Brocade legend

Chapter 249 Chapter Jing

Chapter 249 Returning to Beijing
Yu Dayou advocated the construction of civilized seas and borders. After he arrived in Kinmen, he visited the villagers in micro-clothes, and went to Quanzhou to hire famous teachers to run a good book school, "guiding with filial piety and applying for poetry and books".When the people filed lawsuits, he listened attentively, calmed all parties, explained the facts, and then taught them to understand right and wrong.

When Lu Bing heard about this person, he made a special trip to Jinmen to visit. As soon as he arrived in Jinmen, he heard that Yu Dayou gave food to the hungry people, and he was called "Yu Fo".

When Lu Bing saw Yu Dayou, he saw that he looked mighty, dignified, and looked like a general.

Yu Dayou also heard about this imperial envoy who had been traveling in the south of the Yangtze River for nearly two years, and he also sincerely admired him. When the two chatted, they hit it off.

Lu Bing listened to Yu Dayou's suggestion and let all localities learn from Yu Dayou's method of resisting pirates and strengthening coastal defense. It was indeed a kind of compensation for Lu Bing's previous coastal defense plan.

Yu Dayou started with weapons. Most of the Japanese pirates’ weapons were Japanese knives, which were extremely sharp. The standard weapons issued to soldiers by Daming were almost vulnerable to Japanese knives.

Yu Dayou suggested to Lu Bing that he should first find a way to deal with the soldiers' weapons.

Lu Bing thought it was reasonable, and he also found that when the soldiers of Ming Dynasty faced the Japanese pirates, they were often invincible. After careful analysis, Lu Bing found that it was not just the training of the soldiers that had problems, but also the weapons. The problem.

Lu Bing decided to go back to Beijing and go to Shenji Camp to find a solution.By the way, let me tell you about the things in the south.

In the 14th year of Jiajing, Lu Bing, who had been away from Beijing for nearly two years, finally returned to the capital, and returned to Beijing with him, and Miss Meng Meng, the oiran of the Qinhuai River.

In the past two years, Miss Meng has been living in Zhanyuan, and there are rumors in Jinling City that Lu Bing has taken over her house.

In fact, Lu Bing has been on the go for the past two years, rarely looking back at the garden.

Every time I come back, I am exhausted and exhausted.

In the beginning, there was very little communication between them. The initial contact was just that every time Lu Bing came back, Miss Meng would serve a bowl of shredded chicken wonton.

Slowly, Lu Bing would tell her where he went out this time, what problems he encountered, and how to solve them.

Meng girl seldom speaks, just smiles and listens carefully.

In Zhanyuan, a person is murmuring, as if talking to himself, and a person is listening with a smile, and the wind blows the gauze skirt.

When returning to Beijing this time, Miss Meng suddenly proposed that she want to visit the capital.

Lu Bing agreed...

In today's capital city, things have changed and people have changed. In the past two years, senior officials in Beijing and China have been repeatedly dismissed because of Chen Hong or Jiangnan's affairs.

Last year, Liu Yuanqing lost his nationality, and then Bi Yun officially succeeded Dongchang Changgong, forcing Fang Xianfu to become an official, but on the surface he was just a dog of the imperial horse supervisor Sun Hong.

This year, the 14th year of Jiajing, on the twelfth day of the first lunar month, Emperor Jiajing used the excuse of inspecting officials all over the world, and the official department only followed the wishes of the auxiliary ministers, and all those who had grievances with the auxiliary ministers were dismissed, totaling 980 people.Those who are dismissed are not allowed to play Chen.So it caused an uproar, and one after another sparsely discussed the Minister of the Ministry of officials.

After the death of Ge Lao Fei Hong, Wang Xian, Minister of the Ministry of War, Wang Hung, Minister of the Ministry of Officials and Minister of the Ministry of War, and Liu Long, Minister of the Ministry of War of Nanjing, just before Lu Bing returned to Beijing, he asked to be appointed.

The original first assistant Zhang Fujing also resigned due to physical problems, and Li Shi took over.

