Brocade legend

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
"Okay." Lu Bing agreed, and said, "Then let's go to Beizhen Fusi now!"

Lu Bing got on the horse, and Hong Lian followed in a sedan chair. Under the escort of dozens of Jin Yiwei, they came to Beizhen Fusi.

Zhang Ju, Xue Yang, and Yang Lin had been waiting here for a long time in front of Beizhen Fusi's gate.

Seeing Lu Bing coming on horseback, Xue Yang stepped forward and grabbed Lu Bing's rein.

Lu Bing jumped off the horse with a smile, Xue Yang shouted excitedly, Zhang Ju also stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute, his excitement could be seen from his trembling arms.

Yang Lin also stepped forward and said, "Wenfu."

"I've met uncle!" Lu Bing saluted Yang Lin with a smile, and Yang Lin hurriedly avoided and said, "Now you are the commander, I can't stand it."

The brothers laughed and walked into Beizhen Fusi with their arms, but Honglian sat in the sedan chair and did not follow.

Lu Bing sat down on the teacher's chair in the middle and said, "Bring Zhou Bin up."

Xue Yang cupped his hands and immediately went to mention Zhou Bin.

After a while, Zhou Bin followed Xue Yang into the hall.

I saw that Zhou Bin had grown a beard and was wearing a washed white cotton robe, but his expression was much calmer.

"I've met Lord Zhenfu Envoy." Zhou Bin cupped his hands.

"Now is the Commander!" Zhang Ju shouted.

Zhou Bin was stunned for a moment, smiled wryly and said: "Please ask the commander to forgive your sin, the villain has not seen the sun for a long time, and I really don't know that you have been promoted again."

"How have you been these two years?" Lu Bing asked.

"It was very painful at the beginning, but it gradually subsided. Later, after reading some sage books, I didn't feel so resentful." Zhou Bin said calmly.

"Oh, so you're still angry?" Lu Bing said with a smile.

"Don't dare to hide it from your lord, there are still some." Zhou Bin said.

"Good good good! Not bad, I have made progress." Lu Bing laughed and said, "You can practice martial arts diligently."

"In a small room, within a square inch, you can't perform it, you can only practice basic skills, stand up and so on." Zhou Bin said.

Lu Bing saw that Zhou Bin's whole body was full of vigor, and his standing posture seemed to be unstoppable against the wind. It seemed that his kung fu had not regressed, but had become more solid.

Lu Bing nodded in satisfaction and said, "If I let you come today, I will give you back your freedom."

Zhou Bin was taken aback for a moment, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, but he restrained himself immediately.

"Thank you, sir." Zhou Bin cupped his hands.

"Let's go, your sister is waiting for you outside the door." Lu Bing waved his hand.

Zhou Bin turned around and walked out the door, but saw that a small sedan chair had left far away.

Zhou Bin thought for a while, and actually walked into Beizhen Fusi again.

Lu Bing was reminiscing with his brothers, and seeing Zhou Bin walking in again, Lu Bing was surprised and asked Zhou Bin, "Why are you back again?"

"The villain thought about it, and came back when he had nowhere to go. If the adult doesn't dislike it, can I give the villain a bite of food?" Zhou Bin said bluntly.

Lu Bing sized him up and said with a smile: "You want to follow me, but you have to start as the captain of Jin Yiwei, and you have to go to the southeast coast with me immediately to fight against pirates and pirates. Are you willing?"

From a fifth-rank vice-thousand householder to a school lieutenant without a rank, Zhou Bin agreed without hesitation.

No one saw his painful expression hidden in the depths, and neither did Lu Bing.

On the second day, Lu Bing took Shitou and Yang Sen to Shenji Camp. The leader and general of Shenji Camp was not there, and the deputy of Shenji Camp happened to be Qi Jingtong who stayed behind.

Qi Jingtong was also very happy to see Lu Bing. Lu Bing asked about little Qi Jiguang, and when he heard Qi Jingtong say that the little guy had already learned Liuhe Quan, Lu Bing couldn't help admiring a few words.

Qi Jingtong also asked Lu Bing about Jiangnan, and Lu Bing briefly talked about it. After talking about this, Lu Bing explained his purpose.

Qi Jingtong thought for a while and said, "My Shenji Camp does have some research on weapons, but mainly on firearms. If you want to make weapons, I can recommend a master for you. You can ask him."

Lu Bing bowed his hands to express his thanks, and Qi Jingtong led Lu Bing out of Shenji Camp, and came to a residential area near Shenji Camp, where there was a blacksmith's shop.

I saw a strong man wearing leather pants and an apron, and wearing leather gloves to forge iron.

The hammer, in the hands of a strong man, lifted the weight like light, and attracted Shi Shi's eyes.

"Tie Tou, is your father?" Qi Jingtong called out.

"General Qi is here, my father is behind, I have work in hand, you go in and find him yourself!" The iron head glanced at Lu Bing and the others, stayed on the stone for a moment, and focused on forging the iron again.

Lu Bing and Yang Sen followed Qi Jingtong into the back of the store, but the stone did not leave, but stood aside, watching the iron strike.

"Your name is Tietou?" Shitou asked in a simple voice.

"Yes!" Tietou raised his head, glanced at Shishi and said, "What's your name, big man?"

"My name is Stone." Stone said with a smile.

"Hey, we have similar names!" Tietou laughed, and Shitou laughed too.

Tietou looked at the iron rod that Shishi was holding, and said, "Isn't it easy to use?"

"Well, I'm still old." Shitou nodded.

"Well, do you have money?" Tietou asked.

"My elder brother should be rich." Shitou said.

"Then did he give you flowers?"


"Okay, then I'll finish this job and get you a good weapon!" Tietou laughed.

"Okay!" Shitou was also overjoyed, and then focused on watching the iron forging, hoping that he would finish it quickly so that he could make weapons for himself.


Lu Bing followed Qi Jingtong into the store, and saw an old man with a gray beard and messy hair, clutching a wine bottle, lying on a chair and drooling.

On the side table, there was still half a plate of salted soybeans.

Qi Jingtong walked up to the old man and shouted, "Old iron man!"

The old man woke up suddenly, and his first move was to hug the wine bottle tightly.

Seeing such a situation, both Lu Bing and Yang Sen couldn't help but smile.

"You old alcoholic! You've been so drunk during the day, you don't want to live anymore!" Qi Jingtong shouted loudly.

The old man rubbed his eyes, saw Qi Jingtong, quickly stood up, and said with a smile: "General Qi is here? I don't have much wine."

"You old bastard, I didn't come to drink with you!" Qi Jingtong explained to Lu Bing, "This is Master Lu, the Commander of Jin Yiwei. I have something to ask you."

"Oh, adults, please sit down, please sit down." Old Tietou pulled out a few stools from the corner, and invited Lu Bing, Yang Sen, and Qi Jingtong to sit down.

Lu Bing smiled and said, "Does Uncle Tie know Japanese swords?"

"Japanese sword? I know! How many do you want me to hit? I am old and can't do it anymore." The old iron man evaded.

"No, I just want to know what weapons can restrain the Japanese sword." Lu Bing smiled.

A gleam of light flashed through Old Tietou's dim eyes, and he said, "Your Excellency, you want to fight against the Japanese?"

"Yes, I was ordered by the emperor to fight against pirates and Japanese pirates, but during this year on the southeast coast, I discovered that to defeat pirates and Japanese pirates, not only training soldiers, but also weapons are very important." Lu Bing nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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