Brocade legend

Chapter 251 Wolf Whisk

Chapter 251 Wolf Whisk
"Nowadays, Japanese pirates on the southeast coast mostly use Japanese swords. The Japanese sword has a long handle and a long blade, and can be chopped with both hands, so it is heavier and very sharp..." Lu Bing will find soldiers on the southeast coast. One by one, we came up with questions about blades: "... most of our Ming soldiers' weapons were waist knives and long spears. Japanese pirates fought with our swordsmen. Often our soldiers were hit by Japanese knives before they rushed up. The two knives collided with each other several times. Once again, our Da Ming's waist sword will be damaged. If we fight against spearmen, the sharpness of the Japanese sword can easily cut off the barrel of the gun. In this way, no matter how hard the soldiers train, it is still difficult to resist, so that more defeats win less."

"That's right, my lord can sum up these things, it's really hard work, and I went to the battlefield to experience it." Old Tietou said with a smile.

"So I'm here to ask if there is any way to avoid it, or even restrain it." Lu Bing said.

"There are two ways. The first is to improve the quality of our Daming weapons." The old iron man said with a smile, "However, this is actually impossible."

"Why is this? Could it be that our Ming Dynasty's method of making weapons is not as good as Japan's?" Yang Sen said in disbelief.

"Our Daming can make better weapons than ordinary Japanese knives, but we can't mass-produce them." The old iron man didn't mind Yang Sen's attitude, but said: "If we can't mass-produce them, we won't be able to popularize them in the entire army."

"Why is that?" Lu Bing also asked strangely.

"Let me explain this!" Qi Jingtong said: "Even if we have the method of making Japanese swords, we can't afford such a high cost of making them, let alone popularize them in the army."

"Then do we have a method for making Japanese swords?" Lu Bing asked.

"The method of making the Japanese sword is strictly confidential. I have been building weapons all my life, and I only know a little about it." The requirements for the temperature of the furnace are extremely high. The real Japanese sword is made of three-layer sandwich steel, and it is not completely wrought iron. The heat is also critical. The iron is cast early, and it is too soft when it is too late. It is to be forged to a hardness in between.

Japanese swords are not made of a single piece of steel, but three different steels are used to synthesize a knife. The back, blade and body of the knife are made of metals of different materials, and then fitted with embedded soil. The complexity is unimaginable.

The truly top-grade Japanese sword is made of extremely fine materials. The ore used in Japan is not owned by us in the East, but it is called Nanban iron.Even ordinary Japanese swords are made of pure magnetite produced in the west of Honshu Island, Japan.

They use a rather peculiar ironmaking method to refine.When the steel is in the hands of the knife maker, it is not yet possible to make related knives, but must be returned to the furnace, decarburized or carburized, and melted into bars.This is the real building stage.

When making knives, it is necessary to heat such strip-shaped steel until it is red-hot, hammer and forge it carefully, and fold and stretch it repeatedly through heating, ranging from seven or eight times to as many as [-] to [-] times. This standard has far exceeded It has met the requirements of our Daming Weapons.The purpose is to fold out the inclusions in the raw materials and use this to make the texture even. "

"It sounds like it's not very difficult!" Yang Sen still said unhappily.

"Looking at flowers is easier than embroidering them!" Old Tietou took a sip of wine, picked up a soybean, and said, "Actually, forging Japanese knives doesn't seem to be too difficult, but the problem is that those How do skilled craftsmen prevent rust, dust, air and other debris from contaminating the folded layers during folding? If there are debris during folding, it will cause the layers to fail to fuse.

How to grasp the boundary between raw and wrought iron?Whether it is good steel depends on experience, and it is difficult to do and understand without full experience.After such a discount, the weight of the original steel bar was reduced by almost half, and the imperial court would not allow such a waste. "

"Then there is no other way?" Lu Bing asked.

"During the Song Dynasty, there was a method of cold forging armor. Without heating, the iron material could be forged to one-third of its original thickness purely by hammering it. Of course, this technology is not yet available. Yes, but it is used for making gold leaf and pasting Buddha statues. However, cold forging is not the same as making gold leaf, and it has been lost now, and it is difficult to restore it." The old iron man sighed: "If you make a few weapons, forge them with your heart , the old man is sure to surpass the Japanese sword, but it is too difficult to deploy a large number of troops, and the imperial court does not have so much money."

"Uncle Tie said there is another way, what is it?" Lu Bing remembered the old Tietou said there were two ways, and hurriedly asked another way.

"The other is restraint!" The old iron man took another sip of wine and said, "He is long, we just need to be longer than him. He can cut off the barrel of a gun, we just let him cut it off."

Lu Bing shook his head and said: "Unless the barrel of the gun is replaced with iron, but the cost is also high, and it is too heavy to be suitable for ordinary soldiers."

"My lord, have you ever heard of wolf whisks?" Old Man Tie asked.

"I've never heard of it." Lu Bing shook his head, but Qi Jingtong's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's the weapon used during the rebellion in Yiwu, Zhejiang."

With Qi Jingtong's reminder, Lu Bing also thought of a strange weapon and said: "But it looks like a spear with many branches added?"

"Exactly." The old iron man smiled.

Lu Bing thought for a while, but frowned again and said: "The style is to restrain the Japanese sword, but it is also expensive, even heavier than the iron spear."

"I have an idea." The old iron man said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't need to be made of iron, we just need it to be long enough and not so easy to be cut off."

"Exactly." Lu Bing nodded.

"There is a kind of big moso bamboo in the south of the Yangtze River, with many knots and many branches. You can put iron gun heads on the top of the moso bamboo. The thorns on both sides are straight and hooked with fire. Then pour tung oil and apply poison. The Japanese pirates are unstoppable!" the old man said. Iron Head said triumphantly.

When Lu Bing heard this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded: "Good idea. Although the Japanese pirates' long knives are sharp in battle, they can't cut off soft branches."

"Okay! Old Tietou, I didn't expect you to have such a good idea!" Qi Jingtong was also overjoyed, and said: "The bamboo knots are deep, and they can block the penetration of spears. If wolf soldiers charge forward, the spears will Soldiers follow closely on the left and right, and swords follow behind, and the Japanese pirates who are sure to be able to kill the shit!"

The old iron head was a little sad, and said: "The hometown of the old man is Zhejiang... When I was young, the Japanese pirates landed on the shore and slaughtered our village. I was not killed because of my blacksmith skills, but was taken captive on a boat .”

(End of this chapter)

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