Li Shi, courtesy name Zongyi, nickname Xu'an, was born in Renqiu.In the 15th year of Hongzhi, he became a Jinshi and was awarded editing.In the age of Zhengde, Li Shidu and You Yude.Shizong succeeded to the throne and moved to serve as a bachelor.In the third year of Jiajing, he was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of rites.In July of the tenth year of Jiajing, the crown prince was added as the Taibao, and later he was added as the least Fu and the prince's Taishi Libu Shangshu Huagaidian University Bachelor.Li Shisu is lenient and flat, and there is no big rescue, but he talks about Hengben's loyalty, and the court talks about the time as a virtuous man. He is a lenient old man.

When Emperor Jiajing knew that Lu Bing was going back to Beijing, he asked Li Shi, the chief assistant, to take all the officials out of Beijing ten miles to meet him, and Xu Lu Bing rode into the city.

When Lu Bing rode a tall horse and brought dozens of Jinyiwei who had been fighting in the south of the Yangtze River for two years, and entered Beijing surrounded by hundreds of officials.The sound of slandering Lu Bing in the capital stopped abruptly.This figure who has been away from Beijing for two years but has not been ignored at all is clearer at this moment.

Lu Bing entered the palace to see Emperor Jiajing.

Led by Yang Sen, Miss Meng came to a courtyard.

The courtyard is not big, but it is lush and lush. There are birdcages hanging under the flower vines, and thrushes, parrots, and starlings are chirping.

There is also a stone table and several stone benches in the courtyard, covered with embroidered mats.

Miss Meng smiled, and suddenly said: "Isn't this the Lu residence?"

Yang Sen smiled mysteriously and said, "This is a surprise my brother-in-law prepared for you."

Before Yang Sen finished speaking, two children, a man and a woman, ran out of the room, shouted "Sister", and threw themselves into Miss Meng's arms.

Meng girl, who has always been indifferent and quiet in front of people, burst into tears instantly.

He understands his suffering...

Miss Meng is willing to sell the boat to support her younger siblings.

But she never told others that she was afraid that her reputation would affect the future development of her siblings. She just found an old woman to take care of her siblings and regularly send money to them.

Before she came to the capital, she left all the valuables to her younger siblings.

She didn't expect... Lu Bing actually sent his siblings to the capital.

Yang Sen took out a clear jade bracelet, handed it to Miss Meng, and said, "Except for this bracelet, the rest of your belongings are left to that old lady. It's really not easy for her to take care of your younger siblings. It's just this said that he has been seeing you all the time." Take it with you, it should be something you love, so let me bring it to you."

Meng girl grabbed the bracelet and held it tightly.

"Brother-in-law has already arranged a school to send your brother to study. Brother-in-law said that if you want to completely change the lintel, you still need to study." Yang Sen continued.

"Sister! I can read now!" Miss Meng's younger brother jumped up happily.

"Thank you...Master Lu."


Coming out of the palace, Lu Bing already had a plan in mind.

Although Emperor Jiajing disagreed with the sea ban, he had already approved his plan. Next, he just needs to let go of his actions.

When Lu Bing walked out of the palace gate, he saw Honglian waiting at the palace gate.

Lu Bing stepped forward, cupped his hands and smiled, "Sister Honglian, wait for me?"

Red Lotus nodded.

Lu Bing looked carefully. In the past two years, Honglian has lost weight obviously. The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes and the silver strands in her black hair can also be seen how exhausted Honglian is.

"Sister Honglian, what do you want me for?" Lu Bing asked.

"I'm here...... I want you to let Zhou Bin go." Honglian said.

"Huh?" Lu Bing asked suspiciously, "Didn't Chen Hong say that Zhou Bin is not your younger brother?"

"Anyway, he is also the family member I have poured the most affection into. Moreover, Zhou Bin didn't know that I was not his sister... Now that Chen Hong has been dead for two years, no one will pay attention to him anymore. You...just Let him go!" Honglian slightly bent her body and begged.

(End of this chapter)

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