Brocade legend

Chapter 252

Chapter 252
"Then how did you come back?" Yang Sen asked

"Near death..." Uncle Tie took a sip of wine and said, "I jumped into the sea and swam to the shore while they were close to the shore, and escaped back to Daming after a lot of hardships. As soon as I arrived in Daming, I came to the capital. I don't believe it, but in the capital of Ming Dynasty, we can still be bullied by those Japanese slaves!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Tie!" Lu Bing comforted: "Your method can just make up for the last loophole in my Daming's coastal defense. The emperor is determined to fight the Japanese, and I will definitely live up to the emperor's order!"

"Master Lu, I have heard of you. If you can defeat the Mongols, you will definitely be able to defeat the Japanese. That's why I'm telling you the way I've been thinking for a lifetime. The harm of the Japanese pirates." The old iron head cupped his hands and said solemnly.

Lu Bing nodded firmly.

Lu Bing asked in detail about the production method of the wolf whisk and some details that should be paid attention to. The old iron man thought for a while and said: "I am too old to travel south with the adults, and I cannot see the Japanese pirates being driven into the sea with my own eyes. But the old man has a son who is half or half of my true inheritance, let him follow the adults to the southeast, and help the adults repair weapons and make wolf whisks!"

Lu Bing was overjoyed when he heard that, and said, "That would be great!"

Old Tietou called his son Tietou in, and Shitou followed. The two big men filled the room to the brim.

Tietou hesitated after hearing his father's words.

Lu Bing saw that Tietou wanted to visit Jiangnan, but he was worried about his father.

Lu Bing comforted: "Brother Tie, you just feel free to follow me, I will send someone to take care of Uncle Tie."

Qi Jingtong also said: "That's right, isn't there still me here?"

After hearing this, Tietou agreed to go to Jiangnan with Lu Bing.

Shi Shi hesitated for a moment, but still opened his mouth and said, "You said you want to make a weapon for me?"

"This..." Tietou looked at Lu Bing.

Lu Bing thought for a while and said: "Since Brother Tie has this skill, why don't we build a set of weapons for each of us, just tell us how much money and steel you need. I haven't been at home for the New Year for two years. Let's go to Jiangnan!"

Lu Bing stayed to celebrate the New Year, and everyone was very happy. His son Lu Yi was a little shy at first, but later, together with the now slim Xiuying, he had to pester Lu Bing every day, and he didn't want to be separated for a moment.

It is rare for Lu Bing to have a chance to relax, with his children around his knees, drinking with his brothers to reminisce about the old days, serving by his mother's side, enjoying the warmth of the home, and he is so happy that he doesn't think about Jiangnan.

Hearing from Yang Sen that Lu Bing brought a woman back from Jiangnan, Mrs. Lu became interested and hoped that Lu Bing could take a concubine, but Lu Bing just shirked.

Lian Qiu has only been away for two years, how can Lu Bing let it go when he sees things and thinks about others?

Happy times always fly by so fast.

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival has passed, and the 15th year of Jiajing has arrived.

As soon as spring began, Lu Bing went to Jiangnan again, bringing Shitou, Yang Sen, Tietou, and Jinyiwei Xiaowei Zhou Bin.

They also brought gifts for Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Liu Biao, and Sun Quan.

During the Chinese New Year period, Old Tietou and his son Tietou built a set of weapons for Lu Bing and others.

The stone was built first, it was a set of swords and shields.

Stone has always used sticks, because there is no suitable big knife for him at the moment, and it is difficult for ordinary craftsmen to make such a big knife.

But how could Jin Yiwei, who was wearing a flying fish suit, not have Xiuchun Knife?

Tietou racked his brains and forged a big knife for the stone.

This knife is more than twice as big as ordinary people use, and it is equipped with a scabbard, like a door panel.

And the square shield covered with cooked cowhide is really a door panel.

In view of the fact that the stone used a stick, the iron head forged an eight-faced mixed iron stick more than ten feet long for the stone.

This set of equipment was too heavy, and the horses were already struggling to carry the stones. There was no way to do it. When traveling on weekdays, they had to find another horse to carry the stone weapons.

Lu Bing, Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Yang Lin, Yang Sen, Xue Yang, Liu Biao, Sun Quan, Zhang Ju, Lian Wang Zhi and Zhou Bin each got a long-handled knife carefully designed by an old iron head. .

The body of the saber is three feet three feet long, four fingers wide, and the handle is one foot long. It can be used for fighting on foot or on horseback.

In addition, Yang Sen asked for a set of willow-leaf flying knives, and made a four-stone bow, a six-stone bow, and an eight-stone bow for Zhang Ju.

Made two daggers for Huang Lian'er and one dagger for Sun Quan.

The new weapon is in the hands of everyone, and they really can't put it down.

Lu Bing called together craftsmen from all over the country, and under the leadership of Tietou, they quickly produced the bamboo wolf whisk.

This kind of wolf whisk is easy to make, cheap, and can effectively restrain Japanese pirates. It spread all over the states and counties along the southeast coast in less than three months.

The state capitals on the southeast coast of Daming hung the sword of Jinyiwei, and they did not dare to relax. Coupled with the tactics of moso bamboo wolf, these big nets that Lu Bing set up on the southeast coast of Daming turned into iron nets.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed. In the past two years, the Japanese pirates in the interior of Daming have almost been wiped out, and the pirates at sea are no longer able to land. Taking Daming as their foothold, they moved their dens to Japan one after another. Ryukyu and other places.

In the past two years, Jin Yiwei has also been completely revitalized, and no one dares to underestimate Jin Yiwei.

Lu Bing is no longer a favored minister who can only rely on the emperor's favor, but has become a real court official!

And the people under his command are also known as the Thirteen Taibaos by the people.

It's just that there are different opinions on who the thirteen Taibao are.

However, in every version, Jiang Menshi Jiang Shitou, Yan Luo Zhu Liu, Liu Biao with a cold face, Xue Yang the dumb dog, Zhang Ju Sai Zhebie, Yang Sen the shadowless knife, and Dong Dong, the fat and thin Maitreya, are indispensable in each version. Hai and Sun Quan.

As for who else is in the Thirteen Taibao, every storyteller has his own version.

In the past two years, the Jiangnan area has become quite peaceful, but the world has not been peaceful.

On February 15, 28th year of Jiajing, not long after Lu Bing left Beijing, at night, Jianchangwei, Jianchang Qianwei to Ningfanwei and other earthquakes occurred in Sichuan. Changqianwei and other large and small yamen, official halls, prison warehouses, residential buildings of the second guard, gate towers, walls, gates, temples and shrines all collapsed in an instant.

This is especially true in Jianchang, where the landslides and ground cracks, the city houses collapsed, the thunder continued for five days and nights, the gale was terrifying, and the water in the springs and rivers was all yellow and turbid.

There is one commander, two commanders, one person from a thousand households, one person from a hundred households, one governor, three officials, one scholar husband, one imperial scholar, and one native official and native woman.Other soldiers, civilians, merchants and people of all nationalities were crushed to death.For example, more than a hundred people including Xu Dusi's father, son, scribes, military companions, and none of them were spared.There was water gushing and the ground cracked, sinking three or four feet, and floating blocks fell inside and outside the Acropolis, until the earthquake on the sixth day of the next month.

(End of this chapter)

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