Brocade legend

Chapter 238 Zhan Yuan

Chapter 238 Zhan Yuan
Lu Bing looked at Feng Weimin and couldn't help sighing, this is a man of integrity and morality!

"However, brother Lu is right..." Feng Weimin said, but suddenly changed the topic.

Feng Weimin looked at his whole body, and said with a smile: "If I go like this, I will indeed lose my manners. Wait for me to wash up, change my clothes, and then go to Zhanyuan and Wei Guogong to discuss it!"

"Brother Feng insists on going?" Lu Bing asked with a slight smile.

"Everything can't be justified. I think Wei Guogong has also read the books of sages, so he won't be unreasonable, right? As long as I explain it clearly to him and make him speechless, I will definitely save Miss Meng." Feng Weimin Confident way.

Lu Bing suddenly felt that this frail scholar had a powerful aura. This aura was neither the murderous aura of a veteran in the battlefield, nor the power aura of a high-ranking official.But this aura on his body is by no means inferior to those two auras.

"This is righteousness!" Lu Bing couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Zhu Liu heard it from the side, glanced at Feng Weimin, and couldn't help laughing: "This is the foolishness of those who don't know!"

Lu Bing turned his head and glanced at Zhu Liu, then at Feng Weimin who strode into the boat with his chest up and his head up, the two couldn't help laughing at the same time.


After coming over for a while, Feng Weimin washed up, took the book boy down the boat, cupped his hands to Lu Bing and said, "Brother Lu, I'm going now, we will meet later!"

Lu Bing said with a smile: "I am infected by your righteousness, and I plan to go with you, and walk together."

When Feng Weimin heard it, he was overjoyed and said: "Brother Lu is indeed righteous. I am a little timid, afraid that they will get rough on me and won't give me a chance to speak. If Brother Lu is with me, I will feel more at ease."

Zhu Liu jokingly said, "Then we will all go with you. If they won't let you in to meet Wei Guogong, we will go in!"

"Okay, okay!" Feng Weimin was overjoyed.

Just as Zhu Liu felt that Feng Weimin was not stupid enough, Feng Weimin said again: "However, it's better not to do anything. After all, we are all gentlemen, and a gentleman does not use his words."

Zhu Liu was speechless, Dong Hai, Shitou, Yang Sen, Liu Biao, Sun Quan, including Wang Zhi couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, Lu Bing felt that this Feng Weimin was not a pedantic person, but that he still had the enthusiasm of some young people, but he was restrained by his family education and couldn't be as casual as himself and others.

Several people discussed it, and Lu Bing took Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Shitou, Yang Sen, and Liu Biao to Zhanyuan with Feng Weimin, while Sun Quan and Wang Zhi took Feng Weimin's book boy to stay in Huafang to wait for the news.

Zhan Garden is located not far to the west of the Confucius Temple. Xu Pengju built it after he inherited the Duke of Wei, and it was the West Garden of Duke Wei's mansion left by Xu Da.

When Lu Bing and others came to the gate to the east of Zhanyuan, they saw eight warriors in full armor guarding them from a distance.

Lu Bing left Liu Biao behind and asked him to lurk well and deal with possible accidents at any time.

Then he took Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Shitou and Yang Sen and accompanied Feng Weimin to the gate.

"Who is it!" When the eight warriors saw Lu Bing and others approaching, one of the warriors who looked like a little boss shouted.

"I'm here to see Duke Wei!" Feng Weimin said loudly.

"Do you have an invitation card!" The little boss stepped forward and asked.

"No..." Before Feng Weimin finished speaking, the little boss raised his brows and sternly shouted: "Today, the Duke of the Kingdom is here to entertain guests! No one is allowed in without an invitation card!"

"Please inform me." Feng Weimin remained unmoved and insisted, "I'm here to ask Wei Guogong for someone."

"So you are here to make trouble!" The little boss heard that Lu Bing and the others were carrying knives and sticks, not like good people, so he yelled and drew his knives out of their sheaths.

When the other warriors saw that the leader had spoken, they hurriedly drew their swords.

Lu Bing sighed and said, "Stun them."

"Hey!" Zhu Liu laughed lightly and shot. Dong Hai and Zhu Liu had a tacit understanding. The two shot quickly, one person had two targets, and knocked down four people in an instant. The remaining four warriors were shocked and were about to warn the courtyard. Stone and Yang Sen also shot.

Four people against eight people, the winner is already divided in three breaths.

Feng Weimin watched in astonishment as Lu Bing and the others knocked the eight warriors to the ground. Lu Bing smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go in!"

"Oh... good!" Feng Weimin hurriedly followed Lu Bing and the others into Zhanyuan.

After entering the gate, I saw a stone wall. After turning around the stone wall, I saw that the Zhan Garden was brightly lit, elegant and exquisite in layout, with magnificent buildings, steep rockery, the famous Taihu Stone in the Northern Song Dynasty, and quiet and elegant buildings. The pavilions and terraces outline a beautiful picture scroll of deep courtyard corridors, strange peaks, small bridges and flowing water, and the fragrance of flowers in four seasons.

The corridor of Zhanyuan is also quite distinctive, connecting the north and the south in series, with twists and turns.After entering the gate of the garden, you can vaguely see a beautiful stone peak "Xianren Peak" through the leaky window. It is said that it is a relic of the "Hua Shi Gang" in Song Huizong's time.

Lu Bing, Dong Hai, Zhu Liu, Yang Sen, Shitou, and Feng Weimin entered Zhanyuan. They met servants and maids along the way, but they just saluted them. The samurai's interception must be an invited guest.

Feng Weimin was still a little nervous at first, but seeing this situation, he gradually relaxed.That's fine, Lu Bing and others can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Zhanyuan as they like.

Walking on the winding path in the forest, or taking a rest in the pavilion, you can enjoy the elegant pleasure of sitting in the forest and spring, with mountains as the main and water as the supplement.The rockery is composed of cliffs, main peaks, cave boxes, valleys, water caves, waterfalls, stepping stones, stone paths, etc. by using soil and stone together, showing the artistic effect of "one volume replaces mountains, one spoon replaces water". To achieve the majestic, steep, deep and natural artistic conception is just "following the principles of nature and gaining the fun of nature".

Dong Hai couldn't help sighing: "I have long heard that the Zhan Garden in Duke Wei's mansion is the ultimate garden in the south of the Yangtze River. Today, I saw it and it really deserves its reputation!"

"It's very interesting to observe in a wonderful place. How long will it be like to continue a good tour." Feng Weimin couldn't help sighing.

"It's a pity to leave such a good place to Xu Pengju." Zhu Liu smashed his mouth and said with a smile, "It would be great if I could move it away."

"If this scene really moves to Beijing, it won't be so elegant." Lu Bing also smiled: "However, it's good to live here for a while."

"Yes! Yes!" Feng Weimin obviously didn't understand Lu Bing's true meaning. He thought that Lu Bing liked this yard as much as himself, and hoped to have the opportunity to live in it for a few days to appreciate it. He couldn't help but echoed repeatedly.

The main building in the garden is Jingmiao Hall, which is built on the water like a water pavilion.

The hall divides the whole garden into two parts. A rockery and a pool are built in the north and south respectively. They are connected by streams.

(End of this chapter)

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