Brocade legend

Chapter 241 Don't Deceive

Chapter 241 Don't Deceive

Lu Bing had vaguely heard of Xu Yanzhao, but had never seen him.

I heard that this person likes to travel in the mountains and rivers, seeking pleasure, and is often away from Beijing, so I just met him today.

"However, it's good, this way you won't reveal your identity, and you can watch a good show." Lu Bing thought.

Feng Weimin clasped his hands again and said, "Dare to ask Duke Wei, what crime should he be guilty of forcibly robbing a commoner's daughter?"

Wu Kui on the side heard this, his eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"This..." Wei Guogong was not very familiar with the law, so he couldn't answer it.

"Forcibly robbing women from the people can be exiled to the army. If you know the law and break the law, you will be charged with a higher crime." Xu Yanzhao on the side replied for Wei Guogong.

"Then, what's the point of robbing a civilian girl?" Feng Weimin asked again.

Xu Yanzhao stopped talking, and Feng Weimin continued: "Forcing and robbing women is robbing women! Dare I ask Wei Guogong, if Miss Meng doesn't want to come, you force your subordinates to bring Miss Meng to Zhanyuan, don't you?" Robbing the women?"

When Wei Guogong heard it, it turned out to be such a bad thing?Just such a trivial matter, unexpectedly made trouble in the Duke's Mansion!Can't help but stare at Wu Kui fiercely.

Seeing that Wei Guogong was dissatisfied, Wu Kui quickly said, "This Meng girl is a prostitute, not a commoner. Let's invite her and give her money. Why do we want to rob her?"

Feng Weimin couldn't hear this the most, and said angrily: "The woman in the dust is also a citizen of Ming Dynasty, why is she not a woman of the people!"

Lu Bing looked at Miss Meng, and found that no matter what Wu Kui said or Feng Weimin said, she always had a calm expression, smiling, indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"That's enough! I invited Miss Meng to come, and she came. Why do you want to snatch her?" Wei Guogong said sharply, "If you continue to talk nonsense, I will slap your mouth!"

"You can ask this guard." Feng Weimin pointed to Wu Kui and said, "Ms. Meng didn't want to come here, but this guard forcibly grabbed Miss Meng and beat her into the water." Feng Weimin pointed to Lu Bing again , Zhu Liu, and Yang Sen said: "These three brothers can testify for me."

Feng Weimin consciously reasoned, smiled confidently at Miss Meng, and said straightforwardly: "Everything I said is true, and I came here to take Miss Meng away. If the behavior of this guard is not Wei Guogong's intention, please ask Wei Guogong Respect Miss Meng's wishes and let my servant take her away."

At this time, a sneer sounded from the side, but it was Xu Yanzhao.

Xu Yanzhao said: "If this is what you mean by robbing women, then please go to the yamen tomorrow morning and hand in the pleadings."

Feng Weimin was taken aback for a moment, and immediately blushed.He heard the meaning of Xu Yanzhao's words, it was obvious cheating!
" are not going to be reasonable!" Feng Weimin said angrily, "I am here to be reasonable. Are you trying to bully others?"

"Although this is the Duke's Mansion, we don't bully others." Xu Yanzhao smiled and said, "You can go to any yamen to sue, and you can even go to the capital to sue. That’s fine, if we are convicted of robbing the women of the people, we will admit it. But if we are not convicted of robbing the women of the people, then it is our turn to punish you for the crime of slandering the country’s government and insulting the country’s system!”

"You! You..." Feng Weimin was so angry that he couldn't speak.Lu Bing also shook his head, there is no yamen in the world who would judge Wei Guogong to rob people's daughters for a prostitute.

There are indeed justice and laws in this world, but in front of the powerful, it is even more difficult to use them.

In the end, it was just Feng Weimin who made fun of him.

Feng Weimin obviously realized it too, but he was already stuck.

"What is the truth, what I say doesn't count, and what you say doesn't count..." At this time, Xu Yanzhao got up and left the seat, came to Miss Meng, and said, "Only what Miss Meng has to say."

Xu Yanzhao bowed to Miss Meng, smiled and said, "Dare to ask Miss Meng, just now this brother said that you didn't come here voluntarily, did you?"

Meng girl seemed to have just realized that this incident happened because of herself, like an egret that suddenly woke up, timidly.Her lips moved, and she turned her head to look at Feng Weimin again. The complex emotions in her eyes were intriguing.

"No..." Miss Meng lowered her head, and a weak voice came out of her mouth, but it seemed to hit Feng Weimin's head with a heavy blow, knocking him into a daze.

"This brother wants to take you away, do you want to?" Xu Yanzhao still asked with a smile, but Lu Bing saw a trace of evil in that smile.

"I don't want to..." It was still that soft and soft voice, and it was still that weak word.But it was another blow to Feng Weimin's head, which made Feng Weimin take a step back and staggered.

"If that's the case..." Xu Yanzhao turned around and smiled at Feng Weimin, "Then what this man said about robbing civilian girls doesn't exist anymore? Hahahahahahaha!"

In this laughter, there is pride, ridicule, and contempt.

Feng Weimin's complexion was pale, without any trace of anger or blood.

It's a good one not to bully others...

With such a great power, even if you don't rely on it, it can crush people to death.

Who in the world would believe that if the dignified Duke of Wei's mansion wants to invite a prostitute, they will use force to snatch it?On the Qinhuai River, in the city of Jinling, the huge South Zhili, the five provinces in the south of the Yangtze River... Which woman doesn't want to enter Zhanyuan?

Even Lu Bing was a little skeptical. The dream girl showed that she didn't want to come in front of Feng Weimin earlier, did she act for Feng Weimin?Is that just trying to save Feng Weimin's face, just a way to keep his benefactor?

At this time, Xu Yanzhao turned to face Miss Meng again and said, "Miss Meng, I have admired Miss Meng for a long time. When I saw her today, I fell in love with her very much. I hope to have more exchanges with Miss Meng. Can Miss Meng stay in Zhanyuan? Miss Meng enjoys the beautiful scenery of Zhanyuan, and by the way holds candles to talk at night, and hopes that Miss Meng will favor her."

Miss Meng raised her head and looked around in a panic. When her eyes fell into Lu Bing's eyes, Lu Bing overturned the suspicion just now.

The hesitation, fear, loathing, and reluctance in those eyes made Lu Bing believe that in this Jiangnan land, on the Qinhuai River, there really was a girl who was not expecting Wei Guogong's mansion or even power, but resisting.

Lu Bing became curious, this girl, why is she resisting, what is she resisting?So what does she care about?what do you want?And why is it living on the Qinhuai River?What happened to her?What kind of story does it have? ...

Lu Bing became interested in Miss Meng, and he wanted to find out...

(End of this chapter)

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