan chair that was getting further and further away.

The warrior leader wanted to stop him, but he didn't want Feng Weimin to get his clothes dirty, so he ordered: "Shoot him!"

After hearing this, the two warriors executed it without any hesitation. They swiftly took off the crossbows from their horses, aimed at Feng Weimin, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Feng Weimin was running towards them, saw two powerful crossbows facing him, and the sharp arrows shining coldly on the crossbows were clearly visible, so he couldn't help but stop in shock.

But the arrow has left the string!

Feng Weimin showed a fearful expression!

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky and swept away the two crossbow arrows with one blow!
This person is exactly Zhu Liu!
Holding a steel knife in his hand, Zhu Liu was half bowed, staring at the three warriors with an evil smile, like a hungry eagle preparing to pounce on food.

"Who! How dare you meddle in the Duke's business!" one of the warriors shouted.

But the samurai leader didn't pay attention to Zhu Liu, but turned his attention to Lu Bing and others who just got off a painting boat.

I saw that there were seven or eight people in Lu Bing's group, all armed with weapons, and among them was a giant stone holding an iron rod in his hand.The samurai leader found that when these people heard about the Duke's Mansion, there was no worry or hesitation on their faces...

The warrior leader opened his mouth and shouted in a low voice: "Let's go!"

The two warriors were taken aback when they heard this.

"Don't get out of the way, what the Duke has told you is more important!" The leader got on his horse, and the two warriors saw that the leader had already jumped on the horse, so they hurriedly got on their horses to follow.

Three people and three riders left like this.

Zhu Liu didn't chase after him, Lu Bing stepped forward and helped Feng Weimin who was sitting on the ground in fright.

"Brother Feng, are you okay?" Lu Bing asked with a smile.

"Ah!" Feng Weimin finally came to his senses: "No, it's fine."

"It's fine." Lu Bing smiled.

Feng Weimin bowed to Zhu Liushen who put the knife into the sheath: "Thank you for saving my life, brother!"

Zhu Liu chuckled and didn't make any gestures.

Looking at Feng Weimin's face still covered with mud, Lu Bing smiled helplessly.

"Brother Feng, hurry up and wash in the boat, and change your clothes!" Lu Bing signaled to Dong Hai, and Dong Hai hurried into the boat to prepare clothes and hot water.

"No, no, no!" Feng Weimin waved his hands and said, "I'm fine, Miss Meng has been taken away, let's go and save him!"

Seeing the extremely persistent Feng Weimin, Lu Bing felt even more helpless. He asked Feng Weimin, "Are you sure you know what Wei Guogong represents?"

Feng Weimin gave Lu Bing a strange look and said, "Of course I know!"

Lu Bing held his forehead with one hand, looking like "I can't do anything about you".

Feng Weimin saw that Miss Meng and the three warriors were no longer visible, so she sighed helplessly and said, "Brother Lu, I'm not a fool, of course I know what Duke Wei's mansion stands for."

Feng Weimin said: "The current Wei Guogong is called Xu Pengju. He is the garrison of Nanjing and the commander of the Chinese Army's Dudufu, plus the crown prince and the Taibao. He is a first-class honorable man in Ming Dynasty."

"Not only that..." Lu Bing shook his head and said: "He only has one relative in Beijing, and that is Dingguogongfu. One is Shuangguogong, and they represent the noble forces of the entire Ming Dynasty, as well as a large part of the army. Power, if you offend them, your father will also be in bad luck."

The first generation of Wei Guogong was Xu Da, the founder of the country, with the word Tiande, Han nationality, and a native of Zhongli, Haozhou.In the first year of Wu, he was the prime minister of the left and worshiped the general.At the beginning of Hongwu, he was appointed as the prime minister of the right, and he was appointed as the Duke of Wei. He was both wise and brave, and had outstanding military exploits.

After Xu Da, his son Xu Huizu inherited the title. During the reign of Emperor Jianwen, Yan soldiers crossed the river to attack Nanjing, and Xu Huizu led troops to resist.When Emperor Chengzu Yongle invaded Nanjing City, Xu Huizu stayed at Xu Da's ancestral hall alone and did not go to greet him.Emperor Yong Le wanted to punish him, so he asked him to confess his crimes, but Xu Huizu wrote down the words in the iron coupon.Emperor Yong Le was furious, cut off his title and confined him in his own home.Xu Huizu died in Yongle five years at the age of 40.Emperor Yongle felt that he was loyal and upright, so he still named Xu Qin, the son of Xu Huizu, the Duke of Wei.

And Xu Da's youngest son, Xu Zengshou, once succeeded his father's official position as the governor of the left. Emperor Jianwen suspected that the King of Yan was rebelling, and asked Xu Zengshou a question.Xu Zengshou said: "The king of Yan and the first emperor are in the same spirit, they are extremely rich, how can they still rebel?"

Later, Xu Zengshou repeatedly reported the arrangements in Beijing, which was discovered by Emperor Jianwen.After the Yan army crossed the Yangtze River, Emperor Jianwen questioned Xu Zengshou face to face, but Xu Zengshou couldn't answer. Emperor Jianwen was angry and killed him on the spot.

After Yongle came to the throne, he was posthumously granted the title of Marquis of Wuyang, posthumously named Zhongmin; later, he was granted the title of Duke of Dingguo, and his son Xu Jingchang succeeded him.Dingguo Duke Xu Zengshou and his family moved to Beijing with Emperor Yongle.

A duke of two kingdoms, rare since ancient times, this is a great honor!
Xu Yande, Dingguo Duke of this generation, succeeded Dingguo Rongxi Duke Xu Guangzuo's title in the eighth year of Jiajing and became Dingguo Duke.

And this generation of Wei Guogong's lineage is Xu Pengju's successor.

Of course, Feng Weimin was well aware of this. He laughed loudly and said, "Brother Lu underestimated our father and son!" No shame', this is what the former Prime Minister Wen Tianxiang said, and it is exactly what our generation of scholars should do. Applause for me, if I am obedient, he will worry about me instead!"

Lu Bing was speechless, and Feng Weimin smiled and said: "My father has been an official all his life, and he never bowed his head in front of the powerful. Today, I can't back down just because I am in Wei Guogong's house. If I back down today, it will be the real thing. Let my father lose face."

(End of this chapter)

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