Brocade legend

Chapter 240 Beautiful Girl

Chapter 240 Beautiful Girl
Lu Bing turned his head and asked Feng Weimin, "You wrote this song too?"

"...Yes... this song is called "Nan Suo Nan Zhi · Sleeping Prostitute"." Feng Weimin was a little angry and ashamed, and he defended weakly: "This song was written when Miss Meng and I were discussing northern lyrics and music. It's about the helpless and miserable life of the women in the brothel, it's's not the lewd lyrics! I...I didn't expect Miss Meng to sing at this time..."

After listening to Feng Weimin's words, Lu Bing understood Miss Meng's thoughts.

This girl is smart, unable to resist the request of the Duke of the country, but also wants to keep a little bit of her heart, so she sang a song that can explain the past but also express her heart.

But Feng Weimin couldn't bear it anymore, thinking of Miss Meng, a delicate woman, being played and admired wantonly in the store at this time, this... what a shame this is!

Feng Weimin was about to rush in, but those warriors naturally blocked him, but Shitou, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, and Zhu Liu wanted to protect Feng Weimin and Lu Bing. Such weapons collided, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

"Wei Guogong! Xiaosheng Feng Weimin! I'm here to pay a special visit! There is something I don't understand, I want to argue with Guogong!!" Feng Weimin shouted in a hurry.

The warrior leader was very anxious and shouted: "Catch them, and kill the rebels on the spot!"

But the Jingmiao Hall suddenly became quiet, and after a few breaths, an angry voice came from the hall: "Who is making noise!"

"Quick! Take them down!" The warrior leader became even more anxious. At this time, the voice of Wei Guogong's nephew came from Jingmiao Hall: "Uncle, you are a scholar who listens to words! As the saying goes, you can't distinguish the truth. Since you are here to argue, why not?" Let him come in and see what he has to say, if it makes sense, that's fine, if not, it's not too late for Uncle to punish him logically. It will also save gossip from spreading, which will be detrimental to Uncle's reputation."

"..." After a few breaths of silence, Duke Wei said, "Alright, Wu Kui, let him in!"

Hearing this, the warrior leader gave Feng Weimin a vicious look, and then directed many warriors to surround Feng Weimin, Lu Bing and others, and walked towards Jingmiaotang.From this point of view, this warrior leader is the Wu Kui that Wei Guogong said.

"Hey..." Zhu Liu was beside Lu Bing, laughing in a low voice: "The past two years have been really lively, fighting with bandits and bandits, fighting with border guards, fighting with landlords and gentry, and fighting with Mongols. And Civil officials are fighting with eunuchs, and now they are going to fight with nobles. Today is over, and our brothers have beaten Daming's power once again."

"What? Even Yan Luo and Zhu Liu will be afraid?" Lu Bing also laughed in a low voice.

"Go, I'm afraid I'll be scared!" Zhu Liu curled his lips.

Dong Hai and Yang Sen, who had sharp eyes and ears, also heard it, and couldn't help laughing.Only Feng Weimin looked at Lu Bing and the others with some doubts, then turned his head away, and concentrated on preparing his speech after meeting Wei Guogong.

As soon as he reached the entrance of Jingmiao Hall, Wu Kui suddenly stopped and said, "You can't all go in, and hand over your weapons!"

Zhu Liu frowned, and was about to explode, but Lu Bing stopped him.

"Shitou, Dong Hai, you stay at the door to take care of the weapons." After Lu Bing finished speaking, he untied the sword and handed it to Shishi.Zhu Liu had no choice but to tie a waist knife and hand it to Dong Hai.

Yang Sen also handed the sword to Shi Shi, but he didn't take the initiative to untie the deerskin bag wrapped around his waist and hidden under his coat.

Wu Kui also left a dozen guards to stare at Shitou and Dong Hai.

Lu Bing, Yang Sen, and Zhu Liu accompanied Feng Weimin, and the four of them entered the Jingmiao Hall under the strict guard of Wei Guogong's guards.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the hall, dressed luxuriously, with a beard, and a dignified appearance. His figure was a little fatter, but he didn't feel bloated.

And the guest seat beside him was a young man who was good-looking, but his peach eyes made him a little more arrogant and nonchalant.

Presumably these two are Wei Guogong Xu Pengju and his nephew from Dingguo Gong's mansion.

"Miss Meng, are you alright?" Feng Weimin asked with concern as soon as he entered Jingmiaotang, his eyes fell on a woman standing quietly beside him.

"Thank you Mr. Feng for your concern, I'm fine." The woman's voice was brisk, and she should be smiling slightly.

Lu Bing, who was sizing up Wei Guogong and his nephew, also followed the prestige. He also wanted to see what the most popular girl in the Qinhuai River looked like.

I saw a girl in a green gauze skirt, holding a pipa, standing Tingting.

This girl Meng is not tall, but she is not as petite as the girl from Jiangnan. The figure can be described as more if it is more, and less if it is less.Lu Bing couldn't help being taken aback by the exquisite appearance.

This dream girl is a little less gorgeous, but a little more elegant, and she is indeed slightly different from ordinary prostitutes.

Sensing Lu Bing's gaze, Miss Meng turned her head to look at Lu Bing, and Lu Bing saw those bright eyes again.

Miss Meng smiled lightly at Lu Bing, and bowed slightly to salute, like a spring breeze blowing willows.Lu Bing couldn't help thinking: "With her appearance and appearance, coupled with her stunning singing voice and outstanding temperament, it's no wonder Feng Weimin is fascinated by her."

Lu Bing noticed that Wei Guogong's nephew also looked at Miss Meng from time to time, and he seemed to be interested.

"What are you all doing here!" At this time, Duke Wei waved his hands angrily when he saw many guards following him in, "Wu Kui stay, the others step back!"

"Grandpa... let's keep a few people!" Wu Kuiliue said worriedly.

"Okay, okay! It's enough to have you, let them all go down, so many people come in, it's too stuffy!" Wei Guogong Xu Pengju said impatiently.

What happened today really made Wei Guogong feel a little ashamed. He gave Wu Kui, the leader of the guards, a dissatisfied look, and thought: "If you are useful, they won't break in here." Seeing the prince's eyes, Wu Kui quickly moved The subordinates rushed out, holding the handle of the knife in their own hands, and faintly blocked in front of Lu Bing and others.

Wei Guogong glared at Feng Weimin, Lu Bing and the others with an unkind expression, and said, "Who said just now that you need to ask my own countryman for a theory!"

Feng Weimin took a step forward, saluted earnestly, and said, "I, Feng Weimin, have something unclear, so I'm here to check with Duke Wei."

"What's the matter!" Wei Guogong said coldly: "You must have heard what my nephew said just now. If you can't say one, two, three, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Wei Guogong's nephew also smiled slightly and said: "Xu Yanzhao, the younger brother of the Duke of Ding, also specially made a witness for his uncle. If you come here without any legitimate reason, then you are intentionally coming to the Duke's mansion to make trouble, and you will definitely be severely punished at that time." !"

When Lu Bing heard this, he realized that this young man was Xu Yanzhao, the younger brother of Xu Yande, the current Dingguo Duke.

(End of this chapter)

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